21:01:50 #startmeeting swift 21:01:50 Meeting started Wed Sep 11 21:01:50 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is timburke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:01:50 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:01:50 The meeting name has been set to 'swift' 21:01:56 who's here for the swift meeting? 21:02:05 o/ 21:02:39 i know mattoliver said he probably wouldn't make it, and i'm guessing acoles is probably skipping this week, too 21:03:01 It's going to be a short meeting, then. 21:03:15 it was probably going to be that anyway ;-) 21:03:29 i neglected to update the agenda, but i've only really got one item to bring up 21:03:37 #topic 2.34.0 release 21:04:00 it's that time again! i put together the AUTHORS/CHANGELOG patch 21:04:15 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/swift/+/928464 21:04:15 patch 928464 - swift - AUTHORS/CHANGELOG for 2.34.0 - 4 patch sets 21:05:02 it'll have one more rebase before i land it (i foolishly approved a follow-on this morning and have been waiting for it to work its way through the gate) 21:05:55 o/ 21:05:58 but i'd appreciate people taking a look and making sure i didn't miss any meaty changes, left anything unclear, or made silly spelling errors 21:05:59 o/ 21:07:31 there have been a fair number of new features and bug fixes -- great work everyone! 21:07:50 👏 21:08:15 that's all i've got, though -- it's been top of mind for me the last week to make sure we hit the cycle deadline this week 21:08:22 #topic open discussion 21:08:36 what else should we talk about this week? 21:09:10 I've been a bit busy with other work, but I thought I'd ping about https://bugs.launchpad.net/swift/+bug/2077179 just in case 21:09:11 Bug #2077179 - S3Api - async delete (New) 21:10:52 still nothing from me :-( i'll see what i can do the next few days, though -- thanks for keeping it on our radar 21:15:51 i suppose one other thing worth mentioning is that acoles has gotten the feature/mpu branch loaded into his head again and started pushing patches; if anyone has time to start thinking about that body of work, i'm sure he'd appreciate reviews 21:19:21 all right, if that's all we've got, i'll keep it short 21:19:34 thank you all for coming, and thank you for working on swift! 21:19:39 #endmeeting