16:05:03 <sridhar_ram> #startmeeting tacker 16:05:08 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Sep 20 16:05:03 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sridhar_ram. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:05:09 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:05:11 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 16:05:17 <sridhar_ram> #topic Roll Call 16:05:26 <KanagarajM> hi 16:05:31 <manikanta-tadi> o/ 16:05:43 <sridhar_ram> Hi folks ! 16:05:46 <vishwanathj> o/ 16:05:50 <sripriya> o/ 16:05:56 <tung_doan> o/ 16:06:02 <sridhar_ram> sorry for the late start 16:06:03 <s3wong> o/ 16:06:08 <bobh> o/ 16:06:11 <n-harada> o/ 16:06:27 <sridhar_ram> let's start 16:06:31 <sridhar_ram> #topic Agenda 16:06:50 <sridhar_ram> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Tacker#Meeting_Sep_20th.2C_2016 16:06:57 <sridhar_ram> anything else ? 16:07:18 <sridhar_ram> I also want to briefly start the discussion on Barcelona Design Summit agenda 16:07:22 <KanagarajM> sridhar_ram, nice ! 16:07:31 <sridhar_ram> KanagarajM: thanks! 16:07:41 <sridhar_ram> #topic Announcements 16:08:00 <sridhar_ram> #chair sripriya bobh s3wong KanagarajM 16:08:01 <openstack> Current chairs: KanagarajM bobh s3wong sridhar_ram sripriya 16:09:31 <sridhar_ram> OpenStack CLI reference guide include Tacker CLIs... 16:09:38 <sridhar_ram> #link http://docs.openstack.org/cli-reference/tacker.html 16:09:50 <sridhar_ram> Please bookmark this ^^^ 16:10:23 <diga> o/ 16:10:45 <sridhar_ram> This also means we can skip documenting CLI syntax in our usage guide docs and use that instead to describe the feature and its functional benefits 16:11:24 <sridhar_ram> next .. 16:11:41 <sridhar_ram> You folks stuck with me as the PTL for one more cycle :) 16:11:45 <sridhar_ram> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-September/103881.html 16:12:12 <sridhar_ram> I've listed few of my thoughts in this email above ^^^ 16:12:25 <sripriya> sridhar_ram: congrats! 16:12:37 <sridhar_ram> sripriya: thanks! 16:12:43 <KanagarajM> sridhar_ram, +1 congrats :) 16:12:44 <diga> sripriya: Congrats! 16:12:50 <diga> sridhar_ram: congrats 16:13:15 <tung_doan> sridhar_ram: congrats! 16:13:17 <vishwanathj> congrats 16:13:31 <sridhar_ram> it just gives me a chance to write about all the amazing things this team delivered ... ! 16:14:02 <sridhar_ram> Thanks folks 16:14:25 <sridhar_ram> I'll also plan for a Newton Retrospective for the next weekly meeting.. please come with your thoughts on what worked well and what didn't .. 16:14:36 <sridhar_ram> .. we will course correct going forward. 16:14:40 <sridhar_ram> moving on 16:14:50 <sridhar_ram> #topic Newton Outstanding items 16:15:21 <sridhar_ram> We are in the last few days for Newton.. mostly for integration issues.. 16:15:30 <sridhar_ram> ... except for Alarm Mon.. which is an exception 16:15:36 <sridhar_ram> tung_doan: where do we stand ? 16:16:11 <sridhar_ram> anyone who reviewed alarm mon - I'd like to hear your opinion 16:16:14 <tung_doan> sridhar_ram: alar monitor is ready to merge now.. just need some minor changes 16:16:28 <tung_doan> sridhar_ram: alarm + scaling was lauched 16:16:36 <sridhar_ram> tung_doan: good news! 16:17:02 <tung_doan> sridhar_ram: I need a bit time to finish usage guide 16:17:30 <sridhar_ram> again, please keep in mind this (and FFG) will be marked experimental features for Newton... we just need to understand the "boundary" of this 16:17:39 <sripriya> sridhar_ram: the feature looks fine, i have few concern on the design, but i think we can take it in the next iteration 16:18:15 <sridhar_ram> tung_doan: usage guide fix ups can come in immediate follow ons.. i want to get in this feature so that it gets atleast few days of soak time 16:18:27 <sripriya> sridhar_ram: also because the token is set to tacker user context, i’m not sure how the UI is impacted during the webhook callback 16:18:36 <sridhar_ram> sripriya: anything that would impact existing features (collateral damage) ? 16:19:07 <sripriya> sridhar_ram: nothing for now 16:19:23 <sridhar_ram> sripriya: you mean, the respawn & scale out will happen using different user than the original vnf user ? 16:20:05 <sridhar_ram> bobh: KanagarajM: did you folks had a chance to review this feature ? 16:20:37 <sripriya> sridhar_ram: i’m suspecting that, i can confirm it to you today, i had few issues with my local setup when i pulled this feature yest. 16:20:43 <KanagarajM> sridhar_ram, I didn't. sorry ... 16:21:02 <bobh> sridhar_ram: me neither - I'll try to get to it tonight 16:21:04 <sridhar_ram> sripriya: sounds good.. thanks a ton for pulling this and trying out.. 16:21:13 * bobh 30 lashes.... 16:21:13 <sridhar_ram> KanagarajM: no worries 16:21:24 <sridhar_ram> bobh: thanks 16:21:26 <sripriya> sridhar_ram: np 16:21:28 <tung_doan> sridhar_ram: thanks all 16:21:41 * sridhar_ram pardons bobh 16:22:20 <sridhar_ram> i know dkushwaha and gongysh pitched in .. again making this a team effort.. awesome folks 16:22:32 <sridhar_ram> hopefully we can gets this in by tomorrow 16:22:45 <sridhar_ram> next.. VNF FFG 16:22:56 <sridhar_ram> s3wong: can you give an update on n-sfc driver ? 16:23:09 <trozet> sridhar_ram: going to test it in the next hour or so 16:23:18 <sridhar_ram> trozet: ah, welcome.. 16:23:39 <s3wong> sridhar_ram: I did some update --- the NeutronClient problem should be fixed by now 16:23:57 <sridhar_ram> trozet: s3wong: sounds good.. 16:24:04 <sridhar_ram> i'm in the testing team as well :) 16:24:13 <sridhar_ram> i'll pull the latest n-sfc driver .. 16:24:14 <diga> trozet: Downloading ubuntu16.04, hope my setup will complete by today EOD. Will let you know once done 16:24:40 <s3wong> sridhar_ram: right now for some reason, my Python and the python within tox doesn't give me the same neutronclient 16:24:44 <trozet> diga: cool 16:24:49 <sripriya> sridhar_ram: can we setup ubuntu 16.04 on gate for functional testing? 16:25:08 <s3wong> sridhar_ram: still need to figure it out (I just upgrade my VM to 16.04 yesterday) 16:25:32 <diga> trozet: :) 16:25:51 <sridhar_ram> sripriya: yes, i just looked into this yesterday.. it is easy, i just need to mark the node type to xenial .. but i'm concerned doing this release week 16:25:53 <KanagarajM> s3wong, sripriya, sridhar_ram, how does the ubutu version affect the tacker testing ? 16:26:20 <s3wong> sripriya: depends on whether we actually want networking-sfc running as part of our gate 16:26:31 <sridhar_ram> KanagarajM: for now, newer Ubuntu pulls newer OVS (v2.5) which is a must for n-sfc 16:26:32 <sripriya> sridhar_ram: okay 16:26:59 <KanagarajM> sridhar_ram, oh ok thanks 16:27:42 <sridhar_ram> sripriya: func test for ffg + n-sfc needs to come in a follow on.. we can have a separate dsvm job just for ffg+n-sfc and mark that job to use xenial (16.04) 16:28:09 <sripriya> sridhar_ram: ok 16:28:19 <sridhar_ram> trozet: s3wong: can you take ownership of this work item ... even if this mean post stable/newton ? 16:28:58 <sripriya> s3wong: maybe having a separate job as above would be good 16:29:19 <diga> sripriya: sridhar_ram 16:29:21 <trozet> sridhar_ram: i'm definitely not experienced in modifying OS CI, only OPNFV 16:29:29 <trozet> sridhar_ram: but I can try (would like to learn) 16:29:51 <trozet> might take me longer to figure out it out than someone else who already knows it 16:29:52 <sridhar_ram> trozet: no worries, i understand.. anyone from the wider tacker community want to take this up 16:30:02 <s3wong> sridhar_ram: sure 16:31:09 <sridhar_ram> I'm looking to spread Tacker CI job knowledge to the wider tacker community... i can guide anyone who signs up 16:32:09 <sridhar_ram> Let me summarize the plans for VNF FFG - 16:32:19 <sridhar_ram> (1) wrap final integration testing for n-sfc driver by Wednesday and merge the n-sfc driver patchset by Wed EOD 16:32:23 <tbh> sridhar_ram, I can take it up, if you want 16:32:58 <sridhar_ram> (2) trozet owns writing a devref for VNF FFG and this needs to wrap and merge by Friday 16:33:29 <sridhar_ram> (3) func test and CI job using 16.04 dsvm will be added post newton release 16:33:45 <sridhar_ram> tbh: thanks, that will be a good skill set for you to pick up 16:33:56 <s3wong> sridhar_ram: sounds like a good plan 16:34:11 <sridhar_ram> tbh: so, you own (3) above. Sounds okay ? 16:34:13 <diga> sridhar_ram: +1 16:34:20 <tbh> sridhar_ram, yes 16:34:31 <sridhar_ram> tbh: thanks! 16:34:35 <sridhar_ram> s3wong: diga: ack! 16:34:43 <sridhar_ram> trozet: what do you think ? 16:35:11 <diga> sridhar_ram: I can take func test if you want 16:35:39 <sridhar_ram> diga: let tbh take a swing at it first, we can percolate that knowledge further as needed 16:35:45 <diga> if tbh is ok with it :) 16:35:57 <diga> yep 16:36:15 <sridhar_ram> anything else related to Newton ? 16:36:42 <KanagarajM> sridhar_ram, one small patch on scaling :) 16:36:45 <sridhar_ram> I'll request the final newton tag and release request by Monday Sept 26th 16:36:52 <sridhar_ram> KanagarajM: link pls 16:36:53 <sripriya> sridhar_ram: we have few non feature related patches that needs to be merged 16:37:02 <KanagarajM> https://review.openstack.org/371368 16:37:15 <trozet> sridhar_ram: fine with me 16:37:24 <sridhar_ram> trozet: thanks! 16:37:48 <sridhar_ram> sripriya: pls flag them in the channel after this meeting.. hopefully it is a short list 16:37:58 <sripriya> sridhar_ram: yes 16:38:13 <sridhar_ram> tbh: btw, did the heat-translator fix merge ? 16:39:01 <tbh> sridhar_ram, KanagarajM decided to go with the scaling changes in Tacker 16:39:02 <KanagarajM> sridhar_ram, seems tbh is not there .. we had a quick meeting today 16:39:13 <KanagarajM> tbh, pls go ahead :) 16:39:14 <sridhar_ram> KanagarajM: bobh: team: is any of your features waiting for a newer tosca-parser or heat-translator ? 16:39:39 <sridhar_ram> tbh: KanagarajM: can you elaborate on the new plan? 16:39:53 <KanagarajM> sridhar_ram, as this the release time, i have asked to make sure that new translator does not break tacker functioanlity 16:40:22 <bobh> sridhar_ram: I just chatted with spzala and we may hold the new heat translator version until after Newton releases 16:40:23 <sridhar_ram> KanagarajM: +2, i was super worried about that as well 16:40:29 <KanagarajM> and it was concluded that, if anything break, translator would provide an quick fix on it 16:40:33 <bobh> sridhar_ram: so we can get a whole cycle in with the changes 16:40:37 <sridhar_ram> bobh: phew, sigh of relief 16:40:41 <KanagarajM> sridhar_ram, yes, 16:41:21 <sridhar_ram> KanagarajM: now, what is the plan to support selective VDU scaling ? 16:41:44 <sridhar_ram> KanagarajM: assuming, we are not going to wait for a fix in heat-translator 16:42:14 <KanagarajM> sridhar_ram, in newton, i think its not possible :( and we could enable it early ocata. 16:42:35 <sridhar_ram> KanagarajM: ouch :( 16:42:51 <KanagarajM> sridhar_ram, considering the time for release, i would like to go this way, instead of breaking existing support atleast ! 16:42:53 <sridhar_ram> KanagarajM: is there any work around (bug fix) possible in the tacker scaling code itself ? 16:43:21 <sridhar_ram> KanagarajM: overall i agree, new heat-translator version at this stage is risky 16:43:41 <KanagarajM> sridhar_ram, workarround, might not possible now. 16:44:52 <sridhar_ram> KanagarajM: okay, can you place a "Note" in the scaling devref regarding this ? 16:44:55 <KanagarajM> sridhar_ram, because, it would involve more no. of lines in tacker side, which would repeat the logics from the heat translaotr 16:45:11 <KanagarajM> sridhar_ram, sure. I will do that. 16:45:36 <sridhar_ram> KanagarajM: would those new lines isolated to the scaling logic of Tacker ? 16:47:19 <KanagarajM> sridhar_ram, i don't think so and it would be part of the scaling logic and it would need to change the way tmpl generated in tacker heat driver. at this point in time, it would be risky to even address it 16:47:39 <sridhar_ram> KanagarajM: I see.. 16:47:57 <sridhar_ram> KanagarajM: okay 16:48:23 <KanagarajM> sridhar_ram, thanks. 16:48:31 <sridhar_ram> tbh: bobh: KanagarajM: spzala: thanks for trying hard on this.. i appreciate it. I agree it is not work the risk at this stage.. 16:48:42 <sridhar_ram> *not worth 16:49:09 * sridhar_ram notes 10mins left 16:49:18 <sridhar_ram> anything else on Newton ? 16:49:42 <sridhar_ram> #topic Ocata Planning 16:50:10 <sridhar_ram> Few quick notes on Barcelona Design Summit 16:50:13 <sridhar_ram> #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TQ-RSlbiBBEclkonIbfUP7R1ExZSJylF1uiEKV2G_Cw/pubhtml?gid=1107826458&single=true 16:50:27 <diga> sridhar_ram: I have submitted API framework spec - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/368511/ 16:50:32 <diga> please review 16:50:47 <sridhar_ram> Please mark you calendars for Tacker design summit slot mentioned in the above schedule ^^^^ 16:51:18 <sridhar_ram> I also created an etherpad to "all-things-barcelona" here.. 16:51:20 <sridhar_ram> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tacker-ocata-summit 16:51:36 <sridhar_ram> Please use this for all summit related things 16:51:56 <sridhar_ram> diga: sure, will review 16:52:04 <diga> ok 16:52:29 <sridhar_ram> IMO, we should wrap up the low-hanging fruit items for Ocata .. which is VNFC and NSD spec.. 16:52:44 <sridhar_ram> shall we shoot to land these two specs within next two weeks ? 16:53:09 <sridhar_ram> tbh: dkushwaha: manikanta_tadi: what do you think ? 16:53:47 <manikanta-tadi> We can try 16:54:01 <tbh> sridhar_ram, sure I am not sure will get the reviews on the spec at this moment 16:54:44 <sridhar_ram> I'll give a shout out to the reviewers and core team to start reviewing VNFC and NSD 16:55:09 <tbh> sridhar_ram, because we still not decided the VNFC drivers to support yet 16:55:20 <tbh> sridhar_ram, :) thanks 16:55:41 <sridhar_ram> tbh: let's put VNFC for next week's call 16:56:15 <sridhar_ram> we are out of time for today.. 16:56:27 <tbh> sridhar_ram, sure, that will be helpful 16:56:30 <sridhar_ram> please continue to think along the lines we documented for Ocata .. 16:56:37 <sridhar_ram> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tacker-ocata-grooming 16:56:51 <sridhar_ram> #topic Open Discussion 16:57:00 <sridhar_ram> anything else team ? 16:57:34 <sridhar_ram> lets wrap then 16:57:40 <sridhar_ram> #endmeeting