08:02:22 <dkushwaha> #startmeeting tacker 08:02:23 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Feb 26 08:02:22 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dkushwaha. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:02:24 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:02:26 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:02:36 <dkushwaha> #topic Roll Call 08:02:46 <dkushwaha> who is here for Tacker weekly meeting? 08:03:04 <nirajsingh> dkushwaha: hi 08:03:20 <dkushwaha> nirajsingh, hello 08:03:39 <hyunsikyang> hello 08:03:50 <hyunsikyang> hell all 08:03:56 <dkushwaha> hi hyunsikyang 08:04:36 <joxyuki> hi 08:04:41 <hyunsikyang> you can call me hyunsik :) 08:04:54 <hyunsikyang> hi joxyuki 08:05:30 <dkushwaha> hello joxyuki 08:07:01 <dkushwaha> ok lets start.. 08:07:22 <nirajsingh> dkushwaha: there is one update about https://review.openstack.org/#/c/622888/ patch, i will submitt the functional test patch today itself. 08:07:45 <dkushwaha> #announcement 08:07:54 <dkushwaha> #topic announcement 08:08:23 <dkushwaha> we have around 10 days left for stein cycle, so needs to hurry up 08:08:46 <dkushwaha> #link https://releases.openstack.org/stein/schedule.html 08:09:00 <dkushwaha> i mean, Stein-3 milestone 08:09:41 <dkushwaha> #topic announcement 08:10:03 <dkushwaha> CFP result is opne now 08:10:28 <dkushwaha> This time 3 Tacker related sessions are selected 08:10:38 <dkushwaha> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/denver-2019/summit-schedule/global-search?t=tacker 08:11:33 <dkushwaha> Hope to see max members in summit from Tacker team 08:12:20 <dkushwaha> moving next.. 08:12:26 <dkushwaha> #topic BPs 08:12:50 <dkushwaha> nirajsingh, thanks for the update. 08:12:59 <dkushwaha> waiting for your patch 08:13:10 <nirajsingh> dkushwaha: yes, thank you :) 08:14:36 <dkushwaha> #topic force-delete support 08:15:52 <dkushwaha> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/620385/ As it is pending in WIP, I will also start working on that 08:15:57 <dkushwaha> may be by today 08:16:40 <dkushwaha> moving next... 08:17:33 <dkushwaha> #topic python3-first 08:17:50 <dkushwaha> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/572984/ 08:18:39 <dkushwaha> even after multiple tries, I am getting errors with py35, py36 08:18:44 <dkushwaha> i.e.: TypeError: object() takes no parameters 08:19:06 <dkushwaha> can somebody help on fixing that? 08:20:26 <dkushwaha> please feel free if someone can look into that 08:20:38 <dkushwaha> moving next.. 08:21:35 <dkushwaha> #topic Open Discussion 08:22:37 <dkushwaha> Do you have something more to discuss? 08:24:56 <hyunsikyang> I uploaded blueprint but, now we are busy to close the cycle of stein.. 08:26:00 <hyunsikyang> If someone can review it, please review it:D 08:26:09 <hyunsikyang> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/636272/ 08:26:48 <dkushwaha> hyunsikyang, yea, as of now we have to focus on Stein, so we can prioritize after this 08:26:59 <hyunsikyang> Yes Good. 08:27:36 <dkushwaha> hyunsikyang, that will be great help if you can also contribute on bug fixes and patch review 08:28:27 <hyunsikyang> OK:) I am testing the tacker now . i found some bugs... anyway.. it can't helps now. 08:28:35 <hyunsikyang> Ok I will try it 08:29:09 <dkushwaha> hyunsik Thanks 08:30:00 <dkushwaha> Ok, Thanks all, Nothing from my side. 08:30:52 <dkushwaha> If no one has something more to discuss, we can close this meeting. 08:31:59 <dkushwaha> ok, Closing now 08:32:01 <dkushwaha> Thanks Folks for joining. 08:32:08 <dkushwaha> #endmeeting