04:31:32 <gongysh> #startmeeting tacker 04:31:33 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jun 7 04:31:32 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gongysh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 04:31:34 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 04:31:36 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 04:31:40 <gongysh> hi 04:31:57 <janki> Hi gongysh 04:32:31 <gongysh> #topic roll call 04:32:44 <gongysh> janki, welcome 04:32:53 <YanXing_an> hello 04:34:20 <tung_doan> hi all 04:34:24 <janki> gongysh, thanks :) 04:34:50 <YanXing_an> ping tung_doan 04:34:51 <trinaths> o/ 04:35:07 <tung_doan> YanXing_an: Hi there 04:36:20 <gongysh> we are toward deadline of pike-2 04:36:44 <gongysh> hope some core will join us later 04:37:00 <gongysh> #topic bp 04:37:13 <gongysh> tung_doan, let talk about your bp first 04:37:20 <gongysh> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/434974/10/specs/pike/vnffg-autohealing.rst 04:37:38 <tung_doan> gongysh: I am trying to wrap this bo 04:37:47 <gongysh> today, I want to do meeting reviewing 04:37:49 <tung_doan> gongysh: only one concern is abt API 04:37:59 <YanXing_an> when is deadline? not 2017-6-5? 04:38:03 <gongysh> so please go to this bp review page. 04:38:28 <tung_doan> I need Tacker guys about API in my bp 04:38:30 <gongysh> first, what is vnffg-ha meaning? 04:38:30 <gongysh> tung_doan, hi 04:39:03 <tung_doan> gongysh: vnffg-ha is meaning high availability for VNFFG 04:39:20 <tung_doan> it includes both scaling and autohealing support 04:39:37 <gongysh> ha in general means there are two or more for this kind of stuff. 04:39:48 <gongysh> do we have two vnffg to do ha? 04:40:06 <tung_doan> gongysh: exactly, i just did not have other names for it 04:40:39 <gongysh> so we will have two vnffg if we run 'tacker vnffg-create xxx' 04:40:41 <gongysh> ? 04:41:15 <tung_doan> gongysh: in case of scaling, we have 2 paths with the same vnffg 04:41:58 <YanXing_an> gongysh, IMO, we do not have two vnffg to do ha 04:42:07 <gongysh> scaling just scaling member vnf's vdu, right? 04:42:08 <tung_doan> YanXing_an: +1 04:42:13 <diga> Hi 04:42:20 <gongysh> diga, welcome 04:42:30 <diga> gongysh: Hi 04:42:31 <tung_doan> gongysh: it looks like a different use case 04:42:35 <gongysh> diga, we are talking about https://review.openstack.org/#/c/434974/10/specs/pike/vnffg-autohealing.rst 04:42:47 <diga> gongysh: okay, I will go through it 04:43:14 <tung_doan> gongysh: pls look at this diagram: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/469975/2/specs/pike/vnffg-scaling.rst@73 04:43:15 <gongysh> tung_doan, vnffg-ha is the first question. 04:44:04 <tung_doan> gongysh: we still have the same vnffg but we have a group of VNF for scaling case 04:44:20 <YanXing_an> maybe vnffg-supports-vnf-ha is a better name 04:44:20 <gongysh> tung_doan, so it is not vnffg ha itself. 04:44:33 <gongysh> we need a different name 04:44:59 <tung_doan> gongysh: ok. pls review and give me your suggestion. thanks 04:45:30 <gongysh> second question is: why do we need a url? 04:45:44 <gongysh> **POST on /v1.0/vnffghas/<vnf-id>/<monitoring-policy>/<action-name>/<params>** 04:45:57 <tung_doan> gongysh: when vnf is respawned, it is just in VNFM level 04:46:34 <tung_doan> gongysh: vnffg is in NFVO level, we need to specify which vnffg VNF is belong to 04:46:53 <tung_doan> gongysh: that's why we need to have API in NFVO 04:48:50 <tung_doan> gongysh: Is it clear to you? 04:49:00 <gongysh> tung_doan, it seems reasonable. 04:49:17 <YanXing_an> tung_doan, in policy action, we call the rest api to notify NFVO? 04:49:24 <tung_doan> gongysh: thanks. 04:49:35 <gongysh> it is based on nfvo and vnfm separation. 04:49:36 <tung_doan> YanXing_an: correct! 04:50:33 <tung_doan> YanXing_an: one vnf can belong to several vnffgs or NSs. We need to have api to notify them 04:51:30 <gongysh> tung_doan, ok make sense. 04:51:39 <YanXing_an> tung_doan, it's nice method, i think. 04:52:06 <tung_doan> gongysh: YanXing_an: happy to know that :) 04:52:30 <gongysh> trinaths, please have a look at this spec too 04:52:30 <gongysh> diga, you too. 04:52:39 <trinaths> gongysh: sure. 04:52:44 <trinaths> gongysh: looking now 04:52:47 <diga> gongysh: yes, going through it 04:53:07 <gongysh> I will try to merge the spec with your review, even without core's score. 04:53:10 <trinaths> I believe vnfs and vsfs must be sharable 04:53:42 <gongysh> tung_doan, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/469975/ 04:54:03 <gongysh> please work on it too. 04:54:18 <gongysh> let's get them merged as soon as possbile. 04:54:20 <tung_doan> gongysh: work in parallel with vnffg-healing 04:54:32 <tung_doan> gongysh: got it 04:54:53 <gongysh> janki, hi 04:56:20 <gongysh> it seems janki is not here. 04:56:48 <gongysh> next bp is from me: 04:56:48 <gongysh> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/467479/ 04:57:11 <gongysh> also please have a look at it. 04:57:38 <trinaths> sure 04:57:42 <gongysh> this is for bp 04:58:00 <gongysh> do you guys have other bp hanging? 04:58:32 <tung_doan> gongysh: your bp should be prior. will look at this 04:58:50 <gongysh> YanXing_an, yes the pike2 is 6-5. 04:59:07 <trinaths> when is pike-3 ? 04:59:28 <janki> gongysh, hey 04:59:34 <gongysh> trinaths, I will move all unmerged stuff into pike-3 04:59:45 <trinaths> ok 04:59:58 <gongysh> janki, do you have anything to talk about tacker bp? 05:00:19 <YanXing_an> p3 is 7-24 05:00:29 <janki> gongysh, yes. I did some research and looks like magnum won't be of use to us 05:00:37 <janki> we can use zun to create containers 05:00:45 <janki> but zun doesnot create docker image 05:01:03 <trinaths> janki: the work is related to cVNF management ? 05:01:08 <janki> so I need to figure out a way to create a docker image from tosca template 05:01:16 <janki> trinaths, what do you mean by cvnf? 05:01:18 <gongysh> janki, nice to hear that. you can have a demo implementation. 05:01:19 <tung_doan> janki: why magnum cannot be a candidate? 05:01:26 <trinaths> containerized vnf 05:01:51 <janki> tung_doan, magnum proivdes COEs. and not a way to create container 05:01:56 <janki> trinaths, yes. it is for cVNF 05:02:11 <trinaths> janki: okay. 05:02:22 <gongysh> next topic 05:02:26 <janki> if anybody has any idea about converting tosca template to docker image, please reach out to me 05:02:59 <tung_doan> janki: i think any update from your bp will be good to see :)) 05:03:01 <gongysh> janki, what do you mean by 'convert tosca temmplate into docker image'? 05:03:18 <diga> janki: make sure, we should provision containers on COE 05:03:40 <janki> gongysh, from a VNFD we need a docker image 05:03:51 <diga> in zun we provide, magnum support as COE & on top of that, we can create containers 05:03:52 <janki> tung_doan, I will update once I have some understanding on this part 05:04:02 <tung_doan> janki: +1 05:04:16 <gongysh> janki, go on the research. 05:04:18 <gongysh> thanks 05:04:29 <trinaths> janki: can you elaborate on VNFD to DI ? 05:04:30 <gongysh> #topic codes and bug 05:04:59 <janki> trinaths, lets take this discussion furhter on #tacker after this meeting 05:05:07 <gongysh> YanXing_an, https://bugs.launchpad.net/tacker/+bug/1667905 05:05:08 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1667905 in tacker "can't delete vnffg if it get stuck at PENDING_DELETE state" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to sajuptpm (sajuptpm) 05:05:09 <YanXing_an> janki, does it mean, launch a container from vnfd, to replace kvm VM? 05:05:09 <trinaths> janki: okay 05:05:20 <janki> YanXing_an, yes 05:05:31 <trinaths> YanXing_an: yes 05:06:09 <gongysh> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/469304/ 05:06:18 <YanXing_an> gongysh, have no much time on it this week 05:06:48 <gongysh> YanXing_an, but I have seen you had a state transition diagram draw 05:06:59 <trinaths> YanXing_an: fixing that bug stated above ? 05:07:46 <YanXing_an> yes, it can help to fixing this bug 05:08:15 <trinaths> YanXing_an: i suggest to own the bug on your name. its will be good for tracking. 05:09:17 <gongysh> next code patch: 05:09:18 <gongysh> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/465080/ 05:09:19 <trinaths> ther are x`https://bugs.launchpad.net/tacker/+bug/1667905 https://bugs.launchpad.net/tacker/+bug/1689426 05:09:20 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1667905 in tacker "can't delete vnffg if it get stuck at PENDING_DELETE state" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to sajuptpm (sajuptpm) 05:09:21 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1689426 in tacker "VNF in PENDING_DELETE status can not be deleted" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Bao Fangyan (baofangyan) 05:09:26 <trinaths> duplocate ? 05:10:15 <YanXing_an> vnffg and vnf both have this bug 05:10:35 <trinaths> YanXing_an: okay. 05:10:38 <trinaths> i was confused 05:11:02 <gongysh> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/465080/ is almost done 05:11:03 <YanXing_an> we can fix it together 05:11:15 <trinaths> YanXing_an: good 05:11:22 <gongysh> I have tested it. and just one nit left over. 05:11:38 <gongysh> once it is done and get CI passed, I will +2 05:11:52 <gongysh> hope you guys have a review and test too. 05:12:12 <gongysh> YanXing_an, well done 05:12:23 <YanXing_an> gongysh, thanks 05:12:41 <gongysh> do you guys have other code patch or bugs to talk about? 05:13:09 <janki> gongysh, I want to talk about integration with ooo 05:13:22 <gongysh> ooo? 05:13:27 <tung_doan> triple ) 05:13:31 <janki> sorry, Tripleo 05:14:00 <gongysh> so what will we need to do for it? 05:14:08 <tung_doan> janki: I heard that tacker already integrated in OOO, right? 05:14:25 <janki> gongysh, tacker is integrated in tripleo. 05:14:43 <janki> now all services are getting containerised in TripleO 05:14:46 <janki> tung_doan, yes 05:15:01 <janki> gongysh, we need to containerise Tacker in TripleO 05:15:20 <janki> tung_doan, it is integration but disabled by default 05:15:21 <gongysh> janki, yes, that is awesome. 05:15:30 <gongysh> janki, do you want to do it? 05:15:32 <janki> gongysh, I can take that up 05:15:45 <tung_doan> janki: nice 05:15:47 <gongysh> janki, fine. 05:16:01 <YanXing_an> janki, it's good to deploy tacker in container for me 05:16:13 <gongysh> if you think it needs a spec bp, you can do one. 05:16:23 <janki> gongysh, i will open a bug about this on tripleo 05:16:30 <gongysh> or just start a launchpad to do it. 05:16:35 <tung_doan> janki: +1 05:16:42 <janki> gongysh, no spec needed. just a bug. the code will go in tripleo and kolla 05:17:00 <janki> I odnt think there would be any Tacker code change 05:17:03 <trinaths> in opnfv-models setup, tacker is containerized. 05:17:14 <gongysh> janki, kolla already has it. 05:17:19 <janki> trinaths, can you point the url? 05:17:32 <janki> gongysh, ohh, then it is just TRipleo changes we need 05:17:49 <janki> gongysh, let me reconfirm it on tripleo front too 05:18:08 <gongysh> janki, put a bug on tacker and write a install doc in tacker 05:18:23 <YanXing_an> I have tried to launch tacker in contrainer several months ago, but failed, no time to fix it 05:18:25 <diga> First verify, what support we have in tripleo then go ahead and file the bug 05:18:30 <gongysh> we need guys to know how to install it using kolla. 05:18:58 <janki> gongysh, the bug will go in Tripleo launch pad. there won't be any doc needed as this will be part of Tripleo installation 05:19:19 <janki> and the doc should already be in tripleo repo 05:19:24 <diga> gongysh: I know kolla, will take a look at it 05:19:27 <trinaths> janki: https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/models/Testing 05:19:33 <janki> trinaths, thanks 05:20:10 <gongysh> janki, diga you can change the tacker's installation doc about kolla or tripleo installation. 05:20:15 <gongysh> diga, thanks 05:20:38 <diga> gongysh: sure 05:21:02 <gongysh> guys, taker installation should not need nova, cinder components. 05:21:19 <gongysh> in devstack installation, we name it as standalone installation. 05:22:00 <gongysh> so the kolla or tripleo way to install tacker should be the 'standalone' way. 05:22:08 <diga> okay 05:22:22 <gongysh> #topic open discussion 05:23:00 <gongysh> any other stuff to talk? 05:23:39 <gongysh> if not we can end the meeting earlier 05:23:55 <tung_doan> gongysh: I am the way to harmonize scaling code between Tacker and heat-translator. pls have a look 05:24:12 <tung_doan> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/471049/ 05:24:30 <tung_doan> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/462690/ 05:24:52 <gongysh> tung_doan, I was trying, but it is not easy to do the review since I don't know what is the point. 05:25:13 <tung_doan> ok.. i really need Kanagaraj and tbh 05:25:25 <tung_doan> but seems they are not here. will ping them latter 05:25:42 <gongysh> trinaths, heard opnfv meeting is on near. 05:25:54 <gongysh> do you want to share? 05:26:00 <gongysh> trinaths, hi 05:26:29 <trinaths> gongysh: I have 3 presentations planned 14 and 15th jue 05:26:31 <trinaths> june 05:26:39 <gongysh> in beijing? 05:26:43 <trinaths> presentation stuff got approved yesterday. 05:26:46 <trinaths> gongysh: yes. 05:27:00 <janki> gongysh, what is our plan for PTG? 05:27:05 <gongysh> ok, but I have no ticket there. 05:27:06 <trinaths> gongysh: JW marriot and Ritz Carlton hotel 05:27:30 <gongysh> trinaths, I have to get a ticker first. 05:27:46 <gongysh> janki, do you want to organize the PTG this time? 05:28:06 <janki> gongysh, I am not sure whether I would be travelling or not 05:28:12 <janki> so can't commit 05:28:13 <trinaths> i have got 20 minutes of talk 05:28:15 <trinaths> gongysh: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/opnfv-summit/attend/registration 05:28:30 <gongysh> janki, I think we will doing the virtual PTG again. 05:28:43 <janki> gongysh, sounds good :) 05:29:08 <trinaths> gongysh: 'idea nest' is a informal talk for 20 minutes. 05:29:23 <gongysh> time is up. lets go to tacker channel 05:29:26 <trinaths> gongysh: I want to propose tacker - ongoing and future work. 05:29:44 <tung_doan> trinaths: nice 05:29:44 <gongysh> trinaths, sure, that's nice. 05:29:52 <gongysh> #endmeeting