21:00:14 <notmyname> #startmeeting swift
21:00:15 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Sep  6 21:00:14 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is notmyname. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
21:00:16 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
21:00:18 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'swift'
21:00:19 <notmyname> who's here for the swift team meeting?
21:00:40 <kota_> hi
21:00:57 <timburke> o/
21:01:03 <mattoliverau> o/
21:01:08 <joeljwright> o/
21:01:20 <rledisez> hi o/
21:01:57 <notmyname> welcome
21:02:06 <notmyname> somewhat light today, it seems
21:02:08 <notmyname> but that's ok
21:02:18 <notmyname> mattoliverau: thanks for running the 0700 meeting
21:02:27 <acoles> hi, sorry, late
21:02:36 <notmyname> #topic PTG prep
21:02:55 <notmyname> pretty much the only agenda item for this week is final prep for next week's PTG in Denver
21:03:16 <notmyname> mattoliverau: you had some good links you gave in the last meeting
21:03:32 <notmyname> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/swift-ptg-queens
21:03:39 <notmyname> #link https://www.openstack.org/ptg#tab_schedule
21:03:46 <notmyname> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/PTG/Queens/Etherpads
21:03:54 <notmyname> #link http://ptg.openstack.org
21:03:55 * torgomatic is here
21:04:48 <notmyname> I'd like to make sure the "review before the PTG" sections on each topic on the ptg etherpad is as complete as possible
21:05:16 <notmyname> ops feedback doesn't need one. we're there to listen on that one
21:05:30 <notmyname> the swiftclient usability one ...
21:05:45 <notmyname> I've got a specific conversation I'd like to discuss from a user
21:05:54 <notmyname> I'm cleaning it up now in a text document
21:06:09 <notmyname> however, I'm not going to post it publicly since it wasn't a public conversation
21:06:34 <notmyname> I'll have it to discuss in denver though
21:06:47 <notmyname> swiftHML is empty
21:07:09 <notmyname> tdasilva: you're the only one in this channel who's name is on that topic ;-)
21:07:27 <notmyname> tdasilva: and the same for the gnocci driver
21:08:04 <notmyname> tdasilva: if you get a moment, please add something there. or if you talk to the others, please ask them to add something
21:08:24 <notmyname> does anyone know anything about osprofiler aside from patch 468316
21:08:25 <patchbot> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/468316/ - swift - OSprofiler in OpenStack Swift
21:08:42 <notmyname> is tovin here in irc?
21:08:54 <notmyname> will he be at the ptg?
21:09:18 <notmyname> ...and all the other topics at least have something listed! that's great!
21:09:25 <kota_> actually, it is added by me but i don't know if we could be comming
21:09:46 <clayg> kota_: you don't know if you're coming *next week* !?
21:09:56 <notmyname> kota_: wait, was that a typo, or you aren't coming?
21:09:56 <kota_> no no
21:10:03 <clayg> phew :P
21:10:10 <kota_> i will be there
21:10:17 <notmyname> :-)
21:10:29 <kota_> i meant i don't know if tovin could be comming
21:10:38 <notmyname> got it, thanks
21:10:46 <tdasilva> hello, sorry i'm late
21:10:53 <tdasilva> reading scrollback
21:10:56 <kota_> sorry, my mistake for English :/
21:11:01 <notmyname> kota_: no worries
21:11:15 <notmyname> kota_: I see you're on the patch. is this something you want to see added into swift?
21:11:19 <notmyname> the osprofiler support?
21:11:53 * mattoliverau thinks he had more links then normal lines in the 0700 meeting :p (sorry late reply, toddler troubles)
21:12:45 <kota_> actually, I'm not sure if *Swift users* wants that feature. It looks like similar situation with some *cross projects* work so that I'd like to gather opinions in ptg
21:12:58 <notmyname> got it
21:13:06 <kota_> and currently, I don't have strong opinion to support it
21:13:27 <notmyname> kota_: if you think there is some additional info we should read other than the patch, can you link it (if you think just the patch is ok, that's fine too)
21:13:58 <notmyname> kota_: yes, I think you're right about it being a cross-project thing
21:14:27 <notmyname> everyone, also note that on wednesday at 2:50 we're scheduled for a team picture (like the last ptg)
21:14:38 <kota_> notmyname: ok
21:14:52 <notmyname> I remember that a few of you "accidentally" showed up 2 minutes late for the pic and weren't in it ;-)
21:15:17 <acoles> pro tip :)
21:15:22 <mattoliverau> Do we all organise to wear the same shirt or colour :p
21:15:43 <notmyname> I'm bringing new swift shirts to the ptg
21:15:55 <mattoliverau> \o/
21:16:21 <notmyname> if you know of other teams' things we should pay attention to (their topics that affect us or interesting things we can help on), please add them to the section at the top of our etherpad
21:16:41 <notmyname> that's about all I've got for the PTG. what questions do you have?
21:16:53 <kota_> nice, new swift shirts ¥o/
21:17:42 <acoles> are we still planning on an informal bug triage session?
21:17:49 <notmyname> yes
21:18:18 <notmyname> for anyone attending the PTG on monday and tuesday, we'll find each other and do bug triage
21:18:35 <clayg> whoot!
21:18:39 <acoles> notmyname: ok, that's the info I needed: 'we'll find each other'
21:18:54 <clayg> I'll be near the coffee
21:19:02 <notmyname> most people, I think, have my cell phone number
21:19:04 <acoles> I'll be near clayg
21:19:09 <notmyname> otherwise, find clayg near the coffee ;-)
21:19:10 * clayg hugs
21:19:35 <notmyname> if you don't have it, my cell number is 254-722-3321
21:19:43 <clayg> oh snap!?
21:19:50 <notmyname> (I've already posted it in logged IRC before, so likely not much hard in doing it again)
21:19:51 <torgomatic> what if I do have it?
21:20:25 <mattoliverau> torgomatic: you delete it or add it again, cell2 cell3
21:21:09 <clayg> can't wait to see everyone next week!
21:21:33 <clayg> hrmm...
21:21:36 * clayg notices the crickets
21:21:49 <notmyname> acoles is visting SF this week and over lunch teased me about saying, "I'm looking forward to seeing most of you next week"
21:22:07 <mattoliverau> Who aren't you looking forward to seeing?
21:22:15 <mattoliverau> :p
21:22:17 <notmyname> note, I'm also looking forward to seeing the rest of you. just maybe not next week
21:22:18 <kota_> lol
21:22:34 <notmyname> #topic open discussion
21:22:40 <notmyname> anything else on the PTG? or anything else?
21:23:36 <notmyname> all right then. I think we're done
21:23:51 <notmyname> I look forward to seeing most of you next week. and the rest of you at a later date.
21:23:52 <notmyname> ;-)
21:23:59 <clayg> :D
21:24:06 <notmyname> thanks for being part of the swift community :-)
21:24:08 <mattoliverau> Lol
21:24:09 <notmyname> #endmeeting