08:01:21 #startmeeting tacker 08:01:22 Meeting started Tue Apr 2 08:01:21 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dkushwaha. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:01:23 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:01:25 The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:01:36 #topic Roll Call 08:01:49 who is here for Tacker weekly meeting? 08:04:29 hi 08:05:18 hello hyunsikyang 08:07:19 ok lets start.. 08:07:45 #topic Fenix plugin support 08:08:14 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/643242 08:08:24 hyunsikyang, have some queries on BPs 08:08:57 Yes please. 08:09:24 Can I explain it first? 08:09:36 hyunsikyang, is there any separate template for maintenance ?? 08:09:49 ah. yes, 08:09:49 hyunsikyang, yes, go ahead 08:10:09 until now, we just added maintenance property in the template. 08:10:53 When user use this property, that VNF register AODH to get the event from fenix. 08:11:07 i could not see it in sample template in spec 08:11:32 In the blueprint, you can see the template. 08:11:54 hyunsikyang, oh, my mistake, just checked, yes it was there 08:11:56 It looks similar like general things. 08:12:01 Yes. 08:13:11 ten my comment on line#124 is also invalid 08:13:17 So, that VNF can receive the alaram from Fenix. So, when fenix want to start maintenace, tacker can help for Maintenance. 08:13:44 ok:) 08:15:09 Now, we draw only one procedure, but we will seperate it, soon. 08:15:28 i see 08:15:52 And VNF Stop is just one of the example. so Changing the path thing is more acceptable. 08:16:04 I will change some part:) 08:18:17 my comment on line#128 is to explain activities on tacker side in details 08:19:26 i mean, for example if we are talking about VNF stop(or anything else), what action will tacker perform in that, and how it will resume once maintenance done 08:20:10 Actually, Fenix have a workflow like flow i draw in the bp. 08:21:01 So, sometimes, it requires action to perform the maintenace such as down scaling.. 08:21:11 or up scaling or migrate. 08:21:15 migration. 08:21:57 Now tacker can't support all of actions. 08:22:38 But, we can make a procedure and messing structure first. 08:22:43 And 08:23:04 when we think about the role of tacker for maintenance, 08:23:10 yes, Regarding Fenix workflow, that one is complete flow from fenix to tacker, it will be good if we can also explain more about tacker side 08:24:07 hyunsikyang, agree, we can move step by step for other actions 08:24:31 Ah ok. 08:24:41 After update, please check it again. 08:25:11 yea sure 08:25:15 one more thing 08:25:34 we also needs to mention about the VNF status. 08:26:15 Ah you mean that when VNF have a problem, is it going to tell to Fenix? 08:26:15 Ex. once VNF goes in maintenance state, we needs to update that 08:26:23 AH, 08:26:28 Ok. 08:27:54 btw, very nice and clear workflow diagram 08:27:57 Yes In the fenix, when fenix upgrade node, it changed the status of node as a disable. 08:28:31 like this, we also think the way to present current status. 08:29:45 hyunsikyang, IMO, once fenix change status of node, same should be reflected in VNF status as well 08:30:47 Yes, I will think it again. because, now i am thinking to seperate procedure like infra maintenance and VNF maintenance/ 08:31:04 ok 08:31:46 hyunsikyang, I have further queries as of now 08:32:01 yes 08:32:23 typo: no further queries as of now 08:32:33 ah 08:32:36 ok:) 08:33:17 hyunsikyang, do you have something else to discuss? 08:33:26 otherwise we can close this meeting 08:33:43 no 08:33:50 ok 08:34:30 Thanks hyunsik for joining this meeting :) 08:34:50 closing it now 08:35:04 #endmeeting