08:19:49 <gongysh> #startmeeting tacker 08:19:49 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Apr 24 08:19:49 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gongysh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:19:50 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:19:53 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:20:32 <phuoc_> hi 08:20:40 <YanXing_an> hi 08:20:58 <joxyuki> hi 08:21:32 <mardim> hello 08:22:25 <gongysh> #topic annoucement 08:22:37 <gongysh> TC election 08:22:58 <dangtrinhnt> hi 08:23:17 <gongysh> please take part in the TC election poll. 08:23:30 <dangtrinhnt> gongysh. I already done the TC election. 08:23:41 <gongysh> if you got the poll invitation email. 08:23:55 <gongysh> dangtrinhnt, great. 08:24:32 <gongysh> #topic summit topic status 08:24:37 <gongysh> mardim, hi 08:24:51 <mardim> hello 08:25:02 <mardim> The demo is pretty much ready 08:25:12 <mardim> I created to demos actually so we can have a backup 08:25:34 <mardim> two( 08:25:37 <mardim> two* 08:25:50 <mardim> the demo architecture is like dynamic sfc through zabbix 08:25:58 <phuoc_> mardim, that's great 08:26:01 <mardim> so when an event occurs in zabbix 08:26:20 <gongysh> mardim, do you have a video for it? 08:26:41 <mardim> triggers automatically an action and update the classifier to steer the traffic through the chain 08:26:56 <mardim> gongysh, Not yet I will I think till next week 08:27:06 <mardim> when I make one I will send it to you 08:27:16 <mardim> do you need the video now ? 08:27:26 <mardim> or like a backup for the summit ? 08:27:27 <gongysh> do you have? 08:27:31 <mardim> not yet 08:28:01 <gongysh> mardim, we will have a video for backup, but we'd better to do live demo. 08:28:18 <mardim> yes I agree I think I will have the video until next week 08:28:38 <mardim> the only think is that I would like to add your public keys guys to the demo server 08:28:41 <gongysh> you can update the slide to show us your idea of the demo. 08:28:53 <mardim> so you can have accesses from your PCs 08:29:05 <phuoc_> mardim, what is your constraints of the trigger? 08:29:08 <mardim> because maybe my PC will have problems with HDMI 08:29:14 <gongysh> mardim, I will send you my public key. 08:29:18 <mardim> Avg Bps 08:29:25 <mardim> gongysh, Great 08:30:00 <mardim> phuoc_, if the Average BPs in the eth0 is higher than 3500 Bps 08:30:05 <mardim> then do the action 08:30:25 <gongysh> mardim, what are your two vnfs? 08:30:32 <phuoc_> I will note your scenario 08:30:50 <mardim> gongysh, you mean the SFs in the chain right ? 08:30:58 <gongysh> yes 08:31:03 <mardim> IDS and FW 08:31:41 <gongysh> what open software is for IDS? 08:31:47 <mardim> suricata 08:31:58 <gongysh> and FW? 08:32:08 <mardim> the simple firewall that ubuntu has 08:32:14 <mardim> UFW I think is the name 08:32:40 <phuoc_> maybe that is similar to iptables xD 08:32:52 <mardim> yes it is but is running as a service 08:33:01 <mardim> you can enable it and disable it 08:33:25 <mardim> But for demo purposes is working llike a charm 08:33:26 <mardim> :) 08:33:30 <gongysh> mardim, why not using openwrt? 08:33:37 <mardim> no reason 08:33:48 <mardim> I just choose the simple solution 08:33:53 <mardim> is that a problem ? 08:34:04 <gongysh> we can config the openwrt through tacker. 08:34:35 <mardim> hmmm didn't know that 08:34:41 <gongysh> openwrt is our only vnf we are supporting now. if we don't use it, no one will use it. 08:34:52 <gongysh> let's use openwrt for fw. 08:35:18 <mardim> ok I will try to use it but I cannot promise because I am pretty overloaded right now 08:35:26 <mardim> I will try to find some spare time 08:35:52 <gongysh> mardim, share the work, we can do it together. 08:35:54 <mardim> gongysh, can you please send me some links regarding openwrt and tacker 08:36:20 <mardim> gongysh, yes ok I will put your public key to the demo server so you can have access 08:36:30 <dangtrinhnt> mardim, I can help with openwrt driver. I've worked with it for a while. 08:36:46 <mardim> dangtrinhnt, nice of you :) 08:36:57 <gongysh> dangtrinhnt, you are so kind. 08:36:58 <gongysh> https://docs.openstack.org/tacker/latest/install/deploy_openwrt.html 08:37:53 <dangtrinhnt> no prob. Just tell me what you need. 08:38:00 <gongysh> mardim, send out the google doc link again 08:38:23 <mardim> gongysh, sure 08:39:15 <mardim> done 08:39:17 <gongysh> phuoc_, I think you have one more lighting talk, is that done? 08:40:36 <phuoc_> I, trinh and dkuhswaha have a lighting talk 08:40:57 <gongysh> phuoc_, the slide is finished? 08:41:12 <phuoc_> the slide is not finished yet 08:41:23 <gongysh> ok. 08:41:27 <phuoc_> we will try to finish in one or two weeks later 08:42:29 <gongysh> after we have done the demo, we can add suricata and openwrt into our vnf market. 08:43:05 <gongysh> #topic bp 08:43:18 <gongysh> I cannot see much progress in our bp 08:43:47 <dangtrinhnt> gongysh, what do you think about the new direction for Tacker Studio? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/553684/ 08:47:34 <gongysh> dangtrinhnt, we need do more invetigation for ui pull and drag way. 08:48:15 <gongysh> I have heard you said the heat horizon is using drag and drop way, right? 08:48:48 <dangtrinhnt> yes, It does but it very complicated in the users point of view. I looked over other projects, they use forms. 08:49:40 <phuoc_> I think we can do the OSM way 08:49:44 <dangtrinhnt> For example, Opensource MANO, to generate the templates, users only need to use a very simple form. 08:49:55 <gongysh> dangtrinhnt, you can write it as an alternative method. 08:50:00 <phuoc_> drag and drop way is complicated I think 08:50:03 <dangtrinhnt> gongysh, ok. 08:50:43 <gongysh> dangtrinhnt, you can even record heat horizon and oepnsource mano and have the link in the spec. 08:51:17 <dangtrinhnt> gongysh, sure. I will update the spec. 08:52:03 <gongysh> dangtrinhnt, thanks 08:52:20 <gongysh> phuoc_, any update? 08:53:06 <phuoc_> I am coding in the sfc with container and VM 08:53:35 <phuoc_> basically, the feature works but it is not stable enough 08:54:03 <phuoc_> I will improve this feature, and upload the code too 08:54:20 <gongysh> phuoc_, ok, it seems the k8s openstack cloud provider is buggy. 08:55:25 <gongysh> #topic open discussion 08:55:43 <gongysh> joxyuki, hi 08:55:48 <gongysh> any thing to talk? 08:55:54 <joxyuki> gongysh, hi 08:56:11 <joxyuki> please review my specs when you have a time 08:56:20 <gongysh> which one? 08:56:41 <joxyuki> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/561840/ 08:56:45 <joxyuki> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/563844/ 08:56:47 <gongysh> joxyuki, I got two 08:56:48 <gongysh> ok 08:56:52 <joxyuki> thanks 08:57:05 <gongysh> I will devote some time to have a look. 08:57:34 <gongysh> and, if you guys are interested in kubernetes and openstack, please have a test on phuoc_ 's patch. 08:58:18 <phuoc_> thanks 08:58:38 <gongysh> 2 mins left 08:59:18 <gongysh> 1 mis 08:59:22 <gongysh> 1 min left. 08:59:42 <phuoc_> nothing from me xD 08:59:45 <gongysh> guys, don't forget to vote for me for the TC election if you got a poll invitation email. 08:59:48 <gongysh> thanks 08:59:49 <mardim> me neither 08:59:57 <gongysh> #endmeeting