17:00:51 <LouisF> #startmeeting service_chaining 17:00:52 <openstack> Meeting started Thu May 26 17:00:51 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is LouisF. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:53 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:00:56 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'service_chaining' 17:01:07 <LouisF> hello all 17:01:10 <pcarver> hi 17:01:12 <mohankumar> HI 17:01:28 <iyamahat> hello 17:01:58 <LouisF> i'd like to start by going over action items from last meeting 17:02:17 <LouisF> #topic action item status 17:02:44 <LouisF> update of use cases to the wiki 17:02:58 <LouisF> i see that Igor has added a use case 17:03:24 <LouisF> hi John 17:03:33 <doonhammer> Hi Louis 17:03:56 <LouisF> doonhammer: any success on adding your use case to the wiki? 17:04:42 <LouisF> pcarver: will you be able to add a use case to the wiki? 17:05:03 <LouisF> s3wong: hi 17:05:20 <s3wong> LouisF: hello 17:05:29 <doonhammer> LouisF: Ubuntu said it is a bug in Openstack - opened case at support.openstack.org 17:05:40 <LouisF> s3wong: going over adding use cases to wiki 17:05:49 <pcarver> LouisF: I asked about use cases but I haven't been able to find any yet. I don't actually work with the VNFs, so I only have the abstract feature requirements, not concrete use cases for specific VNFs. 17:05:51 <s3wong> LouisF: I see, AI from last week 17:05:55 <LouisF> doonhammer: ok thanks 17:06:22 <LouisF> pcarver: ok thanks 17:06:54 <doonhammer> LouisF: I have them done - perhaps someone else can post them until I can fix my wiki access problem 17:07:38 <LouisF> I can post them it you send them to me 17:07:52 <doonhammer> LouisF: Will do 17:07:57 <LouisF> doonhammer: thx 17:08:04 <LouisF> next item I see is the flow classifier priority 17:08:26 <LouisF> mohankumar: i see there have been reviews 17:08:34 <mohankumar> LouisF : I got little busy on other works 17:08:38 <LouisF> of your patch 17:08:56 <LouisF> mohankumar: what is the patch? 17:09:13 <mohankumar> LouisF: i ve raised WIP progress patch , may be update and open it for review 17:09:26 <LouisF> mohankumar: ok thanks 17:09:44 <LouisF> pavel was also going to help with that 17:09:58 <mohankumar> LouisF : yes 17:10:16 <LouisF> is he on the channel? 17:11:00 <LouisF> ok moving on 17:11:09 <mohankumar> LouisF: By next week the patche will be in goos shape 17:11:14 <mohankumar> *good shape 17:11:27 <LouisF> mohankumar: great will review then 17:12:30 <LouisF> regarding the path id generation - that work is under way 17:13:12 <LouisF> ok lets move on to agenda items we missed from last meeting 17:13:38 <LouisF> #topic SF insertion type/mode 17:14:00 <LouisF> we started discussing last week 17:16:03 <LouisF> we need to distinguish behavior of bump-in-the wire vs l2 insertion 17:16:17 <doonhammer> LouisF: A question I had was who needs to be aware of the VNF mode , I think the SFF and/or the SFProxy. They need to have the awareness ? 17:17:06 <LouisF> doonhammer: agree the SFF or SF proxy 17:18:35 <LouisF> i think this can be handled by attaching a parameter to the VNF (SF) and using a service_function_parameters attribute 17:19:05 <LouisF> like 'insert-mode=bitw' for example 17:19:15 <doonhammer> LouisF: So if we agree on that then we need to decide what needs to be done to support the various modes yes? 17:19:32 <doonhammer> LouisF: Agree on mode 17:19:34 <s3wong> LouisF: do you considered what we do today bump-in-the-wire or L2? 17:20:10 <LouisF> s3wong: you mean in our sfc ovs driver? 17:20:11 <s3wong> LouisF: we are Neutron port based, so the VNFs all have Neutron port in some Neutron network 17:20:19 <s3wong> LouisF: yes 17:21:09 <LouisF> s3wong: currently the ovs driver uses l2 mode 17:21:27 <s3wong> LouisF: but OTOH, we set flow in higher precedent table such that the flow got forwarded to VNF via tunnel, so no need to enforce all SFs in SFC to be in same Neutron network 17:21:38 <doonhammer> s3wong: bitw is fairly easy as it a passthrough, L2 and L3 get complicated as the VNF and SFF need to have an understanding 17:23:15 <s3wong> doonhammer: sure --- I just tried to picture if we switch to a different mode, how would the backend implementation (such as OVS) be different... 17:23:25 <LouisF> doonhammer: how the backend driver actually handles this is really implementation 17:23:51 <doonhammer> LouisF: by backend driver you mean ovs or ovs/ovn? 17:23:55 <LouisF> we need to pass a hint to the driver as to the VNF behavior 17:23:59 <LouisF> doonhammer: yes 17:24:15 <LouisF> doonhammer: or some other driver 17:25:17 <s3wong> LouisF: sure, on API side it is just adding a parameter and pass it straight to driver 17:25:24 <doonhammer> LouisF: Just thinking of how I would go about configuring a service chain implementation - especially at scale - how to comunicate all the info 17:25:36 <s3wong> LouisF: but at least you and I have to worry about the reference implementation :-) 17:25:48 <LouisF> s3wong: agree 17:26:29 <doonhammer> s3wong: LOL 17:27:17 <s3wong> LouisF: also, for L3, there is a RFE on L3 agent extension: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1580239 17:27:19 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1580239 in neutron "[RFE] Add agent extension framework for L3 agent" [Wishlist,In progress] - Assigned to Nate Johnston (nate-johnston) 17:27:41 <LouisF> if we pass 'insert-mode' to the driver is can then do the right thing 17:28:24 <doonhammer> LouisF: Yes that is the first step 17:28:33 * njohnston lurks 17:29:09 <LouisF> doonhammer: if we have agreement we can move forward with that 17:30:00 <doonhammer> LouisF +1 17:30:10 <LouisF> others? 17:30:18 <s3wong> +1 17:30:35 <LouisF> ok I will open a bug for this 17:30:35 <pcarver> +1 17:30:44 <doonhammer> LouisF: it will be a port-pair parameter or port-pair-group 17:31:22 <mohankumar> +1 17:31:24 <s3wong> doonhammer: presumably port-pair-group --- the entire group should have the same insertion mode, I would imagine 17:31:43 <LouisF> probably better on the PPG as I don't see a case for a mix of bitw/l2/l3 devices 17:32:01 <doonhammer> LouisF +1 17:32:37 <LouisF> ok that meeans adding this to the PPG parameters 17:32:45 <doonhammer> Not sure if it is possible be but would be nice to enforce the same VNF in a group 17:32:59 <LouisF> doonhammer: +1 17:33:03 <doonhammer> but probably too much 17:33:34 <LouisF> need add PPG parameter - but that has been discussed before 17:34:31 <LouisF> #action Louis to add bud to add PPG parameter to specify insert-mode behavior for all PPs in a PPG 17:34:36 <LouisF> bug 17:34:38 <doonhammer> LouisF: may also need some info for load-balancing there too 17:34:55 <LouisF> doonhammer: agree 17:36:01 <LouisF> ok moving on 17:36:43 <LouisF> that next item is adding 'nsh' encap to the chain parameter 17:37:05 <s3wong> LouisF: long email thread on that on openstack-dev... 17:37:15 <LouisF> #topic nsh encap specification in chain-parameter 17:37:21 <LouisF> s3wong: yes 17:37:25 <mohankumar> LouisF , yes 17:38:40 <LouisF> from the api perspective this is simple - today the encap is mpls and we can easily add nsh 17:39:04 <LouisF> the issue is the reference implementation 17:39:11 <doonhammer> Was Kyle not correct when he pointed Uri to the OVS mailing list 17:39:32 <LouisF> doonhammer: agree 17:40:18 <doonhammer> Until there is some agreement there not much we can do apart from try and push - use cases and requirements? 17:40:32 <doonhammer> not sure how else to push? 17:40:44 <LouisF> Kyle was definitely said the openstack CI did not want patches 17:40:55 <s3wong> LouisF: so Uri basically just wants us to define NSH parameters at our API level? 17:41:44 <doonhammer> I have OVN working without NSH - I am not sure moving NSF into networking-sfc or networking-ovn is the right approach 17:42:11 <doonhammer> there is a new carrier service-chaining IETF RFC that is BGP focused 17:42:34 <LouisF> s3wong: I think Uri just wants nsh encap to be added to networking-sfc 17:42:52 <s3wong> doonhammer: and I am sure in near future some other people would raise us not having support for BGP based SFC to be slowing down the industry... 17:42:56 <doonhammer> if networking-sfc is a good abstraction it should support different approaches 17:43:09 <doonhammer> s3wong: LOL 17:43:20 <LouisF> networking-sfc is an abstract API it does not deal with dataplane implementation 17:43:27 <LouisF> doonhammer: +1 17:43:37 <doonhammer> LouisF +1 17:43:58 <s3wong> LouisF: our reference can't support it at this point... 17:44:26 <igordcard> if you are goijg to support nsh, it would be preferable to allow nsh to do what it was intended to 17:44:44 <doonhammer> So I am with Kyle and we support what ever the drivers support 17:45:04 <LouisF> s3wong: we can add nsh to the ovs driver but depends on the nsh supported by ovs 17:45:12 <mohankumar> We having ONOS +openstack reference implemention with OVS NSH , ONOS community supporting NSH 17:45:34 <LouisF> right now we use mpls encap as a proxy for nsh 17:45:58 <s3wong> LouisF: we can add NSH encap as optional parameters, one which would be implemented by ODL backend (once that is ready)... and the reference would return 'not implemented' exception --- doesn't look too clean though... 17:46:20 <s3wong> mohankumar: so ONOS also uses a forked version of OVS? 17:46:34 <mohankumar> s3wong , yes 17:46:55 <doonhammer> In real production deployments the encap is going to be different - e.g. carrier versus data center so we need to be agnostic 17:46:59 <LouisF> s3wong: are there other cases in neutron where some drivers do not provide complete functionality for an api? 17:47:19 <LouisF> doonhammer: +1 17:47:51 <s3wong> LouisF: for reference? Can't think of any. Because normally adding support in reference implementation is part of the job of extending APIs 17:48:46 <LouisF> s3wong: so the reference implementation always supports all options offered by the api? 17:49:45 <s3wong> LouisF: I believe so... can't think of any exception from top of my head... 17:50:22 <pcarver> It would be good if the reference implementation could support everything, but the problem is that it means that you have to bypass OpenStack for anything that's only supported by some backends. 17:50:50 <s3wong> LouisF: and it is a good rule of thumb anyway, as it is difficult for user to try out new APIs but the default keeps returning 'not implemented' exception 17:51:12 <LouisF> s3wong: ok if that is the case the ovs driver needs to support nsh 17:51:29 <pcarver> It's a high bar for the reference implementation to have a superset of all possible features, so what's more likely is that we would lack an API for some things that multiple SDN controllers each have their own API for 17:51:32 <s3wong> LouisF: correct... unfortunately... 17:51:33 <LouisF> the ovs driver is our reference implematation 17:52:33 <s3wong> LouisF: for analogy --- for a long time, OVS has no conntrack, and therefore security group's reference is iptables on Linux bridge hooking up with OVS 17:53:14 <LouisF> s3wong: good case in point 17:53:42 <s3wong> LouisF: our problem is we need to have the same network driver as core driver for SFC to work, so even using a non-core supported fork of OVS is not acceptable 17:54:13 <LouisF> s3wong: +1 17:54:28 <LouisF> ok we will monitor the email exhange between Kyle, Armando and Uri to see there is any compromise/resolution 17:54:35 <doonhammer> Perhaps framing it as what use cases we can support with each driver - and then ask the driver team for support in solving the other issues? 17:55:01 <doonhammer> helps to make it more specific 17:55:57 <LouisF> doonhammer: i think the ref implementation should support most if not all use cases 17:56:32 <doonhammer> LouisF: Agree but we are between a rock and a driver place :-) 17:57:30 <LouisF> doonhammer: lets see what is decided 17:57:56 <LouisF> ok i don't want to start a new topic 17:58:12 <igordcard> I can't resolve the question about nsh in the API vs. ref arch, but I don't mind doing a PoC of NSH via networking-sfc (with the latest yi yang's patch) demonstrating how SFC Encapsulation can be achieved (which requires changes to the API) 17:58:16 <s3wong> doonhammer: yeah... as cores. TBH, we are willing to entertain adding this if the community feels very strongly about it --- I mean, ODL and ONOS are both OSS projects anyway; but we are Neutron stadium, and we are subjected to be governed by Neutron driver team also 17:59:20 <LouisF> igordcard: nsh can be supported by simply adding 'correlation-nsh' in the chain-parameters 17:59:33 <igordcard> LouisF: please see my use case at the wiki 17:59:43 <LouisF> igordcard: ok 18:00:09 <LouisF> ok thats it folks 18:00:14 <LouisF> bye 18:00:19 <s3wong> thanks, guys! 18:00:19 <mohankumar> bye 18:00:20 <igordcard> bye 18:00:21 <s3wong> bye 18:00:22 <pcarver> bye 18:00:22 <LouisF> #endmeeting