15:00:04 <Zara> #startmeeting storyboard 15:00:04 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Nov 18 15:00:04 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Zara. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:05 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:08 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'storyboard' 15:00:30 <Zara> #Announcements 15:01:02 <Zara> SotK is still on holiday. He should be back from Tuesday. 15:01:35 <Zara> # Urgent Items 15:01:48 <Zara> Nothing on the agenda 15:01:56 <Zara> will move on! 15:02:02 <Zara> # In Progress Work 15:02:33 <Zara> #info worklists and boards-- SotK has been working on these, patches are in review currently 15:02:56 * Zara finds link... 15:03:28 <Zara> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/owner:%22Adam+Coldrick%22+status:open,n,z 15:03:32 <Zara> probably the best quick list 15:04:20 <Zara> #info email notifications-- SotK again, these are waiting for him to update a couple of patches 15:04:48 <Zara> I don't think there's much we can do with those until after Tuesday, though always good to have a look if there's time 15:05:17 <Zara> So onto me... 15:06:20 <Zara> I've started looking at creating a roadmap for storyboard, since the things that are currently up on the wiki came about when things were pretty different. 15:06:52 <Zara> the main thing I've found is that a spec would be very helpful. 15:07:10 <betherly> ++ - yes that would be great to have 15:07:36 <Zara> there are a million and one things to do; I have a rough guide of what to prioritise in the short term but I'd like more direction 15:07:40 <betherly> and a clear path forward re areas of focus for this cycle 15:07:53 <persia> ++ 15:08:10 <Zara> yes. 15:08:32 <betherly> i would suggest focusing down on really small areas to work on and very specific ones and tasks we can check off 15:08:49 <betherly> the broader the focuses the more room for expansion out of control 15:09:06 <Zara> I agree with that, the more uncertainty, the less gets done 15:09:07 <betherly> and suddenly they're not focuses any more 15:10:52 <Zara> right now the very rough roadmap goes: 1) email notifications when a subscribed resource updates, 2) worklists and boards, 3: Fix search (there is an ongoing story for this), 4. Tags -- so these get steadily more vague as the map moves on 15:11:28 <Zara> they should be ordered in terms of priority, but in practice they're as much ordered in terms of 'what we have a clear spec for' 15:12:18 <Zara> so I think we should move on to getting a spec... 15:12:36 <Zara> # Discussion topics-- spec for task tracker 15:13:03 <Zara> so, we want a spec-- how do we get one? I've asked around in infra a bit but I don't know that anyone is currently working on this. 15:13:22 <Zara> I'm wondering if we should try to sketch something out 15:13:37 <persia> The general model is to write one and propose it to infra-specs 15:14:04 <Zara> okay, I've seen some for individual parts of a task tracker, but never the tracker as a whole 15:15:03 <persia> The right way to do that is to have the task tracker manage it :) Some folk seem to use etherpads for now, linking to specs. 15:16:39 <Zara> I can look in storyboard.openstack.org for people's requirements (and have been), but the use of etherpads means that those requirements aren't always listed... 15:17:42 <betherly> can we take the basic requirements we have so far, write a spec based on that and then open it to the community for suggestions for a time 15:17:46 <betherly> ? 15:18:41 <betherly> ultimately everyone is going to want a million different things though and so we need to develop an mvp and develop it more as interest increases again and we have a clearer picture of more specific requirements 15:19:24 <Zara> just to clarify, when you say basic requirements, are you referring to the stuff in my roadmap of sorts, or something else? 15:20:27 <Zara> I agree on the approach 15:22:31 <Zara> I'm less clear that anyone outside of storyboard can agree on what the basic requirements are, hehe. :) That said, we could come up with our own list and then change things later if we need to. 15:23:22 <betherly> Zara: yep sorry for not specifying 15:23:25 <persia> Maybe just updates to the StoryBoard wiki is the place to do things: avoids the evenescence of etherpads. 15:23:52 <betherly> I think that is really my suggestion tbh, create our list and then open it to suggestions on that 15:24:21 <betherly> trying to compile a never ending list of what everyone in the community might potentially want at this point would be impossible 15:24:48 <Zara> betherly: Okay, makes sense to me and I think this will ensure it happens! :) 15:25:59 <Zara> I'd like to make that an action 15:26:21 <betherly> Zara: exactly. if we dont make hard decisions at this point and just compile data there will be so much of it nothing will ever happen lol 15:27:25 <Zara> betherly: yeah, I've been trying that for long enough at this point, would like to try a different approach. :) 15:27:31 <betherly> :) 15:27:40 <Zara> #action Zara come up with minimal requirements for a task tracker 15:28:01 <Zara> I named me there, but that's really me and you and SotK and anyone who's interested enough to seek us out and actively help with the development 15:28:30 <Zara> we should work out a time that suits, but we can probably do that in #storyboard 15:29:17 <Zara> if that seems fair, I think that's the end of that discussion, okay to move onto open discussion? 15:30:06 <Zara> seems so 15:30:10 <Zara> # Open Discussion 15:30:14 <Zara> anyone have any points to raise? 15:30:39 <pedroalvarez> I failed so far on my attempt of testing openstackid with storyboard 15:31:02 <Zara> that's concerning. 15:31:12 <pedroalvarez> I've been pointed to smarcet in -infra. seems he will be able to help 15:31:22 <Zara> ah, great 15:32:18 <Zara> I think I use my ubuntu one ID at the moment; I'm not sure if that's the same thing 15:32:24 <Zara> I should really know more about this :/ 15:32:40 <pedroalvarez> is difficult to know about everything :) 15:32:45 * Zara adds it to the enormous list of things 15:32:46 <Zara> heh 15:33:19 <Zara> I'm glad there's someone who can help with it, anyway; I think that's something that would be on the list of minimum requirements 15:33:22 <Zara> so it ties in 15:34:14 <persia> These shouldn't be framed as "minimum": we did those a couple years ago, and reached MVP a couple times. 15:34:47 <persia> Rather, there should be a (relatively narrow) set of priority features. 15:34:57 <betherly> persia: ++ 15:34:58 <persia> And the process should be revisited when those are done. 15:35:04 <betherly> totally agree 15:35:20 <Zara> heh, fine by me. 15:35:29 <betherly> do a couple of small things really flipping well 15:35:34 <betherly> then move on 15:38:44 <Zara> makes sense to me 15:39:40 <Zara> anything else? 15:40:04 <Zara> my action should be revised 15:40:18 <Zara> #action Zara to come up with narrow set of priority features for a task tracker 15:42:21 <betherly> im all good on things i think 15:42:44 <Zara> okay, in that case let's free this up for the next team! 15:42:54 <Zara> Thanks, everyone, was nice to have a lot of productive discussion today :) 15:42:59 <Zara> #endmeeting