04:41:23 <gongysh> #startmeeting tacker 04:41:24 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Aug 9 04:41:23 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gongysh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 04:41:25 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 04:41:27 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 04:42:29 <YanXing_an> o/ 04:42:37 <tung_doan> hi all 04:42:39 <dkushwaha> o/ 04:42:40 <diga> o/ 04:43:04 <tung_doan> long time no see diga :) 04:43:10 <gongysh> #topic roll call 04:43:13 <YanXing_an> Hi, diga 04:43:14 <phuoc_> hi 04:43:32 <gongysh> YanXing_an, tung_doan , dkushwaha , diga and phuoc_ , welcome 04:43:45 <gongysh> #topic bp 04:43:52 <diga> tung_doan: YanXing_an : Hi, yeah, got busy into other things so couldn't give enough time to opensource contribution 04:43:58 <gongysh> tung_doan, scaling and healing 04:44:09 <tung_doan> gongysh: hi 04:44:47 <tung_doan> gongysh: healing part I am geeting stuck in vim failure (barbican). i will continue code this week 04:44:53 <gongysh> tung_doan, there is a comment from YanXing_an on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/469975/ 04:45:02 <tung_doan> scaling part I am waiting for merging 04:45:23 <gongysh> YanXing_an, if that is not critical, lets merge it. 04:45:49 <YanXing_an> That is already be process in lasted patch set. 04:45:49 <tung_doan> gongysh: I think it should be considered in future 04:45:59 <dkushwaha> gongysh: Regarding https://review.openstack.org/#/c/469975/ 04:46:25 <tung_doan> dkushwaha: yep :) 04:46:25 <dkushwaha> gongysh: is it should be merged this time? as it end of pike 04:47:09 <gongysh> dkushwaha, we can merge the spec 04:47:23 <gongysh> #topic coding 04:47:24 <tung_doan> gongysh: dkushwaha: YanXing_an: thanks 04:47:25 <dkushwaha> gongysh: ok, then fine. 04:47:38 <gongysh> dkushwaha. what is the progress of mistral policy action? 04:48:06 <gongysh> I have a look at the your patch, but think it is not done according to spec. 04:48:22 <dkushwaha> gongysh: i have submited partial patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/486924/ 04:48:57 <dkushwaha> gongysh: i have planned to finish coding before next meeting 04:49:46 <gongysh> dkushwaha, do it with patch by patch, but with each patch meaning as an independent part. 04:49:56 <gongysh> and mark it in git commit msg. 04:50:21 <gongysh> I cannot see your patch plan now in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/486924/ 04:51:06 <gongysh> dkushwaha, we should be able to remove the local varble in tacker server to remember the monitors. 04:51:21 <dkushwaha> gongysh: yea, i have break it independent patches. 04:52:02 <dkushwaha> gongysh: firstly i was trying to be executable so i did it in the way as in current patch 04:52:36 <dkushwaha> gongysh: i will update it 04:52:46 <gongysh> ok 04:53:12 <gongysh> this is an important refactoring before we tag tacker as pike release. 04:53:39 <gongysh> dkushwaha, could you commit enough patch before next meeting? 04:54:33 <dkushwaha> gongysh: yes, there is a long holiday in japan, so no other office work, i will try for it. 04:54:46 <gongysh> dkushwaha, ok, thanks 04:54:59 <gongysh> tung_doan, the healing and scaling part 04:55:33 <gongysh> tung_doan, could you finish it next week? 04:56:11 <tung_doan> gongysh: for healing part, I am still coding.. Maybe I can finish around Wednesday nextweek 04:56:40 <tung_doan> for scaling part, it is similar to healing part 04:57:00 <gongysh> tung_doan, I am afraid dkushwaha's work will be conflict with yours. 04:57:00 <tung_doan> therefore I think coding will do in short time 04:57:41 <tung_doan> gongysh: I already reviewed his code.. i think no conflict is shown 04:58:17 <gongysh> dkushwaha, I think you can start with respawn policy first. 04:59:10 <tung_doan> gongysh: dkushwaha focuses on ping driver. therefore, no conflict from my side 04:59:14 <dkushwaha> gongysh: ok, it should be fine 04:59:30 <tung_doan> gongysh: +1 for respawning policy first with ping driver 04:59:53 <gongysh> #topic open discussion 05:00:22 <gongysh> dkushwaha, tung_doan , please help to review codes too 05:00:47 <gongysh> YanXing_an, hi 05:00:51 <YanXing_an> hi 05:00:53 <tung_doan> gongysh: if barbican url is fixed. can you merge it asap? it will prevent other contributors from coding 05:00:54 <dkushwaha> gongysh: sure 05:01:18 <gongysh> YanXing_an, please active in reviewing codes next week. 05:01:31 <gongysh> tung_doan, sure 05:01:55 <YanXing_an> gongysh, sure 05:02:17 <gongysh> that is all from my side. 05:02:27 <gongysh> do you have any thing to talk about? 05:02:31 <phuoc_> hi 05:02:41 <gongysh> phuoc_, hi 05:02:45 <phuoc_> I and Janki will proposed containerized VNF 05:02:58 <dkushwaha> gongysh: I think you missed to nominate yourself for PTL. Today there were some message regarding same on tacker channel 05:03:17 <tung_doan> dkushwaha: right :)) hahahaha 05:03:19 <phuoc_> and PTL who comes from OpenRetriever will join too 05:03:41 <phuoc_> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zhJxoMc-_nFop8q2aB2mSjXZ_bjMQq1Ju9_P9ppV_Vo/edit# 05:03:52 <gongysh> dkushwaha, I thought the PTL status will go on with two terms by default. 05:03:57 <gongysh> let me have a look. 05:04:08 <gongysh> dkushwaha, thanks. 05:04:22 <dkushwaha> gongysh: :) 05:04:40 <phuoc_> When we figure all things, I will make spec about it 05:04:44 <tung_doan> gongysh: dkushwaha: YanXing_an: please have a look on cVNFs discussion 05:04:49 <gongysh> phuoc_, thanks. 05:04:55 <tung_doan> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zhJxoMc-_nFop8q2aB2mSjXZ_bjMQq1Ju9_P9ppV_Vo/edit#heading=h.ov81h9z5airk 05:05:34 <phuoc_> please look at the google and give your comments in this 05:05:42 <phuoc_> and I can make it better 05:06:11 <gongysh> phuoc_, have you put it in PTG etherpad? 05:06:43 <gongysh> phuoc_, I see it. 05:06:48 <phuoc_> I've just putted it ^^ 05:07:22 <gongysh> anything else? 05:07:52 <gongysh> do you guys have plan to sydney summit? 05:08:48 <gongysh> ok 05:09:03 <dkushwaha> gongysh: it depend on my company 05:09:12 <gongysh> lets end meeting. if you have anything, please go to tacker channel 05:09:31 <gongysh> thanks everyone, lets back to code. 05:09:35 <gongysh> and do review. 05:09:40 <gongysh> #endmeeting