16:00:48 <krotscheck> #startmeeting StoryBoard 16:00:49 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jan 5 16:00:48 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is krotscheck. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:50 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:51 <ttx> o/ 16:00:53 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'storyboard' 16:00:54 * krotscheck peers at the bot 16:00:57 <yolanda> hi 16:01:04 <CTtpollard> hello 16:01:22 <krotscheck> anteaya mentioned that there were bot problems, so here’s hoping we’re good. 16:01:22 <krotscheck> Hey there! 16:01:31 <krotscheck> #topic Actions from last week 16:01:34 <anteaya> krotscheck: hi 16:01:44 <anteaya> anteaya: bots seem to be working right now 16:01:50 <krotscheck> anteaya: Yay. 16:02:04 <anteaya> off to a great start 16:02:42 <krotscheck> Ok, so from last week: I did a bit of pestering fungi for storyboard-dev, and he’s updating the puppet module to accomodate it. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/144367/ 16:02:52 <krotscheck> So as soon as that passes jenkins, people can look at it. 16:03:06 <krotscheck> Oh, right: Agenda - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StoryBoard#Agenda 16:03:38 <krotscheck> rcarrilocruz isn’t here, we’ll skip him for now since he’s still investigating socket apis. 16:03:51 <krotscheck> CTtpollard: Did you manage to ping persia about docs? 16:04:06 <CTtpollard> I made him aware that you asked of him 16:04:15 <krotscheck> Cool. 16:04:20 <krotscheck> persia: You here? 16:04:24 <CTtpollard> I've only just got back from Holidays today 16:04:57 <krotscheck> I’ll take silence as a no. 16:05:37 <krotscheck> I’ve taken a look at documenting the event processing engine, and while trying to set up a data dictionary realized that our data is crazy inconsistent. Thus I’m working on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/143744/ to help with that. 16:05:50 <krotscheck> But that’s not ready yet. 16:06:05 <krotscheck> And, honestly, I’m thinking I should table that temporarily because email is now 2 months overdue. 16:06:46 <krotscheck> Any thoughts on that? 16:06:47 <yolanda> krotscheck , do you need help on that one? 16:07:01 <krotscheck> yolanda: Which one, the data dictionary or the emails? 16:07:07 <yolanda> data dictionary 16:07:20 <krotscheck> Yeah, any help would be appreciated. 16:07:23 <yolanda> or the other if you prefer 16:07:35 <yolanda> coming back from holiday on wednesday 16:07:41 <krotscheck> The goal is to make all of our events spit out a consistent set of data that we can work off of. 16:07:58 <yolanda> do you have some spec for it? 16:07:59 <krotscheck> For instance: Comments don’t include the relevant story id. This feels like an oversight. 16:08:27 <krotscheck> yolanda: The patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/143744/ started as a very large battery of tests that proscribe desired behavior. 16:08:30 <yolanda> actually the commit message is quite accurate 16:09:01 <yolanda> cool, i can collaborate with that on wed 16:09:11 <krotscheck> Righto. 16:09:16 <krotscheck> Neat. thanks. 16:09:23 <krotscheck> Moving on: 16:09:42 <krotscheck> #topic Urgent Items: Deployment broken. 16:09:42 <krotscheck> That’s fixed, I believe. 16:10:00 <krotscheck> #topic User Feedback 16:10:02 <yolanda> yes, latest patches went live 16:10:13 <krotscheck> I just got another from jeblair https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000095 16:10:44 <yolanda> mm, seing that as "No title" 16:10:55 <krotscheck> ANyone have a thought on how to address that? 16:11:04 <yolanda> ok, that was a bug, now i can see it properly 16:11:18 <krotscheck> Argh, it’s still doing that? 16:11:23 <yolanda> looks like, yes 16:11:25 <jeblair> yolanda: yeah, that sounds like the bug where it takes too long to async load the story data 16:11:37 <jeblair> (or fails) 16:11:37 * krotscheck thought he fixed that. 16:11:59 <yolanda> i had firebug disable so i could not see the error :( 16:12:21 <krotscheck> Yeah, same here. 16:12:22 <ttx> I think the suggestion on the bug is the right way to fix that: "the link portion of the field should consistently be a navigation link, and only the edit icon should begin editing the field" 16:12:35 <krotscheck> That UI is starting to get crowded :/ 16:12:42 <krotscheck> But I agree. 16:13:04 <krotscheck> I’ll add a comment to that effect on the bug. 16:13:08 <rcarrillocruz> hey folks 16:13:18 <CTtpollard> hi 16:13:19 <yolanda> makes sense to me 16:13:23 <rcarrillocruz> sorry, but tomorrow it's bank holiday and i was leaving early today with wife and baby 16:13:24 <rcarrillocruz> ! 16:13:39 <krotscheck> rcarrillocruz: No worries, we’ll catch up with you next week. 16:14:14 <krotscheck> Any other user feedback? 16:14:16 <yolanda> krotscheck, actually there is an edit icon next to the project name 16:14:54 <ttx> yolanda: yes, so this is not adding any extra space 16:15:06 <yolanda> so clicking that should allow editing of project, but i think it will be still a bit confusing 16:15:20 <krotscheck> That’s going to be super interesting to figure out which nuance feels natural. Tabbing from field-to-field, vs clicking, vs. linking.... 16:15:22 <yolanda> i would expect that all entries in inline task edition behave the same way 16:15:42 <yolanda> so if you click on task and you can edit it, i would expect the same behaviour for project 16:16:31 <krotscheck> I agree. 16:16:46 <jeblair> i think things that look like hyperlinks should act like them, and things that look like edit buttons should act like those... so i think changing the project link as described will make sense, and perhaps the task "link" should just stop looking like a link and only have an edit button 16:17:23 <jeblair> i had no idea that you could tab through things and edit without selecting. 16:17:27 <jeblair> i think that may be an anti-feature 16:18:14 <ttx> also, it's not that often that you /change/ a project 16:18:17 <jeblair> oh 16:18:40 <jeblair> also, everytime i tab through, I'm adding another 'James E. Blair updated "Links to projects are not consistent".' to the history 16:18:47 <ttx> You add extra tasks to cover extra projects, but changing the project for an existing task ? 16:18:52 <jeblair> even without changing anything. sorry. i'll file a story for that. 16:19:45 <ttx> I'd argue it's fione that the edit icon is so small, since swiytching project names is a non-use-case. 16:21:05 <krotscheck> So how would you maintain a consistent set of controls, while still accomodating this? Assume that every editable field must behave the same way. 16:21:12 <ttx> hmm. 16:21:28 <ttx> I'll admit that switching assignees (or task titlke) will happen much more often. 16:21:54 <jeblair> krotscheck: accomodating what? are you asking about the tab thing? 16:21:55 <yolanda> so we could just remove the feature of editing the project of a task 16:21:56 <ttx> i would still follow the suggestion 16:22:03 <krotscheck> jeblair: I’m asking about ttx’s question. 16:22:06 <yolanda> and project is just a simple hyperlink 16:22:19 <ttx> text is a consistent hyperlink, icon triggers quickchange. 16:22:53 <ttx> (the UI needs to be consistent between logged-in and not-logged-in, and those hyperlinks have values) 16:23:00 <ttx> value* 16:23:26 <krotscheck> jeblair: As for the tabbing being an anti-feature, it’s absolutely magical when you’re entering lots of tasks for a story. 16:23:56 <krotscheck> And it’s definitely a step up from the multi-click nonsense of expand-to-see-form that we had previously 16:24:12 <jeblair> krotscheck: yeah, though it breaks expected keyboard navigation behavior, so i wonder if we could try to accomodate both 16:24:40 <jeblair> story regarding erroneous timeline entries after tabbing out of a field: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000097 16:24:54 <krotscheck> What if we make the entire row editable? 16:24:54 <krotscheck> That is: 16:25:14 <krotscheck> Everything is a hyperlink. The row has an edit button. If you click it, all fields become editable. 16:25:37 <krotscheck> Click on save, and the whole thing saves. 16:25:44 <ttx> krotscheck: that would work 16:25:56 <krotscheck> that also fixes the story that jeblair just filed. 16:25:56 <krotscheck> s/fixes/addresses/ 16:25:57 <ttx> saves icon space for sure 16:26:00 <yolanda> makes sense to me, actually looks clearer 16:26:07 <jeblair> krotscheck: would that still be magical enough when entering lots of tasks? 16:26:32 <krotscheck> jeblair: Entering lots of tasks ends up being a “Here’s a brand new editable row, click on save and we’ll give you a new one” thing. 16:26:39 <jeblair> krotscheck: gotcha 16:27:15 <krotscheck> Alright, let’s give that a shot and see how people feel about it. 16:27:54 <krotscheck> #action krotscheck switch task editing to toggleable-by-row. 16:28:20 <krotscheck> Any other user feedback? 16:29:38 <krotscheck> #topic Discussion Topics (Branch Support) 16:29:45 <krotscheck> Didn’t we finish this one? 16:29:49 <ttx> I think we did 16:30:00 <krotscheck> Cool. 16:30:03 <ttx> next one is task milestone @ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/139626/ 16:30:15 <ttx> and then I have bug types up at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/129267/ 16:30:39 <krotscheck> Alright, I’ll tag those on the end. I’m pretty sure we’ll get to task milestones. 16:31:13 <ttx> not a lot of reviews on those specs yet, I'll wait a bit before revving them 16:31:21 <krotscheck> #topic Paging (jedimike) 16:31:27 <krotscheck> jedimike is not here. 16:31:51 <yolanda> not sure about jedimike availability, i think he was having some doctor appointment these days 16:31:52 <krotscheck> #topic i18n 16:32:43 <krotscheck> Ok, so Aleksey’s been starting to contribute to the api codebase, and he’s done a lot of improvements on basic plumbing. In particular, he did this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/142503/ 16:33:12 <krotscheck> My question is: Is this the right time to have a discussion about i18n? 16:33:45 <krotscheck> …and to basically decide whether/what our long-term strategy might be. 16:34:40 <CTtpollard> I'm not sure I know enough about internalization to comment 16:35:26 <CTtpollard> or spelling for that matter it seems.... 16:35:31 <krotscheck> Personally, while I definitely think that adding the translation hooks is a good practice, I’ve yet to hear of anyone wanting to use storyboard in not-english. 16:35:52 <krotscheck> CTtpollard: Just switch your dictionary ;) 16:36:04 <krotscheck> Does anyone else have an opinion? 16:36:05 <yolanda> i'm using spanish or catalan if i have translations available, but i suppose english is de facto language 16:36:40 <krotscheck> yolanda: You speak catalan? Neat! 16:36:51 <yolanda> i'm catalan :) 16:37:16 <krotscheck> yolanda: Have you ever worked with an app whose UI and errors are catalan/spanish, but whose user-generated content is english? 16:38:00 <yolanda> yes, for example i have jenkins in spanish but all tasks, logs, etc...are english 16:38:08 <krotscheck> How does that work for you? 16:38:19 <yolanda> it's natural to me and used to that 16:38:46 <krotscheck> Huhn. 16:38:51 <yolanda> i see jenkins messages in spanish but i assume that all the content is going to be in english 16:39:16 <krotscheck> That’s fascinating. I’ve always made the assumption that the UI translation should match the content. 16:39:49 <yolanda> doesn't need to 16:39:57 <krotscheck> How important would you rate it? 16:40:44 <yolanda> well, i assume that is not possible to have content in spanish that is generated by english people, i have grown with that so I don't see that like a problem 16:41:07 <yolanda> but i'm used to have the UI for ubuntu and all the available apps in spanish because is more natural to me 16:41:42 <yolanda> also for example the locale is important 16:41:48 <yolanda> as date formatting, numbers, etc... is different here 16:42:10 <krotscheck> yolanda: Where would you put internationalization on StoryBoard’s roadmap? 16:42:42 <ttx> (FTR as far as openstack is concerned, since all content will be in english... I rate it pretty low priority) 16:42:50 <yolanda> krotscheck, i don't see it like an urgent feature, but what i would do is at least to have it ready 16:43:13 <yolanda> the more messages you add, the more effort you need to put later to acomodate 16:43:54 <yolanda> so what i would do is at least to enable gettext as is done in the backend, so all messages are ready to be translated, but we only have english 16:44:40 <krotscheck> That seems fair. How about we add this to the roadmap in the “unplanned” section? 16:44:46 <jeblair> i think it's important for storyboard to have it eventually, but i don't think it's an early priority. i would put it in mvp 1.3.1 or later. 16:44:49 <krotscheck> Or should this get mapped to a specific version? 16:45:53 * krotscheck is not-so-subtly trying to make yolanda do core-like roadmap things :D 16:46:12 <yolanda> heh :) 16:46:46 <yolanda> so i think jeblair comment makes sense 16:47:02 <krotscheck> Ok, I feel like everyone’s in the “not now, but let’s keep it in mind as we move forward." 16:47:27 <krotscheck> yolanda: can you do me a favor and add it to the roadmap? 16:47:27 <krotscheck> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StoryBoard/Roadmap 16:47:34 <yolanda> sure 16:47:36 <krotscheck> Thanks 16:47:53 <krotscheck> #topic Discussion (python3) 16:48:05 <krotscheck> Similar thing: Aleksey did a bunch of work here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/142733/ 16:48:23 <krotscheck> Right now we’re on 2.7 16:48:48 <krotscheck> Does it make sense for us to aggressively upgrade python? 16:49:27 <jeblair> krotscheck: the thing with that is that unless we are actually testing under python3, it will bitrot 16:49:54 <krotscheck> jeblair: Point. 16:50:38 <jeblair> so i would say if someone wants to fix all the things to the point where we can enable python 3.4 tests, then sure, rip the bandaid off 16:50:59 <krotscheck> So we care about 3.3? 16:51:04 <krotscheck> s/So/Do 16:51:19 <ttx> I'd say no 16:52:04 <krotscheck> What I’m hearing is: “If someone wants to put in the effort, great, otherwise let’s keep shipping features" 16:52:18 <jeblair> yep 16:52:32 <krotscheck> Ok, moving on. 16:53:14 <krotscheck> #topic Discussion (Task Milestones): https://review.openstack.org/#/c/139626 16:53:14 <krotscheck> I may have broken the bot. 16:53:17 <krotscheck> There we go 16:53:26 <krotscheck> ttx? What’s up 16:54:00 <ttx> That once was updated to build on top of the approved task branch spec 16:54:13 <krotscheck> Just a rebase right? 16:54:28 <ttx> yes, still has 3 +1s 16:55:08 <ttx> so you might want to review it 16:55:29 <ttx> that said, we already have a sane pipeline of unimplemented features 16:55:34 <krotscheck> We do. 16:55:37 <ttx> so I don't think reviewing that is top prio 16:55:38 <krotscheck> But I will 16:55:50 <ttx> same for the story types spec 16:56:15 <ttx> That one was heavily rewritten to be more generally applicable and less hardcoded 16:56:21 <ttx> since that's the spirit of the times 16:56:29 <krotscheck> awesome. 16:56:44 <krotscheck> Are you comfortable switching topics to Open Discussion? 16:56:46 <ttx> I basically distilled the types we need for openstack into a series of properties 16:56:57 <yolanda> ttx, i added a comment about task mutation 16:57:07 <ttx> yolanda: yep, saw that 16:57:19 <ttx> yolanda: sounds valid to me 16:57:20 <yolanda> so it may be possible that not all states can mutate to others 16:57:41 <ttx> those properties can be combined to build custom types 16:57:58 * krotscheck has his interest piqued. 16:58:07 <ttx> so overall it feels a lot more flexible 16:58:35 <ttx> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/129267/ 16:58:37 <ttx> for ref ^ 16:58:45 <krotscheck> 2 minute warning 16:59:04 <ttx> krotscheck: it started as an alternative implementation, but then I liked it enough to replace the original one. 16:59:39 <ttx> I'm done, we can switch to open discussion 17:00:03 <krotscheck> ttx: That sounds like exactly the kind of thing that happens when people write specs, and why we like them so much :) 17:00:04 <krotscheck> Naah, we’re out of time. 17:00:04 <krotscheck> Thanks everyone! 17:00:04 <krotscheck> #endmeeting