15:00:37 <gagehugo> #startmeeting security 15:00:38 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jul 11 15:00:37 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gagehugo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:39 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:42 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'security' 15:01:21 <gagehugo> o/ 15:02:05 <fungi> i added a couple items of possible interest on the agenda 15:02:18 <gagehugo> awesome 15:02:23 <gagehugo> #topic Image Encryption popup team meeting 15:02:52 <gagehugo> so image encryption meeting Monday @ 1300 UTC 15:03:05 <gagehugo> oof 8am 15:04:08 <fungi> for you anyway ;) 15:04:17 <fungi> (that's 9am for me at the moment) 15:04:41 <fungi> i also just now (well, in the past hour during the tc meeting) volunteered to be the tc liaison for that popup team 15:05:19 <fungi> so hopefully i can remember to attend their meetings and keep the security sig abreast of the developments there 15:05:40 <gagehugo> I'll attempt to attend then as well 15:06:01 <fungi> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-July/007617.html 15:06:12 <fungi> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/#Image_Encryption_Popup-Team_Meeting 15:07:59 <gagehugo> ok 15:08:45 <gagehugo> #topic Syntribos may still be in use? 15:09:08 <gagehugo> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/670048/ 15:09:19 <gagehugo> zte using it hmm 15:10:06 <fungi> yeah, saw that "Fix client argument for neutronclient" change announced by gerritbot in #openstack-security and thought maybe there are still users after all, enough that they want to try and help fix problems on it still 15:10:30 <gagehugo> I never heard anything back about it 15:10:36 <gagehugo> we can leave it for now 15:10:52 <fungi> it's *possible* this was just a maintenance change someone is mass-proposing to stuff that uses neutronclient, but that user has only previously contributed to rally 15:11:13 <fungi> so it looks like it may be a genuine bug a user turned up and worked out the fix for 15:11:38 <fungi> and, yeah, maybe this is someone who does qa work for zte 15:11:55 <fungi> given rally and syntribos are both testing tools 15:12:47 <gagehugo> yeah, good point 15:12:51 <fungi> if we decide not to retire it, we maybe ought to reach out there and find out if they want to help maintain it 15:13:19 <gagehugo> we could send out a mailing list email asking specifically if anyone still uses it? 15:13:27 <fungi> (also we need to pin sphinx or switch to python3 so the docs jobs will pass, if we're keeping it around) 15:13:33 <gagehugo> yeah 15:13:56 <fungi> separate ml thread makes sense, sure 15:14:21 <gagehugo> #action gagehugo to send out an email to the ml about syntribos usage 15:14:28 <fungi> something scary enough to reach and rouse the handful of users out there, if they exist 15:14:46 <gagehugo> [security] DELETING SYNTRIBOS NOW!!!!1! 15:14:54 <nickthetait> theres lots of spider webs who wants to give it a sweep? :) 15:15:36 <gagehugo> but yeah, ping out and hope someone notices 15:16:44 <gagehugo> #topic Security guide update 15:16:51 <gagehugo> nickthetait o/ 15:16:55 <nickthetait> hey 15:17:11 <nickthetait> so far I have read a significant portion of the docs 15:17:41 <nickthetait> have a few questions on what is(n't) out of date 15:17:53 <gagehugo> sure 15:17:59 <nickthetait> openstack-announce email list has been shut down right? 15:19:21 <fungi> nope, that still exists 15:19:33 <nickthetait> ok, ez! 15:19:37 <fungi> we do send major release announcements and security advisories there 15:19:50 <nickthetait> CVSSv2 is referenced, should those be turned into v3? 15:20:14 <fungi> what is the context? who is applying cvss scores to stuff? 15:20:21 <nickthetait> 1 sec 15:20:56 <fungi> i think hyakuhei had ideas about the ossg doing cvss scoring of vulnerabilities in openstack and its dependencies once upon a time, but that didn't go anywhere that i can recall 15:21:51 <fungi> it seemed like a nice idea to get some of the analysts around our community more involved with something that's in their wheelhouse, but ultimately most of the folks in the ossg were there to be able to say they were involved and really only showed up to meetings (if that) 15:22:13 <nickthetait> #link https://docs.openstack.org/security-guide/management/continuous-systems-management.html#triage 15:22:34 <fungi> there were rarely more than a handful of folks actually taking on work, and most of them weren't security analysts 15:23:14 <nickthetait> sounds like not worth updating then? 15:23:58 <gagehugo> Maybe not 15:23:59 <fungi> hrm, in that specific context sure, doesn't hurt to say v3 instead 15:24:07 <fungi> or just drop the version 15:24:13 <nickthetait> sure, simplify it 15:24:39 <fungi> reading through, it's saying that cvss doesn't accurately depict cloud vulnerability risks 15:24:55 <fungi> not saying we apply cvss scoring to our vulnerabilities 15:25:18 <fungi> so i think it's fine there, but can't hurt to generalize it slightly to save on future churn 15:25:39 <nickthetait> is this statement still accurate? "very few clouds are using secure boot technologies in a production environment." 15:26:30 <gagehugo> hmm 15:28:47 <nickthetait> if it is too unclear, then we can just leave wording as is 15:29:14 <gagehugo> Seems a bit generalizing, could just leave it yeah 15:29:58 <nickthetait> ok 15:30:22 <nickthetait> know what is up with this bibliography section? it seems out of place https://docs.openstack.org/security-guide/management/management-interfaces.html#bibliography 15:30:31 <nickthetait> like it should be at bottom of the page? 15:31:49 <fungi> i wouldn't be surprised that few clouds use secure boot, only because few servers use secure boot to this day, but i don't know that we should be asserting that without data to back it up 15:32:08 <fungi> maybe that's my inner scientist 15:32:31 <fungi> i just don't like baseless assertions in technical documents. it's editorializingh 15:32:43 <fungi> but up to you realy 15:32:50 <fungi> it's probably not "wrong" anyway 15:33:40 <nickthetait> ok, will clean that up a little bit 15:34:09 <fungi> i'd drop that "bibliography" section, sure 15:34:17 <nickthetait> k 15:34:20 <fungi> if for no other reason than because it links to a wiki article 15:34:28 <nickthetait> ;) 15:34:50 <fungi> if we need to call out things which were implemented in the liberty cycle, we should just say that instead 15:35:20 <fungi> but in this case it's contextless 15:35:39 <fungi> what part of the dashboard section was it relevant to? doesn't say 15:35:47 <nickthetait> yeah exactly 15:35:59 <fungi> it's just like... ohai, have a link to some releasenotes, kthxbai 15:36:20 <fungi> not helpful 15:36:48 <nickthetait> there is a big section on SSL/TLS, recommends only using v1.2, and yet 1.3 is now available https://docs.openstack.org/security-guide/secure-communication/introduction-to-ssl-and-tls.html#cryptographic-algorithms-cipher-modes-and-protocols 15:40:29 <fungi> should say 1.2 or later hopefully 15:40:37 <fungi> 1.3 is still not widely deployed 15:40:45 <nickthetait> true 15:40:56 * fungi was struggling to get apache working with 1.3 on debian/unstable just a few months ago even 15:44:24 <nickthetait> so this claims keystone can't block after set number of failed logins https://docs.openstack.org/security-guide/identity/authentication.html#invalid-login-attempts 15:44:46 <gagehugo> yeah that's been changed 15:44:54 <gagehugo> it has that capability now 15:45:10 <fungi> yay! 15:45:13 <nickthetait> nice! 15:45:25 <nickthetait> i'll get that fixed 15:45:25 <fungi> should the document be updated to say what release that support was added in? 15:45:37 <gagehugo> yeah lemme find a link 15:45:42 <nickthetait> thx 15:45:42 <gagehugo> I know it was newton though 15:45:47 <fungi> (obviously it's still not available in the releases folks are running earlier than the one which added it) 15:45:48 <gagehugo> (I helped with it partially) 15:45:57 <nickthetait> :D 15:46:14 <gagehugo> #link https://docs.openstack.org/keystone/latest/admin/configuration.html#security-compliance-and-pci-dss 15:46:29 <fungi> having teh security guide be somewhat release-agnostic and provide guidance for folks who are running a variety of versions of openstack would be good, if we can manage to swing that 15:47:29 <fungi> if only because we lack the people power to maintain per-release copies of the guide 15:47:43 <nickthetait> yeah, will see how I can pull that off 15:48:02 <fungi> so "go look at the rocky security guide because you're running rocky" isn't really a solution 15:48:32 <fungi> "go look at the openstack security guide" and then it may say "if you're running rocky this can be done thusly..." 15:48:42 <fungi> or whatever 15:49:23 <fungi> "consider upgrading your deployment to rocky if you want to take advantage of this feature" 15:49:31 <gagehugo> ^ 15:49:38 <nickthetait> that sounds good 15:49:46 <fungi> spitballing, but you get the idea 15:50:20 <gagehugo> sorry nickthetait, I got another topic I wanna touch on while I got people here 15:50:32 <nickthetait> no problem go for it 15:50:33 <gagehugo> please do ask in openstack-security though if you have more questions 15:50:40 <nickthetait> ok 15:50:53 <gagehugo> I'm usually on all the time so I can typically respond 15:50:59 <fungi> yeah, i have my irc client set to notify me if there's any activity at all in that channel too 15:51:00 <gagehugo> and I believe fungi is as well :) 15:51:05 <gagehugo> #topic Shanghai PTG Attendance 15:51:23 <gagehugo> they sent out emails asking about attendance, are either of you planning on attending? 15:51:29 <gagehugo> I will not be there unfortunately 15:51:40 <fungi> if my visa is accepted, and barring no new natural disasters at home this year, i plan to attend the full week 15:51:53 <nickthetait> i know for sure can't go 15:51:58 <nickthetait> nice fungi :) 15:52:01 <fungi> er, barring ANY new 15:52:33 <fungi> in that case, i'm happy to be the standard bearer for the sig while i'm there 15:52:52 <fungi> and will do my best to recruit a few new folks 15:53:11 <gagehugo> fungi: up to you, I just wanted to ask now and not put it off until the last minute 15:53:18 <fungi> yep 15:53:34 <fungi> i don't think just me going is enough to warrant a room though 15:53:48 <fungi> but i'll do my best to spread the word that we exist 15:53:49 <gagehugo> yeah, I think that's more of what they're asking 15:53:53 <gagehugo> do we want a room 15:54:34 <gagehugo> lets follow up next week with this, and I can respond to the survey then 15:54:35 <fungi> as usual i'd end up sprinting between other rooms most of the time anyway, so not much point in having a room with no security sig members in it 15:54:48 <gagehugo> I'll ask in the ml as well, I see other teams doing that 15:54:51 <gagehugo> ok 15:54:53 <fungi> but yeah, maybe ask on the ml (in the weekly update?) 15:54:58 <fungi> awesome 15:55:20 <gagehugo> #action gagehugo to ask about the ptg in the ml 15:55:28 <fungi> perhaps there are people who would show up and talk security who just aren't at our irc meetings 15:55:43 <gagehugo> yeah, we had quite a few at the bof session in denver 15:56:10 <gagehugo> #topic open discussion 15:56:15 <gagehugo> anything else real quick? 15:56:34 <nickthetait> "security is important" agree or disagree? :P 15:56:42 <gagehugo> I'll try to send out the emails today, I'm going to be leaving on vacation tomorrow afternoon 15:56:51 <gagehugo> so my productivity tomorrow will likely be approaching 0 15:57:03 <fungi> have a great vacation! 15:57:13 <fungi> my productivity usually hovers just above 0 anyway 15:57:15 <nickthetait> yeah yeah have fun 15:57:21 <gagehugo> going to float on a river over the weekend :) 15:57:30 <gagehugo> nickthetait "agree" 15:57:39 <fungi> don't forget your sunblock 15:57:44 <gagehugo> yup 15:58:03 <gagehugo> thanks for coming everyone, have a good weekend! 15:58:06 <nickthetait> laters 15:58:06 <gagehugo> #endmeeting