15:02:11 <gagehugo> #startmeeting security 15:02:12 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Nov 1 15:02:11 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gagehugo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:13 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:02:15 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'security' 15:02:38 <mhen> o/ 15:02:57 <gagehugo> ping eeiden fungi gagehugo lhinds nickthetait browne redrobot 15:03:37 <gagehugo> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/security-agenda 15:03:37 <nickthetait> hey 15:03:46 <mhen> hello :) 15:03:51 <gagehugo> mhen nickthetait: o/ 15:04:08 * mhen substitutes Luzi today 15:04:10 * fungi is mostly around, also in tc office hour again 15:04:55 <gagehugo> fungi: o/ 15:05:14 <gagehugo> agenda is pretty light today 15:05:37 <gagehugo> mhen: I read one of the specs last week 15:05:44 <gagehugo> I believe it was glance 15:05:59 <gagehugo> I have the other two as sticky notes to read 15:06:27 <gagehugo> fungi: was there any ossa/ossn updates? I don't think I saw anything since last week 15:06:54 <mhen> gagehugo, thanks 15:06:59 <fungi> nothing new in public yet that i can remember 15:07:30 <gagehugo> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/609667/ 15:08:04 <gagehugo> ok 15:08:22 <gagehugo> mhen nickthetait: anything new? 15:08:33 <nickthetait> is there not already encryption support in glance? 15:08:43 <mhen> nickthetait, no there isn't 15:08:48 <nickthetait> hmm 15:08:57 <nickthetait> nothing new from me 15:09:00 <mhen> aside from one special case involving LUKS encrypted volumes 15:09:15 <mhen> where the encryption is simply copied block-wise from the volume 15:09:22 <mhen> but it can't be considered a genuine image 15:09:45 <nickthetait> ok 15:09:51 <mhen> that's why we're working on a more generic solution 15:10:36 <gagehugo> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/608696/ - nova 15:10:51 <gagehugo> #linkhttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/608663/ - cinder 15:10:57 <gagehugo> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/608663/ - cinder 15:12:30 <mhen> we're currently in dialog with all those teams and trying to bring all of them together concerning this feature 15:15:54 <gagehugo> nickthetait: will you be in berlin? 15:17:21 <gagehugo> I will not be 15:18:00 <nickthetait> no :( 15:18:15 <gagehugo> :( 15:18:22 <mhen> :( 15:18:23 <gagehugo> there's always denver next year 15:18:35 <nickthetait> yep, a LOT closer for me! 15:18:44 <gagehugo> heh 15:19:22 <gagehugo> if there's nothing else, thanks everyone for coming! 15:19:30 <nickthetait> thanks 15:19:33 <mhen> thanks 15:19:35 <gagehugo> mhen I will continue to attempt to find time to read those specs 15:19:45 <mhen> gagehugo, appreciated! 15:19:55 <gagehugo> but unfortunately things are a bit crazy atm 15:20:03 <mhen> gagehugo, no prob 15:20:08 <gagehugo> #endmeeting