08:04:45 <dkushwaha> #startmeeting tacker 08:04:46 <openstack> Meeting started Tue May 7 08:04:45 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dkushwaha. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:04:47 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:04:50 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:04:57 <dkushwaha> #topic Roll Call 08:05:06 <dkushwaha> who is here for Tacker weekly meeting? 08:05:52 <joxyuki> hi 08:06:41 <hyunsikyang> Hi 08:06:49 <hyunsikyang> Hi jo and dkushwaha 08:07:02 <dkushwaha> hello joxyuki hyunsikyang 08:07:22 <joxyuki> hi, hyunsikyang 08:07:29 <dkushwaha> How was the summit? 08:07:56 <hyunsikyang> not many people, compare to last summit. 08:08:20 <bhagyashris> O/ 08:08:28 <joxyuki> snow at Tuesday :( 08:08:35 <dkushwaha> hi bhagyashris 08:08:36 <hyunsikyang> and in the tacker session, around 20~ people attended. 08:09:01 <dkushwaha> hyunsikyang, ~20 is also good :) 08:09:10 <dkushwaha> hyunsikyang, how was your talk? 08:09:10 <takahashi-tsc> Hello all, this is my first participation in Tacker meeting. 08:09:21 <hyunsikyang> Hi takahashi 08:09:37 <JangwonLee_> Hi 08:09:40 <joxyuki> hi 08:09:43 <jaewook_oh> Hello 08:09:47 <dkushwaha> hello takahashi-tsc, welcome in Tacker Team 08:09:48 <hyunsikyang> Um.. I only have 10 min so I brifely explain it 08:10:27 <dkushwaha> hyunsikyang, yea, 10 minute is really too short 08:10:50 <dkushwaha> hello jaewook_oh JangwonLee_ 08:10:52 <hyunsikyang> but, some people doesn't know about tacker. so That session was good for introducing Tacker. 08:11:38 <hyunsikyang> I get namecard from some teleco company. 08:12:05 <dkushwaha> joxyuki, hyunsikyang , do you want to share some input(if any) from summit 08:13:47 <hyunsikyang> I talked with fenix PTL and Fenix also consider ETSI spec to adapt it to fenix. So we also good chance to consider ETSI spec as a MANO 08:13:56 <hyunsikyang> And 08:15:01 <hyunsikyang> More and More , Many people focus on the container, so whatif, tacker also focus on the container related features, it also good. 08:15:53 <hyunsikyang> and we also consider how we provides some feautures for Edge cloud collaboration kinds of things 08:15:55 <dkushwaha> hyunsikyang, yea, we needs to prioritize C-VNF related activities 08:16:44 <joxyuki> yeah, generally edge computing session increased. 08:17:46 <joxyuki> it seems affected by 5G growing. 08:18:32 <dkushwaha> joxyuki, hyunsikyang yea, 5g growing rapidly now a days 08:18:32 <hyunsikyang> That is, We should think about features as a perspective of telco view. 08:19:03 <joxyuki> for example, I think, Multi-VIM support might be required. 08:19:12 <hyunsikyang> Maintenance,Edge, lightweight things.. 08:19:45 <dkushwaha> have you got chance to talk some telco operators and there views/inputes for tacker? 08:20:16 <joxyuki> sorry nothing from me 08:20:19 <dkushwaha> joxyuki, what it mean by Multi-VIM(as we already supporting it)?? 08:20:54 <joxyuki> yeah, we already support it but is it feasible for edge? 08:21:03 <hyunsikyang> I talked with one guy who come from middle east and he asked me why tacker is not well known.. 08:21:38 <joxyuki> I mean, for edge, such as StarlingX will be supported as VIM 08:21:40 <hyunsikyang> And he said, these feautres is good for telco provider. but, he want to know how they adapt tacker to real environment. 08:22:02 <dkushwaha> joxyuki, I see, need to check us more for Edge cloud things 08:22:33 <hyunsikyang> yes. Our team also consider it how we adapt it to tacker. 08:22:57 <hyunsikyang> I met Jo and we also talked about etsi spec. 08:23:09 <dkushwaha> nice :) 08:23:14 <hyunsikyang> It also good features:) 08:24:18 <dkushwaha> Thanks joxyuki hyunsikyang for good inputs. 08:24:24 <dkushwaha> moving next.. 08:24:36 <hyunsikyang> you're welcome. 08:24:39 <dkushwaha> #topic BP 08:25:15 <dkushwaha> #topic VNF Package support BP 08:25:23 <dkushwaha> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/582930 08:25:53 <joxyuki> I wrote my memo on https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tacker-train-grooming 08:26:06 <dkushwaha> joxyuki, I gone though the spec, and overall looks good to me as of now 08:26:26 <dkushwaha> I have few questions 08:27:00 <joxyuki> thanks, but biggest problem is that we need to support ETSI NFV-SOL001. 08:27:50 <dkushwaha> joxyuki, Any approach on that ? 08:28:18 <joxyuki> yes, my team are also plannning to address it but it will be U cycle. 08:29:15 <joxyuki> then, at Train, just creating VNF package will be availble but not able to create VNF from it. 08:29:30 <dkushwaha> joxyuki, I see it will be a big task 08:30:39 <dkushwaha> joxyuki, I hope that should be ok, to move step by step. 08:31:05 <dkushwaha> joxyuki, regarding VNF package do you have some plan to how deal with extracted CSAR resources ? 08:31:33 <joxyuki> ok, I will keep to make effort 08:32:21 <joxyuki> dkushwaha, current plan is storing VNF packages to local file system 08:32:35 <joxyuki> such as /var/lib/tacker but it is configurable 08:33:22 <joxyuki> and VM images shall be registerd to Glance if any. 08:33:46 <dkushwaha> joxyuki, agree to that approach. one more approach can be... 08:35:37 <dkushwaha> create a temp VM(may be we can call it as resource/package manager), and use it to extract CSAR bundle, upload all images/binaries/meat etc files there. And once deployment done, clean that VM 08:36:17 <dkushwaha> It will help to keep all csar resources separate and secure. 08:36:40 <dkushwaha> It is one of my point, but yes I wanted all your opinions on that 08:37:09 <dkushwaha> %s/meat/meta 08:37:10 <joxyuki> dkushwaha, thanks for your idea :) 08:39:17 <joxyuki> I will examine it 08:39:48 <dkushwaha> joxyuki, cool, we can discuss more in vPTG 08:40:14 <dkushwaha> moving next.. 08:40:49 <dkushwaha> #topic visually design TOSCA templates 08:40:59 <dkushwaha> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/553684 08:41:49 <dkushwaha> Looking for some volunteer who can pick it up 08:43:08 <hyunsikyang> what you mean? Trinh Nguyen want to get off this work? 08:43:12 <dkushwaha> visually design TOSCA templates support can help to make Tacker user friendly 08:44:09 <dkushwaha> hyunsikyang, As Trinh is busy in some other activities, so it will be good if some other can lead it 08:45:12 <hyunsikyang> Ah, OK:) 08:45:40 <dkushwaha> moving next.. 08:46:02 <dkushwaha> #topic #Tacker vPTG 08:46:17 <dkushwaha> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Tacker-PTG-Train 08:47:34 <dkushwaha> I am thinking to have one day vPTG on 14th May 08:48:02 <dkushwaha> Let me know if it ok, otherwise please suggest as per your availability 08:48:46 <hyunsikyang> It's good to me. 08:50:16 <dkushwaha> and timing: it will be 4 hours virtual meetup 08:00 UTC to 12:00 UTC 08:51:12 <dkushwaha> joxyuki, bhagyashris jaewook_oh JangwonLee_ takahashi-tsc ^^ 08:51:24 <takahashi-tsc> It's good to me, and I'd like to join vPTG. I'm interested in support ETSI. 08:51:48 <joxyuki> almost OK, but until 11a.m. UTC 08:52:19 <joxyuki> let me talk my topic first 08:52:58 <dkushwaha> joxyuki, ok, sure 08:53:03 <jaewook_oh> ok 08:53:17 <joxyuki> very thanks team :) 08:53:21 <bhagyashris> Agree with joxyuki 08:53:23 <jaewook_oh> i'll attend at that time 08:53:29 <bhagyashris> Thank you :) 08:54:21 <dkushwaha> thanks all 08:54:47 <dkushwaha> I will share meeting channel later 08:55:18 <dkushwaha> #topic OpenDiscussion 08:55:38 <dkushwaha> I have noting to discuss as of now. 08:56:45 <dkushwaha> couple of more minutes left. 08:56:47 <hyunsikyang> I will present my blueprint in the vPTG. but, before that could you check my blueprint? 08:57:03 <hyunsikyang> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/643242/ and https://review.opendev.org/#/c/636272/ 08:57:30 <hyunsikyang> one is related fenix. another one is for multi interface for C-VNF. 08:57:36 <dkushwaha> hyunsikyang, sure, it is in my list, will review it 08:58:31 <hyunsikyang> are you gonna make a etherpad for vPTG? 08:59:03 <dkushwaha> hyunsikyang, it is https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Tacker-PTG-Train 08:59:09 <dkushwaha> we use this one 08:59:12 <hyunsikyang> OK 08:59:14 <hyunsikyang> Thanks 08:59:37 <dkushwaha> ok 08:59:40 <dkushwaha> Thanks Folks for joining this meeting. 08:59:50 <dkushwaha> closing it now. 08:59:53 <joxyuki> :) 09:00:02 <dkushwaha> #endmeeting