15:00:26 <lhinds> #startmeeting Security Sig 15:00:26 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Apr 19 15:00:26 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is lhinds. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:27 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:29 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'security_sig' 15:00:41 <gagehugo> o/ 15:00:49 <gagehugo> hey lhinds 15:00:50 <lhinds> pings: eeiden fungi gagehugo lhinds nickthetait ebrown 15:00:54 <lhinds> hey gagehugo ! 15:01:05 <lhinds> I think fungi is on leave today or out and about 15:01:05 <nickthetait> heyo 15:01:07 <browne> o/ 15:01:10 <lhinds> hey nickthetait ! 15:01:11 <eeiden> o/ 15:01:15 <lhinds> hey browne 15:01:25 <browne> Sorry for missing previous meetings. Didn't realize the time changed 15:01:28 <lhinds> forgot you don't have an e at the front of browne 15:01:36 <browne> no worries 15:01:39 <lhinds> browne: no worries, understandable 15:01:41 <lkwan> is here the telemetry meeting? 15:01:48 <lhinds> lkwan: nope, security 15:02:07 <lhinds> ok, let's get this party started.. 15:02:13 <lhinds> #topic agenda 15:02:18 <lhinds> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/security-agenda 15:02:25 <lhinds> #chair gagehugo 15:02:26 <openstack> Current chairs: gagehugo lhinds 15:02:42 <lhinds> anyone have any additions? I put bandit migration to the top. 15:03:16 <lhinds> ok.. 15:03:34 <gagehugo> I saw browne pushed a change for that 15:03:37 <lhinds> #topic Bandit Migration 15:03:47 <lhinds> gagehugo: that was just for the new pypi site. 15:03:54 <gagehugo> ah ok 15:03:55 <lhinds> not the move to pycqa 15:04:02 <lhinds> I though it was that too :) 15:04:14 <gagehugo> heh 15:04:15 <takashin> python-novaclient stable maintainers for pike, would you review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/562500/ ? This patch fixes pike gate job failure. 15:04:23 <lhinds> so I think we should be good to make the move next week 15:04:33 <lhinds> takashin: please try #openstack-nova 15:04:44 <browne> I think we need to start by sending an email to the ML announcing bandit's migration 15:04:45 <lhinds> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/bandit-migration 15:04:52 <takashin> lhinds: sorry. 15:04:55 <lhinds> browne: just did that 10 mins ago. 15:04:57 <lhinds> :) 15:05:01 <browne> oh cool 15:05:20 <lhinds> browne / gagehugo did you both get pycqa org invites? 15:05:28 <browne> i did yes 15:05:29 <gagehugo> yup 15:05:35 <lhinds> great. 15:05:57 <browne> so who has admin on the github openstack/bandit 15:06:12 <gagehugo> good question 15:06:20 <browne> still wondering how the github project group changes from openstack to pyqca 15:06:29 <lhinds> ok.. 15:06:34 <lhinds> so here is how it will work 15:07:07 <lhinds> I will do the import from review.openstack.org/bandit.git to github.com/pycqa/bandit 15:07:24 <lhinds> github has an import feature that automates this, I already did a test run and it works very well. 15:08:00 <lhinds> after that is done, we will push a patch to the openstack (gerrit based) repo to 'git rm' all files, apart from the readme 15:08:23 <lhinds> the readme will then tell users where to go to contribute or raise issues (which will be on github/pycqa/bandit) 15:08:40 <lhinds> if you check out the etherpad I am compiling the specific steps. 15:09:09 <gagehugo> ah ok 15:09:23 <lhinds> I have spoke with fungi a lot and we don't need to do anything else in regards to patches, as all projects use tox / pypi, and pycqa will continue using pypi to release 15:09:51 <lhinds> I just need to check with ian around pypi account maters (for sdist upload / twine operations) 15:09:54 <lhinds> and also... 15:10:07 <browne> but unit testing will switch from zuul to travis CI or something 15:10:13 <lhinds> how will bandit/docs/*.rst get hosted on readthedocs. 15:10:40 <lhinds> browne: was just typing out how I need to work that out with ian too :) 15:10:43 <lhinds> good call! 15:11:10 <lhinds> I think it will be travis-ci 15:11:17 <lhinds> as that's what the other projects are working on. 15:11:20 <browne> cool, i like travis-ci 15:11:41 <nickthetait> appears as though the use travis and appveyor 15:11:48 <lhinds> my recommendation is that we hold off on any pull requests until we get a .travis file in place. 15:12:16 <browne> yep 15:12:24 <lhinds> I am happy to make a PR with a .travis and we can review from there. 15:12:39 <browne> I should also add that functional testing on bandit no longer works. It previously did 15:12:52 <browne> so much of the plugin testing isn't happening, which is bad 15:13:10 <nickthetait> is there an open issue for that? 15:13:14 <lhinds> browne: we could do some functional tests in bandit 15:13:18 <browne> hmm, i'll poen one 15:13:22 <browne> open 15:13:25 <gagehugo> sounds good 15:13:42 <lhinds> browne: as long as they have an failure exit code that travis will pick up. 15:14:21 <lhinds> I also need to work out how this redirect is happening: https://bandit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ 15:14:42 <lhinds> or rather how has upload rights 15:14:48 <lhinds> (its not a redirect) 15:14:52 <lhinds> any idea browne ? 15:15:11 <browne> ha, didn't know of that link. strange 15:15:24 <browne> but normally on github, with admin you can setup readthedocs 15:15:39 <lhinds> actually it might be in bandits sphinx config 15:15:46 <lhinds> that's where you set the theme 15:15:52 <lhinds> I bet they are using the openstack theme 15:16:06 <browne> i also think we'll need the PyPI user/password from one of the former cores (Travis, etc) 15:16:11 <lhinds> and we just need to change to this one: https://pycodestyle.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ 15:16:38 <lhinds> browne: yep. I am touch with travis and ian so I can get in touch with them. 15:16:48 <lhinds> browne: I guess you will be handling releases? 15:17:07 <lhinds> or at least heading them up initially, with back fill from others? 15:17:16 <browne> lhinds: sure i can handle releases 15:17:21 <lhinds> browne: cool 15:17:25 <browne> but we should have backups 15:17:54 <lhinds> browne: +1 15:18:31 <lhinds> ok, anything else on bandit migration..I will make sure all of the above is captured 15:19:00 <browne> sounds good. 15:19:30 <lhinds> ok, not sure if mr tatu is here. 15:19:52 <lhinds> nothing new for docs, let's go to nickthetait 's OSSN 15:19:57 <lhinds> thanks nickthetait ! 15:20:03 <nickthetait> :) 15:20:25 <lhinds> It looks good to me, once another core +2's I will send out an email to the lists and make a wiki entry (both will credit you). 15:20:34 <lhinds> gagehugo: do you have +2 on security docs? 15:20:40 <gagehugo> lhinds nah 15:21:07 <lhinds> k, I will ask the docs ptl to add you, if that's ok by you? 15:21:12 <gagehugo> lhinds sure 15:21:22 <gagehugo> nickthetait I have an email to review that, I'll do it today 15:21:22 <lhinds> great! 15:21:43 <lhinds> gagehugo: if you +1 that's good enough for me to do mergies 15:21:44 <nickthetait> thx gagehugo 15:21:54 <gagehugo> lhinds sounds good 15:21:55 <nickthetait> +1 means "this change is ok by me", but +2 means what? 15:22:20 <lhinds> nickthetait: +2 is like extra powers that allow you to merge the change 15:22:29 <nickthetait> ok 15:22:36 <gagehugo> double ok by me 15:22:41 <lhinds> 'core reviewer' 15:22:47 <lhinds> ok 15:22:51 <lhinds> thanks again nickthetait 15:23:03 <lhinds> great to have you on board 15:23:12 <lhinds> #topic threat analysis 15:23:19 <nickthetait> if any other OSSNs were to be confirmed I might take a crack at them too ;) 15:23:31 <lhinds> nickthetait: sounds great! 15:23:43 <lhinds> gagehugo: I am little out of touch here, anything needed for TA? 15:23:58 <lhinds> is the keystone-middlewareclient ok now? 15:24:11 <gagehugo> lhinds I believe it's good 15:24:16 <lhinds> oh I see it 'Approved' 15:24:17 <gagehugo> the tag was added 15:24:25 <lhinds> so oslo and pycadf 15:24:27 <gagehugo> not sure if anything else is needed but I don't believe so 15:24:35 <lhinds> I will take an action to look at those 15:24:49 <gagehugo> lhinds yeah I need to look through those 15:24:56 <lhinds> #action lhinds look at pycadf / oslo.cache TA 15:25:08 <lhinds> great! 15:25:18 <lhinds> ok, the other one to get in before the end. 15:25:27 <lhinds> #topic chair rotation 15:25:36 <lhinds> so been meaning to sort this out for a while 15:25:45 <lhinds> the current SIG chairs are lhinds and gagehugo 15:25:58 <lhinds> and we planned to have a rotation on chairing meetings. 15:26:17 <lhinds> I thought we should put it open to the sig. 15:26:40 <lhinds> gagehugo: any preferences, every month / week / 2 months? 15:26:52 <gagehugo> lhinds month would be good for me 15:26:53 <lhinds> i think each week is to frequent 15:26:58 <gagehugo> agreed 15:27:02 <nickthetait> month seems reasonable 15:27:06 <lhinds> let's do that then 15:27:09 <gagehugo> 2 months and I'm liable to forget 15:27:20 <lhinds> so this would mean you take on May 15:27:26 <lhinds> I will wrap up April 15:27:44 <lhinds> sounds good gagehugo ? 15:27:58 <gagehugo> lhinds works for me 15:28:07 <gagehugo> maybe we can put this down on a schedule somewhere? 15:28:17 <gagehugo> like the agenda 15:28:20 <lhinds> gagehugo: will do 15:28:34 <lhinds> #action lhinds to update wiki about chair rotation information 15:28:47 <lhinds> k, let's end this now, as ian is over in openstack-security 15:28:51 <lhinds> gagehugo / browne 15:29:05 <lhinds> can we meet in there now / after this to go over the Q's we had? 15:29:10 <gagehugo> sure 15:29:12 <lhinds> thanks all! 15:29:14 <browne> sure 15:29:16 <lhinds> #endmeeting