05:33:02 <gongysh> #startmeeting tacker 05:33:03 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Mar 8 05:33:02 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gongysh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 05:33:04 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 05:33:07 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 05:33:33 <gongysh> #topic roll call 05:33:40 <sridhar_ram> o/ 05:33:40 <YanXing_an> o/ 05:34:02 <gongysh> sridhar_ram, the magic word works in the end. 05:34:08 <JimmyYe2528> o/ 05:34:09 <sridhar_ram> gongysh: :) 05:34:30 <gongysh> JimmyYe2528, YanXing_an hi 05:34:37 <JimmyYe2528> hi 05:35:04 <gongysh> today, core dkushwaha and tbh are not here. 05:35:21 <gongysh> tung_doan is not either. 05:35:39 <gongysh> so our meeting will be shorter than expected. 05:35:53 <gongysh> #topic agenda 05:36:26 <gongysh> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Tacker#Meeting_March_8th.2C_2017 05:36:59 <diga_> o/ 05:37:16 <gongysh> #topic review stats 05:37:19 <gongysh> diga_, hi 05:37:33 <diga_> gongysh: Hi 05:38:14 <gongysh> I have seen the first patch for API 05:38:17 <gongysh> new API. 05:38:43 <gongysh> #link http://stackalytics.com/?module=tacker-group 05:38:56 <gongysh> tacker teams performance is bad 05:39:21 <gongysh> we are very behind the review and commit data. 05:39:28 <diga_> gongysh: yeah 05:40:01 <diga_> gongysh: I haven't added test case yet, but will start pushing those also along with PS now onwards - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/442887/ 05:40:32 <sridhar_ram> gongysh: yes, we need to improve.. can we indicate specific review priority and owners 05:40:32 <gongysh> to meet our target in PTG virtual meeting, we need double our review efforts. 05:41:10 <gongysh> current, the non-core YanXing_an is working hard to help review. 05:41:26 <sridhar_ram> gongysh: we shd consider using https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StoryBoard 05:41:48 <diga_> gongysh: I think we can handover module wise responsibilities of reviews to team, so that it will be faster 05:41:53 <sridhar_ram> gongysh: it is a Rally / Jira like tool for tracking tasks 05:42:13 <gongysh> diga_, for example? 05:42:39 <diga_> API/CLIENT/VNFTemplate/etc 05:42:54 <diga_> NSD/VNFFG/VIM 05:43:26 <diga_> this way everyone can pick respective PS faster 05:43:47 <gongysh> for example, diga is owning NSD reviewing, gongysh is for API, sridhar_ram is for VIM etc. ? 05:43:55 <diga_> yeah 05:44:43 <gongysh> diga_, it is a good idea. when we have a lot of patches on plate, we can do this. 05:44:48 <diga_> This way we know the respective owners also to ping for reviews, it will be faster in this case 05:45:07 <diga_> :) yeah 05:47:10 <gongysh> diga_, first our commiter should pay attention to our own quality of codes to reduce the review efforts. 05:47:47 <gongysh> diga_, I cannot see review stats of you. :) 05:47:49 <diga_> gongysh: yeah 05:48:12 <gongysh> lets move to next 05:48:20 <YanXing_an> gongysh: agree with you 05:48:35 <diga_> gongysh: I don't have yet but I will target daily one PS review 05:48:57 <gongysh> sridhar_ram, about storyboard. I will have a look at it. 05:49:05 <sridhar_ram> gongysh: okay 05:49:27 <gongysh> #action gongysh to learn storyboard to see if we should use it. 05:49:53 <gongysh> #topic features and BPs 05:50:15 <gongysh> first here I want to talk is still the task scheduling framework 05:50:28 <gongysh> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/439300/ 05:51:04 <gongysh> I have looked at consul, and learned its 'watch' capability is not open to API 05:51:46 <sridhar_ram> gongysh: what you mean? 05:52:04 <gongysh> think about: 05:52:39 <sridhar_ram> gongysh: it doesn't have a callback mech when a key / sub-tree is changed ? 05:53:08 <gongysh> sridhar_ram, it seems there is no such mech. 05:54:18 <sridhar_ram> gongysh: did you go through this ? https://www.consul.io/docs/agent/watches.html 05:54:19 <gongysh> the 'watch' is just a consul agent command. 05:55:10 <gongysh> the agent need to watch a stuff and call a 'command' then. 05:55:33 <gongysh> That is its callback thing. 05:56:40 <gongysh> In our system, we need a API way. 05:57:48 <gongysh> next week I will come up with a poc implementation, and then lets have a scaling test, for example 100 VIMs and its ping task. 05:58:03 <sridhar_ram> gongysh: in the case of consul looks you need an "tacker-callback-handler" to turn it into an API 05:58:21 <sridhar_ram> gongysh: sounds good... 05:58:40 <gongysh> ok, let's move to next BP 05:58:45 <sridhar_ram> gongysh: also, it will be good to find of any other openstack project relies on a JVM / java component 05:58:54 <sridhar_ram> s/of/if/ 05:59:11 <gongysh> dragonflows is one. 05:59:50 <gongysh> if we are talking SDN controllers, neutron -> odl will be one too. 06:00:16 <gongysh> I think we will someday to use odl sfc driver of networking-sfc. 06:00:23 <sridhar_ram> no, neutron + ODL is not a good analogy 06:01:01 <sridhar_ram> ODL is an optional component separated by an API boundary 06:01:37 <sridhar_ram> But for us zookeeper will become a basic necessity to run tacker even in its simple form 06:01:54 <gongysh> In fact, I also want to let zookeeper to be pluggable. 06:02:27 <sridhar_ram> again, i'm not hell bent on avoiding zookeeper .. trying to get as many possible issues upfront before we go to implementation 06:03:26 <gongysh> sridhar_ram, can you have a look at consul to avoid my ignorance of its capability? 06:03:29 <sridhar_ram> this scalable task framework shd be eventually used even for basic VNF creation 06:03:46 <sridhar_ram> gongysh: sure, will take a deeper look into consul 06:04:20 <gongysh> sridhar_ram, next meeting, we can have talk again. 06:04:35 <sridhar_ram> gongysh: sure, .. btw, this is very interesting topic 06:04:40 <gongysh> #topic NSD with vnffg 06:05:11 <gongysh> since tbh and dkushwaha are not here, we will have to skip it. 06:05:13 <sridhar_ram> gongysh: heads up, tim rozet is interested in co-authoring the spec and implementation for this effort 06:05:25 <gongysh> trozet, hi 06:05:42 <sridhar_ram> gongysh: given he is the original author of vnffg it make sense to involve him 06:06:14 <sridhar_ram> it is late night for trozet, he won't be here 06:06:27 <gongysh> sridhar_ram, but I have asked tbh and dkushwaha to involve him. and asked him myself. the result is: trozet has no much time on tacker project. 06:06:59 <sridhar_ram> gongysh: but he reached out to be available to co-author a portion of it .. 06:06:59 <gongysh> #bugs 06:07:40 <gongysh> sridhar_ram, yes. 06:07:59 <gongysh> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-tackerclient 06:08:45 <gongysh> guys do not forget we have another site to watch (consul watch :) the bugs of tacker client. 06:09:12 <YanXing_an> :) 06:09:18 <gongysh> YanXing_an, hi 06:09:39 <gongysh> talk about the bugs on your plate? 06:10:00 <YanXing_an> https://bugs.launchpad.net/tacker/+bug/1667652 06:10:00 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1667652 in tacker "Remove VIM credential storage problem on local file system" [Medium,New] - Assigned to Yan Xing'an (yanxingan) 06:10:26 <YanXing_an> I add a comment in this bug about gnocchi 06:10:50 <gongysh> YanXing_an, I don't want to store the key via gnocchi. 06:11:10 <gongysh> my original idea is to learn its way to drive ceph or swift. 06:11:24 <gongysh> and save the key on ceph or as swift object. 06:12:38 <YanXing_an> gongysh: seams that i miss the point 06:13:08 <gongysh> sridhar_ram, we cannot store fernet key into DB, right 06:13:10 <gongysh> ? 06:13:32 <sridhar_ram> gongysh: yes, thats the underlying restriction we are working with 06:14:22 <sridhar_ram> gongysh: i'm wondering if we shd reach out keystone team again to see if there is a solution (it is > 1 year since we got that recommendation) 06:14:53 <gongysh> YanXing_an, can you reach out to keystone team? 06:15:37 <YanXing_an> gongysh: i will ping keystone team in ML. 06:16:18 <gongysh> #action YanXing_an ping keystone team. 06:17:41 <JimmyYe2528> https://bugs.launchpad.net/tacker/+bug/1667236 06:17:41 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1667236 in tacker "get_vim_resource_id() got an unexpected keyword argument 'vim_auth'" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Yan Xing'an (yanxingan) 06:17:50 <gongysh> YanXing_an, one bug is vnffg functional test. 06:18:16 <YanXing_an> Jimmy Ye will talking about vnffg FT 06:18:16 <gongysh> I think we have a few bugs and patches on vnffg feature. 06:18:51 <gongysh> I want the vnffg functional test to be the gate for us to approve other vnffg small bug fix. 06:19:09 <gongysh> JimmyYe2528, hi 06:19:32 <gongysh> JimmyYe2528, are you here? 06:19:37 <JimmyYe2528> hi 06:20:04 <gongysh> will you come up with a patch to do VNFFG FT? 06:20:11 <JimmyYe2528> yes 06:20:41 <JimmyYe2528> but i need get_vim_resoure_id() fix 06:20:59 <JimmyYe2528> otherwise, FT will run failed 06:21:14 <gongysh> a new change about networking-sfc: it supports symmetric chain now. 06:21:41 <gongysh> JimmyYe2528, yes, but the gate tests failed. 06:21:47 <gongysh> I am waiting the gate tests. 06:22:21 <JimmyYe2528> ok, I'll update part1 for vnffg FT 06:22:21 <gongysh> #topic opendiscussion 06:22:32 <gongysh> JimmyYe2528, thanks. 06:22:50 <JimmyYe2528> :) 06:22:51 <gongysh> JimmyYe2528, and can you spend some time on reviewing. 06:23:16 <gongysh> sridhar_ram, hi 06:23:21 <JimmyYe2528> ok, i can try it 06:23:25 <sridhar_ram> gongysh: fyi, nova possibly using zookeeper to track compute nodes .. https://docs.openstack.org/admin-guide/compute-service-groups.html 06:23:29 <sridhar_ram> gongysh: whats up 06:23:31 <sridhar_ram> ? 06:23:56 <gongysh> sridhar_ram, nova zookeeper, great. 06:24:32 <gongysh> sridhar_ram, in fact if I have time, I want to let neutron to use zookeeper for agents heart beats. 06:24:33 <sridhar_ram> gongysh: i can find only the manual, couldn't find the corresponding code :( 06:24:54 <sridhar_ram> gongysh: but if nova indeed uses it .. it will help your case ! 06:25:49 <gongysh> do you guys have something to talk? 06:25:58 <sridhar_ram> nothing else from my side 06:26:21 <gongysh> diga_? 06:26:27 <gongysh> YanXing_an, JimmyYe2528 ? 06:26:44 <diga_> gongysh: hi 06:26:58 <gongysh> diga_, anything to share? 06:27:20 <diga_> gongysh: nothing, once I put another patch I will let you know 06:27:40 <diga_> gongysh: I will take some ownership of review if you want I haven't had any yet on tacker 06:27:53 <gongysh> diga_, you are patch generator. 06:27:57 <diga_> gongysh: may be API/VIM related 06:28:08 <gongysh> ok 06:28:09 <gongysh> lets end the meeting 06:28:18 <gongysh> #endmeeting