15:00:07 <gagehugo> #startmeeting security 15:00:08 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Nov 14 15:00:07 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gagehugo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:09 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:12 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'security' 15:00:33 <gagehugo> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/security-agenda agenda 15:02:23 <gagehugo> o/ 15:03:00 <redrobot> 👋 15:03:47 <gagehugo> redrobot: got anything for this week? 15:04:02 <gagehugo> agenda is pretty light, and people are likely recovering from shanghai 15:04:38 <redrobot> gagehugo, I didn't bring any topics. Still recovering from Shanghai too. 15:05:01 <redrobot> Still waiting for talks to be posted 15:05:05 <fungi> ohai 15:05:13 <redrobot> I'm hoping they'll subtitle some of the talks that were given in Chinese 15:05:29 <fungi> redrobot: yeah, they're still working to get videos uploaded, keynotes first and then other recorded talks 15:05:32 <redrobot> the vTPM talk looked super interesting but obs I didn't understand much. 15:05:52 <fungi> they need to upload to a couple different services since they usually just post them to youtube but that's not accessible in china 15:05:56 <gagehugo> fungi: o/ 15:06:21 <fungi> as i understand it, the keynote videos alone were over 0.1tb, so they lacked bandwidth to upload them from the venue 15:06:35 <fungi> had to bring back hard drives full of video footage and do the editing stateside 15:07:00 <fungi> also they either just put out a call for slides to be uploaded by speakers or are about to do so 15:07:12 <redrobot> oh yeah 15:07:18 * redrobot makes a note to upload his slides 15:07:39 <fungi> i don't know the status of translated subtitles, but will inquire 15:08:53 <gagehugo> fungi: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/692256/ merged, otherwise I don't think there was anything else of note 15:08:55 <redrobot> thanks fungi 15:09:48 <fungi> gagehugo: yeah, that's probably the biggest update 15:10:12 <fungi> there has also been some movement on hardening bug fixes logged to the security ml 15:10:51 <gagehugo> ah ok 15:11:25 <fungi> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-security/2019-November/thread.html Security ML thread archive for November 15:11:47 <fungi> and in forum/ptg news, i made a contact who may be interested in pitching in 15:12:18 <fungi> kim hindhart, cso/dpo of citynetwork 15:12:37 <gagehugo> awesome 15:13:57 <fungi> and fred li, the osf board rep from huawei had a lot of questions about our vulnerability management process 15:14:11 <fungi> so maybe we'll see some involvement from them as well 15:14:28 <gagehugo> good to know 15:14:29 <fungi> but i pointed him to our documentation for now 15:15:17 <fungi> so for not having an official security sig presence at the event, we still got some discussions in 15:15:35 <gagehugo> that's good news 15:15:36 <fungi> i synced up with luzi about the image encryption specs too 15:15:49 <fungi> she's hoping to have the nova one resubmitted this week or next 15:16:14 <gagehugo> ok 15:16:39 <fungi> i think that's everything from me for now 15:17:04 <fungi> i'll start pushing on the vulnerability:managed governance tag revamp in the next week-ish now that the summit is past 15:17:07 <gagehugo> still good news to hear, more involvement is always welcome 15:17:15 <gagehugo> ok 15:17:38 <gagehugo> fungi redrobot: just a reminder that we won't meet again until december 15:17:48 <redrobot> gagehugo, ack 15:18:00 <gagehugo> but feel free to use this time if you want the next two meeting times if you need 15:19:17 <gagehugo> fungi redrobot: thanks! Have a good rest of the month! 15:19:23 <gagehugo> #endmeeting