15:00:19 <gagehugo> #startmeeting security 15:00:20 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jun 18 15:00:19 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gagehugo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:21 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:23 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'security' 15:00:47 <gagehugo> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/security-agenda agenda 15:00:54 <gagehugo> o/ 15:02:58 <rosmaita> o/ 15:03:08 <rosmaita> (i have something for open discussion) 15:03:09 <fungi> aloha, y'all 15:03:20 <Luzi> o/ 15:03:35 <gagehugo> #topic follow-up from last week 15:03:54 <gagehugo> fungi: I'll reach out to the docs core about adding people for the security-docs today 15:04:06 <gagehugo> been pre-occupied this week unfortunately 15:04:28 <gagehugo> also will attempt to send out a meeting poll for a new meeting time 15:04:40 <fungi> sounds great 15:05:07 <gagehugo> that's all I had 15:05:10 <gagehugo> #topic open discussion 15:05:14 <fungi> it's been a quiet week for security bugs too (so far, hope i don't jinx us) 15:05:20 <gagehugo> rosmaita: o/ 15:05:20 <rosmaita> jinx 15:05:30 * fungi glares at rosmaita 15:05:31 <rosmaita> ok, this is about ossn-0086 15:05:39 <rosmaita> https://review.opendev.org/#/q/Ie2db587c3bc379acd53cfd449788d171ae58dec5 15:05:56 <rosmaita> so, it turns out when you run the os-brick part of the fix under py2.7, it breaks 15:06:12 <fungi> that's probably not so helpful 15:06:20 <rosmaita> so doesn't apply to u or master 15:06:42 <fungi> "breaks" as in fails open or fails secure (just doesn't work at all) 15:06:44 <fungi> ? 15:06:54 <rosmaita> just doesn't work 15:07:12 <rosmaita> so i guess it also doesn't leak info 15:07:14 <gagehugo> hmm 15:07:24 <fungi> doesn't work to fix the vulnerability, or renders the driver inoperable? 15:07:40 <rosmaita> thinking 15:08:00 <rosmaita> i guess just makes it inoperable 15:08:20 <rosmaita> the cinder side will no longer pass the password to brick 15:08:27 <rosmaita> and brick is unable to get it out of the config file 15:08:47 <fungi> okay, so basically anyone who applied this fix on older releases under python 2 broke their deployments, but it didn't continue to leave them vulnerable to the identified security risk at least 15:09:33 <rosmaita> yeah ... though in reality, it broke staging and they didn't update production 15:09:41 <fungi> (so they most likely knowingly backed out the fix, and are aware they're running a vulnerable configuration) 15:09:42 <rosmaita> which would still be vulnerable 15:09:50 <rosmaita> what fungi said 15:10:09 <fungi> still, far better than having them think they're safe when they're still vulnerable 15:10:32 <rosmaita> so, what i have to do is: get the brick fixes merged, release new brick version, get u-c updated, update cinder requirements, release new cinder 15:10:59 <fungi> sounds right. and then update the ossn and probably send out an errata announcement 15:11:02 <rosmaita> for the EM branches ... rocky gate is hosed ATM, so fix to rocky brick has not merged, and has not been backported to queens 15:11:26 <rosmaita> yeah, that was my plan, update the OSSN as soon as stuff is available 15:11:33 <fungi> those branches also won't get point releases anyway, so it's fine to just point to the patches in review i guess 15:11:56 <rosmaita> ok 15:12:13 <fungi> so long as you're fairly confident they're correct 15:12:32 <rosmaita> well, i added tests to catch this particular problem 15:12:36 <fungi> i mean, for security advisories we always reference teh patches in review (for the sake of expediency) 15:12:57 <rosmaita> the issue is that we rely on the vendor third-party CI for validation 15:13:13 <rosmaita> and we requested that they all run py3 in their CI 15:13:27 <fungi> right, driver patching for proprietary stuff is an imperfect process 15:14:09 <fungi> i mean, they wouldn't be able to test master with python 2 at this point anyway 15:14:25 <rosmaita> so, i guess we do have some validation that this works with py27, from the bug reporter 15:14:40 <fungi> i would consider that "probably good enough" 15:14:45 <rosmaita> :) 15:15:18 <rosmaita> ok, i will talk to smcginnis about allowing the queens patch to be posted before rocky merges 15:15:24 <rosmaita> (he really hates that) 15:15:43 <rosmaita> but that will allow me to get the OSSN updated and an announcement out to the ML 15:15:52 <fungi> somebody's gotta troll him, might as well be you 15:15:57 <rosmaita> just wanted to give y'all a heads-up 15:16:05 <fungi> thanks for the detailed explanation! 15:16:16 <fungi> feel free to reach out if you need my help with any of that 15:16:17 <rosmaita> yeah, sorry about this, it's kind of embarrassing 15:16:22 <rosmaita> for me anyway 15:16:42 <rosmaita> i did write nice unit tests for it though (this time) 15:16:51 <fungi> shouldn't be embarrassing, it's complicated software, made harder trying to work indirectly with third parties for drivers to proprietary products 15:17:13 <rosmaita> i like your attitude! 15:17:35 <rosmaita> ok, that's all from me 15:18:25 <gagehugo> yeah getting that fix working coordinated with 3rd party drivers doesn't sound simple at all lol 15:19:38 <rosmaita> no, and this kind of py3 working fine but not on py27 problem is likely to bite us again 15:20:15 <fungi> Luzi: welcome to the security sig meeting, good to see you here! did you have anything you wanted to discuss (image encryption stuff, something else)? 15:22:22 <Luzi> ah yes, as we would like to add encryption/decryption code in os_brick, it would be nice to have someone look over it, currently its just a WIP-patch to give a sight of what we are doing 15:22:46 <fungi> you're in luck, rosmaita's right here! ;) 15:22:55 <Luzi> https://review.opendev.org/709432 15:23:18 <rosmaita> yeah, i have been meaning to get to it, but some other stuff has interferred 15:23:52 <fungi> RE THERE OTHER BRICK DEVS WHO WOULD BE GOOD TO TRY TO PULL IN? 15:23:57 <fungi> argh 15:24:06 <fungi> sorry, didn't see caps lock was on 15:24:21 <fungi> hit caps lock instead of a :/ 15:24:21 <gagehugo> haha 15:24:33 <Luzi> rosmaita, no worries :D i will need to talk to the glance guys also - after my vacation 15:24:34 <rosmaita> well, that certainly got your message across! 15:24:37 <fungi> trying to type one-handed while holding lunch 15:24:55 <gagehugo> vacation sounds good 15:25:12 <fungi> i could use one too 15:26:34 <rosmaita> Luzi: when is your vacation? we have cinder mid-cycle next week (wednesday) 15:26:51 <Luzi> the next two weeks 15:27:08 <rosmaita> ok, have a good one! 15:27:20 <Luzi> thank you :) 15:30:57 <fungi> i suppose this could be a good time to remind folks we have a lot of open (public!) bugs for suspected vulnerabilities, which could use all the help they can get (confirming if there's an actual exploit scenario, identifying duplicates, testing, proposing patches to review....) 15:31:10 <gagehugo> yes 15:31:25 <fungi> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ossa/ Suspected Security Vulnerability Reports 15:31:44 <fungi> currently 32 there 15:34:52 <gagehugo> updated the etherpad 15:35:06 <gagehugo> Does anyone else have anything for this week? 15:37:11 <gagehugo> fungi Luzi rosmaita: thanks! Have a good rest of the week 15:37:18 <gagehugo> #endmeeting