17:02:32 <bcafarel> #startmeeting service_chaining 17:02:33 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Sep 7 17:02:32 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is bcafarel. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:02:34 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:02:36 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'service_chaining' 17:02:56 <bcafarel> I started the meeting in wrong chan sorry 17:03:15 <bcafarel> so again: hi everyone, LouisF (and maybe others) are away this week, let's see the attendance 17:03:32 <pcarver> I'm here, but just back from vacation and not even close to caught up. 17:04:01 <bcafarel> pcarver: hi, hope you are full of energy from your vacation then :) 17:07:41 <bcafarel> ok I'll make it quick for this week then, just 2 points for the logs 17:07:45 <bcafarel> #topic agenda 17:07:55 <bcafarel> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/ServiceFunctionChainingMeeting#Agenda_for_the_Networking-SFC_Meeting_.289.2F7.2F2017.29 17:08:16 <bcafarel> ^ will still be good for next weeks meetings 17:08:39 <bcafarel> #topic Pike release 17:09:02 <bcafarel> I quickly tested a Pike release, everything looked good 17:09:11 <bcafarel> first release synced with main projects went fine :) 17:10:08 <bcafarel> #topic Denver PTG 17:10:48 <bcafarel> pcarver: will you go there? 17:11:08 <bcafarel> the other usual suspects are not (igorcard, me, LouisF, ...) 17:11:16 <pcarver> no, I'm afraid not 17:11:53 <bcafarel> ok so probably not many SFC discussions then there 17:12:34 <bcafarel> other topics can wait for more attendance :) 17:14:10 <bcafarel> next week is PTG but as almost no one is going, we will see who turns up for the meeting 17:15:16 <bcafarel> pcarver: bye and welcome back! 17:15:23 <pcarver> thanks. 17:15:24 <pcarver> bye 17:15:30 <bcafarel> #endmeeting