15:03:47 <gagehugo> #startmeeting security 15:03:48 <openstack> Meeting started Thu May 17 15:03:47 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gagehugo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:03:49 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:03:52 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'security' 15:04:05 <gagehugo> o/ 15:04:06 <lhinds> hey all 15:04:13 <nickthetait> hi 15:04:26 <gagehugo> hey! 15:04:40 <gagehugo> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/security-agenda 15:04:56 <gagehugo> #topic PTG Denver 15:05:03 <gagehugo> anyone know if they are attending? 15:05:24 <lhinds> looks like I might struggle to get to this one, but that might change 15:05:31 <lhinds> not looking promising though 15:05:39 <nickthetait> I'll be there 15:05:47 <gagehugo> I'll probably be there 15:06:01 <gagehugo> haven't gotten official confirmation yet 15:06:05 <lhinds> should I get in touch about the room with kendell? 15:06:17 <lhinds> *sharing with barbican? 15:06:22 <gagehugo> lhinds sure 15:06:29 <lhinds> no probs, leave with me. 15:06:49 <gagehugo> that would probably be better 15:07:49 <lhinds> i am sure the barbican folks will be fine with that 15:08:12 <gagehugo> sounds good 15:08:32 <gagehugo> #topic LCOO 15:08:38 <gagehugo> eeiden o/ 15:08:41 <eeiden> o/ 15:08:48 <gagehugo> floor is yours 15:08:49 <eeiden> We'll be having a working group session on Tuesday morning at 9! 15:08:51 <eeiden> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/LCOO-Vancouver-WG 15:08:53 <eeiden> Etherpad is here ^ 15:09:51 <gagehugo> lhinds will you be at the summit? 15:09:54 <eeiden> We'd love for any and all of you to join -- we're planning on discussing for half the session current approaches and pain points that large operators have within the security realm 15:10:02 <lhinds> gagehugo: unfortunately not 15:10:08 <gagehugo> :( 15:10:38 <lhinds> i know , a few people asked. 15:10:48 <lhinds> will deffo next one though 15:10:51 <lhinds> berlin i think 15:10:51 <nickthetait> I wont be making it to vancouver, but can people not working for a large operator company still go to LCOOs? 15:12:14 <eeiden> You can definitely attend the working group! It's just discussing the problems/solutioning for large operators--any feedback from non-large-operator would be really helpful 15:12:22 <eeiden> Or just attending to see what's going on in the large operator space 15:12:39 <nickthetait> Okay 15:13:38 <gagehugo> I can attend and take notes 15:13:47 <gagehugo> and we can sync up after the summit 15:13:48 <eeiden> I'll be sure the etherpad is updated with everything that happens at the WG and will send it out to you guys afterwards 15:13:52 <eeiden> Nice, thanks Gage 15:14:16 <gagehugo> anything else eeiden? 15:14:25 <eeiden> Nope, that's all 15:14:39 <eeiden> If anyone has any questions that come up later, feel free to reach out 15:15:03 <gagehugo> eeiden thanks! 15:15:08 <gagehugo> #topic Documentation 15:15:41 <gagehugo> I don't think there's any updates here 15:15:57 <gagehugo> lhinds are you aware of any? 15:16:05 <lhinds> don't look like it, docs needs a bit of love, but we are all quite busy 15:16:16 <gagehugo> yup :( 15:16:24 <nickthetait> is there a particular issue that you can point to? 15:17:51 <lhinds> i think the whole doc just needs attention, make sure its still up to date with how the code base / functionality is now 15:18:11 <lhinds> quite often config key / values change and depreciate 15:18:23 <lhinds> that's one example 15:19:26 <gagehugo> yeah.. 15:20:15 <gagehugo> #topic OSSN 15:20:25 * gagehugo realized he forgot to ping people at the start 15:20:30 <gagehugo> ping fungi 15:20:52 <lhinds> #action lhinds go over ossn's and triage 15:21:00 <nickthetait> recently there were some fixes made to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ossn/+bug/1699573 15:21:02 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1699573 in OpenStack Security Notes "ScaleIO volumes contain previous data" [Undecided,New] 15:21:12 <nickthetait> but I'm not sure if it is ready for an OSSN yet 15:21:36 <gagehugo> looks like the fix merged 15:21:58 <gagehugo> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/555546/ 15:22:57 <nickthetait> ok think I'll tackle that one this week 15:23:46 <lhinds> thx nickthetait 15:24:01 <gagehugo> nice 15:24:14 <gagehugo> #topic OSSA 15:24:15 * fungi is around, as usual more focused on tc office hour 15:24:47 <gagehugo> fungi o/ 15:24:51 <fungi> i don't think we have anything new this week 15:25:09 <fungi> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ossa/ potential security advidories for public vulnerability reports 15:25:20 <fungi> as always, people looking over those is a huge help to the vmt 15:25:34 <fungi> we try to keep the bare minimum private/embargoed 15:27:08 <gagehugo> sounds good, thanks fungi 15:27:25 <gagehugo> #topic Threat Analysis Docs 15:28:04 <gagehugo> the pycadf and oslo.cache are still on my backlog to review, been busy lately with the summit/work and I've neglected them :( 15:29:27 <gagehugo> #topic Tatu 15:30:20 <gagehugo> lhinds have you heard from the creator about any updates to Tatu? 15:30:51 <lhinds> gagehugo: no I have not heard from him, I did drop him an email, but no response 15:31:03 <gagehugo> ok 15:31:12 <gagehugo> #topic General Discussion 15:31:26 <gagehugo> Would you all be fine with canceling the meeting next week? 15:31:36 <gagehugo> I will be at the summit so I cannot chair 15:31:38 <lhinds> that's ok for me gagehugo 15:31:45 <nickthetait> no problem 15:31:49 <lhinds> I think its common we do that for the summit / ptg 15:31:54 <gagehugo> yeah 15:32:01 <gagehugo> I'll send out an email today 15:32:13 <gagehugo> Does anyone have anything else? 15:33:25 <lhinds> nope from me 15:34:03 <nickthetait> Looking to make my first functional contribution. If anyone has suggestions on something openstack-beginner & security related I'm all ears 15:34:34 <lhinds> nickthetait: might be some stuff over on bandit 15:34:51 <lhinds> although no longer a openstack project (but used by openstack) 15:35:32 <gagehugo> that would be good 15:35:35 <lhinds> nickthetait: https://github.com/PyCQA/bandit/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22 15:35:53 <lhinds> you can ping me for how to go about the patches etc. 15:36:28 <nickthetait> ok. is there any equivalent issue tagging/filtering system in launchpad? 15:38:34 <lhinds> low hanging fuit 15:38:45 <lhinds> but not sure how to look for those accross all projects 15:38:53 <lhinds> gage do you have LHF in keystone? 15:39:07 <gagehugo> lhinds yes 15:39:40 <gagehugo> https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bugs?field.tag=low-hanging-fruit 15:39:55 <nickthetait> excellent, thanks for the suggestions 15:40:31 <lhinds> k, i got to dash, enjoy the summit! 15:40:47 <gagehugo> Thanks everyone! 15:40:52 <gagehugo> #endmeeting