08:00:55 <gongysh> #startmeeting tacker 08:00:56 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jul 3 08:00:55 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gongysh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:00:57 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:01:00 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:01:27 <gongysh> #topic roll call 08:01:46 <YanXing_an> o/ 08:01:55 <phuoc_> o/ 08:02:31 <joxyuki_> o/ 08:02:44 <Li_Jiale> o/ 08:02:51 <keiko> o/ 08:03:47 <dkushwaha> o/ 08:05:16 <gongysh> #topic deadline announcement 08:05:25 <gongysh> 2018-07-26 is the deadline for rocky-3 08:06:09 <gongysh> we will not accept new functional patch for rocky cycle 08:06:36 <YanXing_an> little time left 08:06:37 <gongysh> #topic bp 08:07:22 <gongysh> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/579724/ 08:07:34 <gongysh> blueprint shared-barbican-secret 08:07:50 <gongysh> this is a blocker bp for another bp 08:08:09 <gongysh> so please finish it asap. 08:08:44 <Guest63697> o/ 08:09:03 <dkushwaha> YanXing_an, you started coding part also? 08:09:09 <Guest63697> o/ 08:09:38 <YanXing_an> yeah, Li JIale have committed a draft patch, he will update it later 08:09:58 <gongysh> YanXing_an, thanks 08:10:12 <dkushwaha> ok, will review it 08:10:17 <gongysh> phuoc_ hi 08:10:38 <phuoc_> hi gongysh 08:10:50 <gongysh> do you have some thing to talk? 08:10:57 <AndreyS> Hello, could we discuss https://blueprints.launchpad.net/tacker/+spec/tosca-csar-mgmt-driver 08:11:02 <phuoc_> I updated NS patch 08:11:05 <phuoc_> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/558166 08:11:28 <phuoc_> That extends dkushwaha and tbh patch, I think it is good to review now 08:11:48 <phuoc_> For hybrid SFC spec, I meet some bugs 08:12:20 <phuoc_> I will solve problem and upload code asap 08:13:31 <gongysh> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/548109/ 08:13:42 <gongysh> phuoc_, do you have plan to update it? 08:13:50 <gongysh> or do we still need this patch? 08:14:15 <phuoc_> gonysh, yes but I meet some bugs with this patch 08:14:20 <caobin> o/ 08:14:30 <phuoc_> I will update new patch soon 08:15:23 <gongysh> phuoc_, ok 08:15:47 <gongysh> phuoc_, for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/558166, add one user guide for it please. 08:16:27 <phuoc_> gongysh, sure I will make a new patch for document about that 08:16:47 <gongysh> #topic bugs 08:16:49 <YanXing_an> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/579620/ this is 08:16:56 <caobin> nice 08:17:00 <YanXing_an> the spec for shared vim 08:17:39 <gongysh> YanXing_an, thanks 08:17:50 <gongysh> I will have a look asap. 08:18:23 <gongysh> https://bugs.launchpad.net/tacker/+bug/1778698 08:18:23 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1778698 in tacker "stestr for functional test is running unit test" [Critical,New] - Assigned to Nguyen Hai (nguyentrihai93) 08:18:34 <gongysh> this is a critical bug for CI tests. 08:18:50 <gongysh> it runs unit tests for functional test jobs. 08:19:05 <gongysh> nguyenhai_, hi 08:19:09 <YanXing_an> gongysh: In previous meeting, i propose to use barbican secret acl to support shared vim, but now i think the method one is better, Li JIale and i will both look into these methods 08:19:30 <gongysh> YanXing_an, thanks for it. 08:20:10 <gongysh> so we have to fix this bug first before other functional patches can be merged. 08:20:53 <joxyuki_> gongysh, my colleague will propose a patch to fix the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/tacker/+bug/1778698 08:20:53 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1778698 in tacker "stestr for functional test is running unit test" [Critical,New] - Assigned to Nguyen Hai (nguyentrihai93) 08:21:46 <gongysh> joxyuki_, where is the url? 08:22:07 <joxyuki_> gongysh, not yet, will soon upload. 08:22:18 <gongysh> joxyuki_, fine. thanks 08:23:26 <gongysh> #topic open discussion 08:23:54 <gongysh> AndreyS, hi 08:24:45 <AndreyS> Hi, I have updated BP with a link for spec 08:24:52 <gongysh> akozhevnikov, hi 08:25:16 <gongysh> please do it according to contribution guide. 08:25:22 <caobin> Li_Jiale, hi 08:25:46 <gongysh> AndreyS, please take https://review.openstack.org/#/c/579620/ for an example. 08:26:18 <gongysh> or many other bps at https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/tacker-specs 08:26:54 <YanXing_an> caobin, hi, welcome to tacker :) 08:27:19 <dkushwaha> AndreyS, have you submitted the spec? if so, link please 08:27:22 <nguyenhai_> thanks <joxyuki_> 08:27:58 <AndreyS> gongysh, which branch I shoul use for commit of the spec? 08:28:09 <gongysh> master 08:28:21 <AndreyS> rocky? 08:28:49 <gongysh> yes, put it into rocky dir 08:30:07 <AndreyS> thanks, will do it, but is it possible to discuss existing draft now? 08:31:03 <gongysh> #topic berlin summit 08:31:16 <gongysh> berlin summit is calling for presentation 08:31:24 <gongysh> do you have any idea for tacker? 08:32:10 <gongysh> dkushwaha, phuoc_ ? 08:32:21 <gongysh> YanXing_an ? 08:32:42 <dkushwaha> gongysh, yea, i have to submit talks, but not prepared it yet 08:33:10 <YanXing_an> gongysh, will think about it 08:33:22 <dkushwaha> gongysh, will share my topic in this week 08:33:44 <keiko> Is anyone going to Denver for PTG? 08:33:49 <phuoc_> I think we can have a talk about network service :) 08:34:29 <dkushwaha> phuoc_, +1 08:34:34 <gongysh> phuoc_, fine 08:35:23 <phuoc_> dkushwaha, I extend you and tbh work before, so I think we can finish network service spec soon 08:35:35 <gongysh> keiko, no, I am not there. 08:36:20 <gongysh> dkushwaha, phuoc_ , lets focus on the NS spec. 08:36:25 <keiko> I see. anyone? 08:36:26 <phuoc_> AndreyS, I think we can discuss about your topic in Tacker channel 08:36:28 <dkushwaha> phuoc_, sure, i will 08:37:37 <gongysh> ok 08:37:42 <gongysh> anything else? 08:38:57 <gongysh> ok, have a good day. 08:39:02 <gongysh> #endmeeting