15:00:11 <gagehugo> #startmeeting security 15:00:12 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Aug 30 15:00:11 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gagehugo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:14 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:16 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'security' 15:00:33 <nickthetait> hey 15:00:40 <gagehugo> ping eiden fungi gagehugo lhinds nickthetait browne redrobot 15:02:03 <gagehugo> nickthetait o/ 15:02:17 <nickthetait> how are you doing? 15:02:53 <gagehugo> alright, trying to get zoom installed for the rocky community meeting 15:02:56 <gagehugo> hbu? 15:03:10 <gagehugo> you're going to be at the PTG right? 15:03:13 * fungi is triple/quadruple-booked with not only tc office hour but also rocky release activity and an osf marketing and press webinar 15:03:26 <fungi> so not really going to be responsive 15:03:30 <gagehugo> fungi o/ 15:03:32 <gagehugo> ack 15:03:44 <gagehugo> will likely be a short meeting 15:03:55 <nickthetait> still fingers crossed, not 100% confirmed yet gagehugo 15:04:12 <nickthetait> fungi: :O 15:04:32 <gagehugo> nickthetait alright 15:07:04 <gagehugo> I don't think there's been many updates on my end, it's been a quiet week 15:07:17 <gagehugo> s/many/any 15:07:58 <gagehugo> #topic general discussion 15:08:09 <gagehugo> nickthetait, anything you wanna bring up? 15:08:15 <nickthetait> nope 15:08:25 <nickthetait> I'm in training mode :) 15:08:54 <gagehugo> that's always fun 15:08:56 <gagehugo> :) 15:09:36 <lhinds> hey all 15:09:42 <gagehugo> lhinds o/ 15:09:43 <lhinds> sorry again ! 15:09:43 <nickthetait> hi 15:09:49 <lhinds> mad busy 15:09:50 <gagehugo> #chair lhinds 15:09:51 <openstack> Current chairs: gagehugo lhinds 15:10:00 <gagehugo> same :( 15:10:27 <gagehugo> lhinds any updates? 15:10:38 <gagehugo> otherwise we can end early 15:10:43 <lhinds> so only thhings I have are retiring anchor and me needing to look at the threat reviews you have queued up gagehugo 15:10:59 <gagehugo> ack 15:11:05 <lhinds> the first one is underway, the second I hope to start next week 15:11:11 <gagehugo> I was gonna bring up the vmt reviews at the PTG as well 15:11:26 <gagehugo> get some keystone folks to look it over hopefully 15:11:51 <lhinds> sounds good, I unfortunately won't be there. is this for including the TA'ed projects into VMT mgmt? 15:12:13 <gagehugo> yeah 15:12:44 <lhinds> cool, well mr fungi will be very useful there 15:13:02 <gagehugo> yup! 15:13:13 <lhinds> I will also make sure I do all I can before the PTO 15:13:39 <gagehugo> lhinds thanks! 15:14:11 <lhinds> So I am still on openstack, but other projects are coming on which means I am not full time now..but will do my best to keep up appearences. 15:14:25 <fungi> i will indeed be at the ptg 15:14:28 <lhinds> just so it makes sense that I am not as 'full on' as I used to be :P 15:14:33 <fungi> just lmk if there are discussions you need me in on 15:14:51 <gagehugo> fungi ack 15:15:18 <gagehugo> lhinds yeah that situation seems to be more and more common :( 15:15:43 <lhinds> k, that's it from me. 15:15:51 <nickthetait> question for lhinds: do Red Hat associates get discounted entry to PTG since we are a sponsor of the event? 15:15:52 <lhinds> is it my turn next month gagehugo ? 15:16:18 <lhinds> nickthetait: you have a hat now? I did not know that 15:16:21 <lhinds> congrats 15:16:30 <nickthetait> yes just last week I started :D 15:16:38 <lhinds> erm, I don't think so, in regards to PTG 15:16:47 <gagehugo> lhinds I think I was covering you this month 15:16:51 <lhinds> nickthetait: awesome, drop me an email lhinds@redhat.com 15:16:55 <nickthetait> will do 15:16:57 <gagehugo> we can swap tho if you want 15:17:11 <lhinds> whens your PTO gagehugo ? 15:17:32 <gagehugo> lhinds I spent most of my PTO earlier this year :( 15:17:35 <lhinds> you should get a summit discount nickthetait 15:17:51 <lhinds> so shall I do october, give you a break for abit? 15:17:59 <gagehugo> ok 15:18:08 <lhinds> duh! 15:18:13 <gagehugo> I will be out the week of the PTG, but other than that I have no planned PTO 15:18:13 <lhinds> september I mean 15:18:20 <gagehugo> either works 15:18:23 <gagehugo> that's fine 15:18:30 <lhinds> I will do Sep 15:18:47 <gagehugo> ok 15:18:51 <lhinds> k, that's me 15:20:00 <gagehugo> we can end slightly early then, thanks for coming everyone 15:20:13 <lhinds> thx gagehugo nickthetait fungi 15:20:22 <gagehugo> o/ 15:20:23 <nickthetait> later 15:20:25 <gagehugo> #endmeeting