15:03:11 <gagehugo> #startmeeting security 15:03:11 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Apr 4 15:03:11 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gagehugo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:03:12 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:03:15 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'security' 15:03:25 <gagehugo> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/security-agenda agenda 15:03:40 <gagehugo> ping fungi gagehugo lhinds nickthetait browne redrobot 15:04:18 <fungi> i stuck a few things on the agenda as i thought of them 15:04:25 <redrobot> Only 1/2 o/ ... got a work meeting right now as well. 15:04:43 <fungi> yeah,i'm juggling this and tc office hour as usual 15:04:49 <gagehugo> im on another call as well heh 15:05:12 <gagehugo> apologies for the late start 15:05:15 <gagehugo> #topic Privsep is not giving us any security 15:05:36 <gagehugo> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-March/004362.html 15:06:53 <fungi> yeah, just calling more attention to this since it came up after last week's meeting 15:07:24 <fungi> i flagged a reply for [security-sig] on the ml thread itself too 15:07:51 <fungi> but basically, this is a great opportunity for security-minded folks to get involved with helping make openstack services measurably more secure 15:08:31 <gagehugo> fungi ok, I'll make sure to look it over today 15:08:31 <fungi> to summarize, oslo.privsep provides a framework for properly limiting privilege when performing certain sensitive system calls 15:08:49 <fungi> as a replacement for rootwrap which wasn't very flexible in this regard 15:09:34 <fungi> and projects like nova have made a start at moving their rootwrap usage over to privsep, but they haven't really adjusted and refactored how those operations were being performed to take advantage of the improved security model there 15:10:10 <fungi> so it's a place folks interested in such topics can get involved in more bite-sized chunks if they like 15:10:30 <fungi> and ttx has taken a first stab at improving the privsep usage docs, which may help 15:10:41 <fungi> #link https://review.openstack.org/649997 (openstack/oslo.privsep) Add more usage documentation 15:11:19 <fungi> it might also make for a good (multi-stage) community cycle goal 15:11:24 <fungi> anyway, that's all i had on this topic unless folks want to ask questions 15:12:52 <gagehugo> thanks fungi 15:13:39 <fungi> seems like there are no questions 15:13:45 <fungi> also feel free to ask them on that ml thread 15:13:50 <fungi> or in #openstack-oslo 15:14:15 * gagehugo attaches a sticky note to read it over 15:14:28 <gagehugo> #topic Security SIG most wanted 15:14:55 <gagehugo> I started an etherpad from last week's meeting about things ricolin was asking from the security sig 15:15:02 <gagehugo> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/security-sig-most-wanted 15:16:44 <gagehugo> fungi: I added things from last week's meeting, mostly the documentation stuff 15:16:55 <gagehugo> was there anything else I missed that you recall? 15:17:26 <fungi> i'll skim quickly 15:18:04 <gagehugo> just whenever you are available 15:18:12 <gagehugo> I wanted to just bring it up here 15:18:13 <fungi> the first bullet is probably redundant 15:18:28 <fungi> you cover security analyses and the security guide already 15:18:34 <gagehugo> ok 15:18:49 <fungi> though also having folks pitch in on public security bugs would be nice 15:18:54 <fungi> i'll add something 15:19:54 <gagehugo> ah yeah 15:19:57 <gagehugo> that's a good one 15:21:18 <fungi> if i think if anything else i'll toss it in there too 15:21:58 <gagehugo> sounds good! 15:22:02 <gagehugo> thanks fungi 15:22:18 <gagehugo> #topic Unable to install new flows on compute nodes when having broken security group rules 15:22:37 <gagehugo> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/neutron/+bug/1813007 15:22:38 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1813007 in OpenStack Security Advisory "[SRU] Unable to install new flows on compute nodes when having broken security group rules" [Undecided,Incomplete] 15:23:07 <gagehugo> looks like fixes were backported 15:26:09 <fungi> yep, the neutron bug folks just failed to add bugtasks for those series so no comments for them ended up in the report 15:26:22 <gagehugo> ah 15:26:32 <fungi> but anyway, it looks like we will probably issue an advisory for this based on how it's shaping up 15:26:39 <gagehugo> ok 15:27:01 <fungi> and if anyone is interested in pitching in, perhaps by volunteering to write an impact description so i don't need to, that would be great 15:27:16 <fungi> otherwise i'll probably get to it in the next day or two 15:27:48 <fungi> (this is a prime example for the item i added to the help wanted etherpad moments ago) 15:28:12 <gagehugo> fungi: I will articulate a good summary for that in the etherpad 15:28:28 <fungi> oh, thanks gagehugo! 15:28:58 <fungi> i get the impression some of it can be drawn from ossa-2019-001 but with slightly different details 15:29:09 <gagehugo> hmm ok 15:29:40 <fungi> like ovs instead of iptables, and conflicting rules instead of ports coupled with non-port-relaetd protocols 15:31:08 <gagehugo> ok, yeah I'll ping you if I have any questions later 15:31:39 <gagehugo> #topic open discussion 15:31:49 <gagehugo> Does anyone have anything they want to talk about? 15:32:23 <gagehugo> I'm pretty sure we're getting a BoF room at the summit, and we have a floating session at the PTG it looks like 15:32:58 <fungi> that'll be swell 15:33:23 <fungi> i'll be there all week, getting in the saturday prior and leaving the sunday after 15:33:52 <gagehugo> nice, I'm arriving early sunday and leaving sat afternoon 15:36:18 <gagehugo> thanks for coming everyone, have a good weekend! 15:36:22 <gagehugo> #endmeeting