19:01:00 #startmeeting storyboard 19:01:01 Meeting started Wed Nov 23 19:01:00 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Zara. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:02 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:01:04 The meeting name has been set to 'storyboard' 19:01:12 #topic Announcements 19:01:41 I don't think we have any this week 19:02:01 #topic Urgent Items 19:02:05 None! 19:02:10 #topic In-Progress Work 19:02:33 So, this week I went to OpenStack Day France, and some stuff came out of that 19:02:38 \o/ 19:02:40 do tell! 19:02:49 hahaha, I was planning to come back to that in Discussion 19:03:03 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/StoryBoard#Agenda_for_next_meeting 19:03:07 sneak preview ^ 19:03:09 that works for me :) 19:03:28 I'm afraid I've done very little this week 19:04:18 yeah, it's been a weird week 19:04:41 we both spoke to the zuul team about some ui things, hoping for more feedback from there 19:04:55 I sent a patch for SpamapS' suggestion 19:04:59 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/400381/ 19:05:41 that changes the 'stories' icon to a book 19:05:54 since there was confusion over similarity with the 'tasks' icon 19:06:33 so if people are interested in that, it's up there! 19:06:38 oh nice 19:06:58 * SotK will review that later once I've decided how it makes me feel 19:07:14 haha, yep, thought the best way for folk to discuss it was if they could see it 19:07:30 I'm not attached to any particular icons for things 19:08:06 so, other things... 19:08:31 this is waiting on +workflow: 19:08:33 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/384532/ 19:08:38 which updates angular 19:08:54 * SotK wonders if he trusts the SotK of Oct 24 19:08:54 so a 'longterm health of the webclient' thing 19:08:58 haha 19:09:03 well, there's a draft build 19:09:07 trusts enough to +1 right now that is 19:09:27 I did test it on my end pretty thoroughly, but I agree you shouldn't take that as a guarantee 19:10:29 other things... 19:10:41 the 'about' page subheading annoyed me, so I sent a patch 19:10:44 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/399195/ 19:11:20 I'm fine leaving it if others feel strongly against that, it stuck out to me and I couldn't leave it. 19:11:39 * SotK wonders what persia thinks of the new content 19:11:46 +1 19:11:49 is the thought 19:12:20 (but I know not the specifics of the +1) 19:12:20 I don't really have any strong objection to either form 19:12:41 oh, I should have scrolled down 19:12:44 hah 19:13:04 oh! 19:13:08 just noticed this 19:13:10 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/397341/ 19:13:25 it got caught because it got the requisite +1 after +2 19:13:30 so it hasn't been +A'd 19:13:40 * SotK merges 19:13:42 \o/ 19:13:56 *this time*, we'll have working install instructions 19:14:14 (how many times will I repeat that with optimism...?) 19:14:16 :) 19:14:50 I think that's where I'm at with things; my changes have been pretty small and I've been travelling a bunch. 19:15:02 * SotK wonders if such a thing has ever existed for anything 19:15:20 hah 19:16:03 lmk if you see it! 19:16:21 ready to move on to discussion? 19:16:48 I am 19:17:00 3, 19:17:01 2 19:17:01 1 19:17:05 #topic Discussion 19:17:17 So! 19:17:32 This Tuesday, I was at OpenStack Day, France! 19:17:34 * SotK is excited 19:18:10 It was a nice event! Lots of informative talks, well organised, good wifi, tasty snacks 19:18:21 sounds great 19:18:26 I'm sad I couldn't make it 19:18:28 so nice work, everyone involved in that! :D 19:18:48 and yeah :( NEXT TIME 19:20:04 anyway, while there, I spoke with diablo_rojo and ttx about migrating teams to StoryBoard and soforth 19:20:45 one thing that's coming up a lot 19:21:29 is that there's a lot of tribal knowledge about the concepts and motivations behind storyboard 19:22:08 (probably because the conversation is between a similar group of folk at each summit, same for our meetings, and so-on) 19:22:53 so, for example, people are asking if there's an API, as they don't have the context that it was designed to be an API-driven task-tracker. 19:23:18 and this information is readily available from our documentation, but people will not stumble across that 19:24:04 that makes sense 19:24:24 I actually think the API point has even come up in the task tracking session both times I've been there too 19:24:37 s/session/summit session/ 19:25:52 yeah, I think it's a lot of folks' biggest concern, so it tends to be the first question for a newcomer, and I think in many projects it's something you only find out by looking at code. so yeah, in general, we need an easily-findable collection of materials that offer some context 19:26:03 explanations of the concepts (and how things map to lp), and so on 19:26:10 at the moment, we have various scattered things 19:26:22 FOR EXAMPLE 19:26:24 #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000667 19:26:50 * Zara has wanted a nicer version of that as a base for the 'about' page for a while 19:27:20 so one thing that came up 19:27:23 was an idea to do a blog 19:27:32 I would like a blog 19:27:53 also, this story is really nice and shiny 19:29:05 haha, it's something I periodically realise we need when people start asking questions, then it gets put down the list... 19:29:33 I got things to line up by drawing them on paper and then tracing them with a tablet, because I don't quite understand how to use any technology, apparently 19:29:48 (paper = grid paper) 19:30:02 anyway, yeah, blog! 19:30:16 so, 'wordpress' came up; I think pelican is prrrrobably a better fit for us 19:31:14 since I know you admin a pelican site already, and I have at least deployed a pelican thing for testing before 19:32:06 where admin == have recently started utilising, yeah 19:32:26 oh actually, there is also a blog that uses it that is older than that that I look after 19:32:37 hi, expert 19:32:39 yes, I like pelican, +1 for pelican over wordpress 19:33:18 \o/ cool, I'm wondering about starting by putting things in a repo and then deciding where it can live later. 19:33:33 that works for me 19:33:58 I'd prefer more people around before we make anything formal, but I also don't want to get bogged down debating the best infrastructure 19:34:38 so I'd rather just try to get something up, then replace if vetoed. (I really doubt anyone would veto, though) 19:34:57 yeah, that seems like a sensible approach to me 19:35:07 woop 19:35:12 now we get to debate where to put the repo! 19:35:17 hahaha 19:36:07 I like the idea of it being its own project, though that could take longer to set up, so we might want to make something first then import later 19:36:59 I feel like it definitely needs its own repository rather than being shoehorned elsewhere 19:37:57 yeah, when I say 'make something first', I was thinking of stuffing a repo into some free repo site hosting service thing someplace (I think I stumbled across some a while back, can't remember names offhand) 19:38:26 ah, good 19:39:49 we could use github pages perhaps? 19:40:34 yeah, I'd rather host it elsewhere for anything more serious than early 'hey does this look right?' purposes 19:40:40 * SotK too 19:41:02 but github feels acceptable for "throw something up quickly" to me 19:41:21 * Zara currently uses it for her website but feels guilty 19:41:43 so yeah, agreed on that 19:42:15 * Zara won't use an actual '#agreed' since it's just us 19:42:21 :D 19:42:24 but I think we have enough to go on to put a skeleton up 19:42:34 shall we try to set somethign skeletal up by next meeting then? 19:42:40 sounds good to me 19:42:49 we've got 18 minutes left 19:43:57 anything else you have that needs discussing here? 19:44:03 hm, well, would you rather start it or should I? 19:44:22 * Zara is wondering if 'we' will mean we both procrastinate and rush on tues 19:45:20 I will try to throw something together this weekend, feel free to beat me to it :) 19:45:29 okay, challenge accepted! 19:46:00 * Zara hasn't built one from scratch but should learn, and likes fussing with templates 19:46:59 that's all I have to say on that; I'm hoping we can get a more detailed overview from other folk when they're no longer on planes and whatnot 19:47:21 (specific questions that keep coming up, etc) 19:48:03 I have nothing else to add either 19:48:22 I agree that more details from other folk would be best obtained when they are on solid ground 19:49:42 yup 19:51:18 oh, I guess the other thing that's coming up is that the mobile interface is putting people off 19:51:28 compared with other tools that offer boards 19:52:08 yeah, storyboard isn't great on mobile 19:52:40 I was reminded of that earlier in this meeting (my browser is half-width today and so I'm seeing the tablet version) 19:53:19 yeah, I think we have some form of 'fix mobile interface' story somewhere, and I hope/plan to divide that up 19:53:34 into pieces I can look at one at a time 19:54:01 though I think the big dependency for that was the less/sass change 19:54:07 (hi betherly_! :P) 19:54:31 o/ 19:54:44 nipped in for the end! Sorry to be so late 19:54:53 will review logs :) 19:54:53 hi betherly_, no worries :) 19:55:05 no problem, it's great to see you! :D 19:55:12 :) 19:55:12 oh yeah, what is holding that up these days? 19:55:38 my time :p 19:55:54 things have been super busy trying to get set up at red hat 19:56:12 :) how's it going? (yeah, headings were different sizes so I wanted to check fonts were rendering right, and needs a rebase) 19:56:59 basically less compiles css in a different order to sass so I need to ensure nothing's being over written 19:58:42 cool, I can fix mobile things in a hacky way, I'm just wary of it needing further rebases if I do that 19:58:47 also the emotional pain my hacks will cause 19:59:18 :D 19:59:31 oh, nearly out of time! 19:59:38 I guess we can talk more in #storyboard if people want 20:00:13 #endmeeting