08:03:32 <dkushwaha> #startmeeting tacker 08:03:32 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Mar 12 08:03:32 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dkushwaha. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:03:33 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:03:35 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:03:44 <dkushwaha> #topic Roll Call 08:03:55 <dkushwaha> who is here for Tacker weekly meeting? 08:06:41 <hyunsikyang> hi 08:06:48 <hyunsikyang> i am late 08:06:57 <dkushwaha> hello hyunsikyang 08:07:20 <hyunsikyang> this week little bit busy 08:07:32 <dkushwaha> np :) 08:08:48 <dkushwaha> lets wait if some more members join, otherwise we can skip. 08:12:16 <dkushwaha> seems no more members available today 08:12:21 <dkushwaha> hyunsikyang, do you have something to discuss? 08:13:12 <hyunsikyang> Actually, I submitted one blueprint and I am preparing one more 08:13:35 <hyunsikyang> for tacker integration with Fenix project 08:14:28 <hyunsikyang> If we don't have any special issues, I want to discuss what we will do in tacker and summit presentation. 08:15:08 <dkushwaha> hyunsikyang, go ahead 08:15:40 <hyunsikyang> At first, Please review, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/636272/ 08:15:57 <hyunsikyang> this is a spec for network function extention for C-VNF 08:16:54 <hyunsikyang> Now, Tacker uses a kubernetes as a VIM. But, It only support basic things for C-VNF. 08:17:56 <hyunsikyang> I think we should provide more functionality to improve the utilization of C-VNF. 08:19:02 <hyunsikyang> that spec is a first step of function extention for C-VNF. 08:19:38 <hyunsikyang> But, I want to hear your opinion for next step of tacker, first. 08:20:29 <dkushwaha> hyunsikyang, is this above spec have any relation with Fenix integration 08:20:30 <dkushwaha> ? 08:20:42 <hyunsikyang> no, that is different one. 08:20:43 <dkushwaha> IMO both are independent 08:20:47 <dkushwaha> ok 08:21:51 <hyunsikyang> I will upload it as soon as possible. I has been discussing with fenix PTL. 08:22:14 <dkushwaha> hyunsikyang, cool 08:23:24 <dkushwaha> hyunsikyang, Regarding https://review.openstack.org/#/c/636272/ . Sorry I could not looked on this, Please give me sometimes(couple of days), i will review and will provide my feedbacks 08:23:40 <hyunsikyang> thanks :) 08:23:55 <hyunsikyang> we can discuss more detail thing in the summit too. 08:24:03 <dkushwaha> hyunsikyang, yup 08:24:41 <dkushwaha> hyunsikyang, will you have time in this week for some other works? 08:25:36 <hyunsikyang> I am trying to finish the fenix blueprint and review in this week. 08:25:45 <hyunsikyang> why?:) 08:26:01 <dkushwaha> I was looking volunteer for "Migrating legacy jobs to Bionic" 08:26:05 <dkushwaha> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-March/003614.html 08:28:33 <hyunsikyang> wait, I will check it. 08:28:44 <dkushwaha> hyunsikyang, ok 08:34:38 <hyunsikyang> I am reading it now. but, I need a time to check it. I am not familiar with this. 08:36:05 <dkushwaha> hyunsikyang, ok, so please check it, if it looks feasible to you otherwise i will work on that. 08:36:45 <dkushwaha> hyunsikyang, lets close this meeting. We can continue on Tacker channel. 08:36:45 <hyunsikyang> ok thanks 08:37:19 <dkushwaha> thanks hyunsik for joining this meeting. 08:37:22 <dkushwaha> Closing now 08:37:28 <dkushwaha> #endmeeting