16:00:29 <sripriya> #startmeeting tacker 16:00:30 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Oct 18 16:00:29 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sripriya. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:32 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:34 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 16:00:40 <sripriya> hello tackers 16:00:50 <sripriya> #topic Roll Call 16:00:50 <janki> Hi 16:00:55 <janki> o/ 16:00:58 <tung_doan_> hi all 16:01:06 <vishwanathj> o/ 16:01:08 <n-harada> o/ 16:01:10 <mike_m> o/ 16:01:20 <neel> o/ 16:01:37 <tbh> Hi all 16:01:55 <sripriya> janki: tung_doan_ vishwanathj n-harada mike_m neel tbh hello! 16:02:07 <sripriya> #chair tbh 16:02:08 <openstack> Current chairs: sripriya tbh 16:02:18 <sripriya> #topic Announcements 16:02:27 <sripriya> the design summit etherpad has been updated with agenda items under each topic, along with chairs for each of these sessions. 16:02:35 <sripriya> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tacker-ocata-summit 16:02:47 <sripriya> the openstack summit schedule page also reflects the updated session descriptions. 16:02:54 <sripriya> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/barcelona-2016/summit-schedule/global-search?t=Tacker%3A 16:03:05 <sripriya> and here is the mailing list link for the same 16:03:12 <sripriya> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-October/105914.html 16:03:37 <diga> O/ 16:03:51 <sripriya> team, please feel free to add your inputs/thoughts in the etherpad link for the topics 16:04:00 <sripriya> diga: hello 16:04:04 <sripriya> #topic Agenda 16:04:15 <sripriya> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Tacker#Meeting_Oct_18th.2C_2016 16:04:41 <sripriya> we have 2 agenda items for this meeting. the rest of meeting time is open for any questions/thoughts around the design summit. if there is no burning topic for discussions, we can wrap up early as i understand many of us are preparing for the summit. 16:05:02 <sripriya> before we get to the topics, wanted to quickly poll the team about the next 2 meetings 16:05:33 <vishwanathj> am assuming we are skipping next week meeting since we will be at summit 16:05:33 <sripriya> the next weekly meeting will be cancelled in lieu of the summit (many of us will be at the summit) 16:05:49 <sripriya> also i plan to cancel meeting for the week following the summit since folks will be traveling back, 16:05:57 <vishwanathj> +1 16:05:58 <sripriya> team please vote your +1/-1s 16:06:04 <tbh> +1 16:06:07 <n-harada> +1 16:06:08 <mike_m> +1 16:06:11 <manikanta> +1 16:06:59 <sripriya> thanks for the response team 16:07:13 <sripriya> #info there will be no meetings for the following 2 weeks i.e., Oct 25 2016 and Nov 1st 2016. we will be meeting next on Nov 8th 2016 after the summit. 16:07:46 <sripriya> let us move on to Ocata grooming topics 16:07:51 <sripriya> #topic Ocata grooming 16:08:00 <sripriya> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tacker-ocata-grooming 16:08:15 <sripriya> we have a good number of blueprints lined up for ocata cycle: 16:08:22 <sripriya> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/tacker/ocata 16:09:26 <sripriya> these blueprints may get reshuffled after the summit based on the deliverables and priorities of the features required for the Ocata release. 16:10:05 <sripriya> also, there are some new blueprints registered such as the senlin integration which in fact has a spec in progress 16:10:15 <sripriya> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/352943/ 16:10:36 <sripriya> i would request you all to please review the spec and provide your feedback/suggestions. 16:11:04 <sripriya> please note, we have included this as a topic as well in one of our work sessions led by xu-haiwei. it will be good to have some understanding of this feature before the summit. 16:11:34 <sripriya> team, any questions or thoughts about the blueprints? 16:12:39 <sripriya> beyond blueprints, we have a bucket list of RFEs/bugs lined up for the Ocata cycle including: 16:12:56 <sripriya> 1. removing hard coded VDU values for alarm monitor policies, there is a patch in progress 16:13:04 <sripriya> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/382479/ 16:13:24 <sripriya> please review this important patch and leave your +1s if possible. 16:13:28 <tung_doan_> sripriya: thanks 16:13:38 <sripriya> 2. deprecation series -- here is the laundry list of features scheduled for removals 16:13:45 <sripriya> tung_doan_: sure, np 16:14:02 <sripriya> a. infra driver and mgmt driver attribute removal from vnfd api and client 16:15:16 <sripriya> i would request you to please add your name in the grooming etherpad for these simpler deprecation removals and helping them get wrapped up early 16:15:45 <sripriya> b. legacy template removal and associated home grown translator logic 16:16:13 <sripriya> we have the home grown parser logic for a while now in the openstack driver to support the old templates 16:16:21 <janki> sripriya, I am working on a. https://bugs.launchpad.net/tacker/+bug/1630936 16:16:22 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1630936 in tacker "Remove infra and mgmt driver passing from client" [Medium,Triaged] - Assigned to Janki Chhatbar (jankihchhatbar) 16:16:36 <sripriya> the time has to come to finally remove the logic out of tacker code :-) 16:16:54 <sripriya> vishwanathj and team: thanks for your efforts on that 16:17:02 <sripriya> janki: great! 16:17:04 <vishwanathj> you are welcome 16:17:25 <sripriya> c. heat and nova infra drivers removal 16:18:11 <sripriya> i believe gongysh aready has patches for some of the above 16:18:26 <sripriya> d. yaml template as strings deprecation warnings removal 16:18:55 <sripriya> today,we handle and store vnfd, param and config yaml templates as raw strings in the tacker db 16:19:20 <sripriya> we need to handle these yaml template as json objects in db, the db columns need to be modified to handle JSON types. 16:19:35 <sripriya> here is the bug link: 16:19:44 <sripriya> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/tacker/+bug/1634376 16:19:45 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1634376 in tacker "remove deprecated yaml string inputs and implement json support for VNFD templates in database" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Manikantha Srinivas Tadi (manikantha-tadi) 16:20:20 <sripriya> ah, there is already an owner for the bug, thanks manikantha-tadi! 16:20:42 <manikanta> I just picked some time back 16:21:11 <sripriya> teaam, if you are looking for some low hanging fruits to start your contributions in tacker, this is a good place to start. please reach out to me or any dev in the #tacker channel. 16:21:18 <sripriya> s/teaam/team 16:22:15 <sripriya> any further thoughts on the deprecation removals? 16:23:34 <sripriya> please add on to the etherpad list or create a bug if you think any deprecation removals have been missed out 16:24:22 <sripriya> moving on to next topic design summit topics 16:24:30 <sripriya> #topic Ocata design summit topics 16:25:39 <sripriya> mike_m: did you want to provide any initial thoughts/agenda items on the topic 'VMware ESXi and Public Cloud Supprt in Tacker' ? 16:26:29 <mike_m> sripriya: yes I can provide some, would you like me to update the etherpad with that? 16:26:56 <sripriya> mike_m: sure, and if you can give an outline to the team here, that will be great too 16:27:41 <mike_m> sure. since the goal is for true multi-vim support, I would like tacker be able to drive the vmware vcloud API (REST) 16:27:52 <mike_m> this is different than vmware as ESX (under openstack) 16:28:34 <mike_m> vcloud API uses OVA as its basis, so there may be some complication with that. 16:29:45 <mike_m> is that a good starting point for the team here, or would you like more details? 16:29:50 <sripriya> mike_m: okay, so the vcloud API is under openstack? 16:30:23 <mike_m> sripriya: the "vcloud API" is a vmware API provided by vcenter 16:30:26 <sripriya> mike_m: these are good starting points, also i think we should revisit the register VIM apis under Tacker itself 16:30:51 <sripriya> mike_m: okay 16:31:06 <mike_m> sripriya: agreed, as we chatted recently, I have some concerns around the 'admin' requirement. 16:31:19 <sripriya> mike_m: there are some keystone related attributes that creep up to the API itself 16:31:34 <mike_m> sripriya: yes indeed 16:32:02 <sripriya> mike_m: cool, what are few challenges with the public cloud support? 16:32:43 <mike_m> sripriya: to be honest I haven't thought too much on public cloud, mostly vmware vcloud 16:32:54 <sripriya> mike_m: ack 16:33:51 <sripriya> mike_m: i'm sure the wider openstack community will have thoughts/suggestions on the public cloud integration when we take this up in the fishbowl session 16:34:07 <mike_m> sripriya: agreed 16:35:03 <sripriya> mike_m: one thing i can think from tacker side, is consistent translation of TOSCA templates and handling them on all these VIMs 16:35:53 <mike_m> sripriya: that would be a great goal 16:36:08 <sripriya> mike_m: thanks for providing initial thoughts around the topic, please continue to update the etherpad. 16:36:09 <vishwanathj> +1 16:36:21 <sripriya> mike_m: yes 16:36:37 <sripriya> the other topic is containerized VNFs 16:37:01 <sripriya> tbh: janki: do you have any initial agenda items for the topic you would like to share with team? 16:37:33 <janki> sripriya, I am more towards using zun/kuryr rather than magnum 16:38:00 <janki> directly integrating these with tacker rather than going through heat 16:38:07 <vishwanathj> magnum is more for container orchestration engine, right? 16:38:21 <janki> vishwanathj, yes 16:38:36 <tbh> sripriya, I am also looking into the area of SFC 16:38:56 <sripriya> janki: help me understand, how different is zun from magnum? 16:39:34 <tbh> sripriya, and Enhanced placement point of view, I think it won't be an issue as it directly uses host cpu 16:40:13 <sripriya> tbh: that is cool, though we are still in very early stages of SFC 16:40:34 <vishwanathj> tbh, what component helps with EPA? 16:40:36 <sripriya> tbh: what about EPA? can you throw some more light? 16:40:47 <tbh> sripriya, vishwanathj generally zun uses container engine of the host whereas magnum uses nova instance for container hosting 16:41:18 <janki> sripriya, Zun and Magnum are two independent projects. Zun aims to provide APIs to manage containers, while Magnum provides APIs to provision and manage Container Orchestration Engine (COEs), such as Kubernetes. 16:41:43 <sripriya> janki: tbh: this is a good summary. 16:41:47 <sripriya> thanks 16:41:47 <diga> Yeah 16:41:58 <janki> sripriya, more at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Zun under FAQs 16:42:07 <tbh> for now I considered only cpu pinning vishwanathj 16:42:29 <diga> Magnum is COE 16:42:31 <vishwanathj> tbh thanks for the info 16:42:34 <sripriya> janki: tbh: we also need to think about mapping templates to containers 16:42:45 <tbh> and other features still am searching for that 16:42:49 <sripriya> janki: tbh: does this happen at the VDU level or VNF 16:42:50 <tbh> sripriya, vishwanathj ^^ 16:42:58 <sripriya> tbh: ack 16:43:02 <janki> sripriya, yes. we can have --type option for the templates 16:43:25 <tbh> sripriya, yes we need to modify the templates for now and it happens at VDU level 16:43:49 <janki> sripriya, we would also need a template converter IMO 16:43:59 <vishwanathj> it also depends on whether the underlying image is a VM or container, right? 16:44:04 <tbh> sripriya, AFAIK we can't enable multiple virt drivers in one compute, correct me if I am wrong 16:44:18 <sripriya> tbh: janki; also we will need new node types defined for containers 16:44:32 <sripriya> tbh; yes 16:44:46 <vishwanathj> do we today have a node type for VMs? 16:45:25 <tbh> vishwanathj, we by default assume VMs as nodes as of now 16:45:28 <janki> sripriya, node type won't change. It will still be a VDU I think 16:45:37 <sripriya> vishwanathj: we have VDU node type which is a VM 16:46:08 <vishwanathj> janki that's what I was thinking, the image of a VDU could be of container or VM...anyway needs further thought 16:46:34 <sripriya> tbh: janki okay, i think we have a good number of agenda items to explore further and get feedback from the wider community 16:47:12 <sripriya> tbh: janki: thanks for providing some initial starters, please add these points to the etherpad link 16:47:14 <janki> sripriya, vishwanathj the only difference should be about the template and placing the vdu. in this case template could be a dockerfile and placed on container supproted host/server 16:47:24 <janki> tbh ^^ 16:47:32 <diga> I think we should do more study on container integration 16:47:48 <diga> Zun is still in early stage 16:48:30 <tbh> janki, I think Dockerfile may not be the required format 16:48:47 <sripriya> team, we also have nsd mistral integration, em interface topics pencilled in for one of the work sessions 16:48:53 <tbh> diga, yes accepted, and kuryr is supporting magnum I believe not zun 16:49:02 <diga> Yes 16:49:33 <sripriya> nsd mistral integration - we have challenges in translating tosca template to mistral workflows 16:50:29 <sripriya> em-interface - i know mike_m is driving that, there are few points added to that topic in etherpad on some challenges that need to be addressed 16:50:39 <diga> tbh: it will be good to go with Magnum as it has networking and storage support 16:50:50 <mike_m> sripriya: will be updating that as well. 16:51:42 <sripriya> let us continue to drive these interesting discussions on to the summit and get them kick started for ocata : 16:51:57 <sripriya> mike_m: thanks 16:52:11 <vishwanathj> yup, very interesting topics, looking forward to those discussions at the summit 16:52:22 <tbh> diga, magnum has it's own drawbacks from tacker point of view :) 16:52:31 <sripriya> tackers, are there any other topics you wanted to discuss related to summit or any general questions? 16:52:51 <diga> All the best for you all! Enjoy @ Summit 16:53:51 <sripriya> alright, i think it is a wrap for today! 16:54:00 <diga> sripriya: just one request, 16:54:05 <sripriya> diga: shoot 16:54:20 <diga> sripriya: try to update the etherpad 16:54:32 <diga> Will follow that 16:54:48 <sripriya> diga we will try to be as diligent as possible in updating the etherpad :-) 16:55:01 <diga> Sure 16:55:04 <diga> Thanks 16:55:20 <janki> see you guys at the summit, bye 16:55:22 <sripriya> thanks team, great discussions lined up for the summit! 16:55:28 <sripriya> see you all at the summit. viajes seguros! 16:55:40 <sripriya> #endmeeting tacker