08:01:59 <dkushwaha> #startmeeting tacker 08:02:00 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Oct 29 08:01:59 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dkushwaha. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:02:01 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:02:03 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:03:05 <joxyuki> hi 08:03:19 <dkushwaha> #topic Roll Call 08:03:26 <dkushwaha> hello joxyuki 08:03:34 <joxyuki> hello dkushwaha 08:04:46 <dkushwaha> look no other members available today 08:04:52 <takahashi-tsc> Hi 08:04:54 <joxyuki> ok 08:05:07 <dkushwaha> hello takahashi-tsc 08:05:09 <joxyuki> hi, takahashi-san 08:06:07 <keiko-k> hi 08:06:27 <dkushwaha> hi keiko-k 08:06:51 <dkushwaha> Anybody have issues, agenda or topics to discuss today's meeting? 08:07:03 <joxyuki> about PTG 08:07:21 <joxyuki> Did you make a etherpad for PTG? 08:07:41 <joxyuki> or I can do it. 08:08:27 <dkushwaha> joxyuki, yes, I had created link and sent mail on ML regarding same last week 08:08:33 <dkushwaha> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Tacker-PTG-Ussuri 08:08:48 <joxyuki> dkushwaha, thanks 08:08:59 <dkushwaha> I had added some topics from my side. 08:09:20 <dkushwaha> Please feel free to update/add topics in the same 08:09:34 <joxyuki> yes, I will add my topics later. 08:10:05 <dkushwaha> joxyuki, ok 08:10:06 <takahashi-tsc> I also add my topic later. 08:10:27 <dkushwaha> takahashi-tsc, thanks 08:10:58 <joxyuki> And when will we able to start Tacker PTG? 08:12:01 <joxyuki> dkushwaha, you have Project update session at 6th 12:05pm-12:20pm 08:13:01 <joxyuki> and I have my presentation at 6th 10:50am-11:30am 08:13:19 <joxyuki> I think we can start the PTG from 13pm or later. 08:13:41 <dkushwaha> joxyuki, For PTG we has sufficient time, we have full day on Wednesday(9:00am to 4:30pm), and halfday on Thursday(9:00am to 12:30pm) 08:15:39 <dkushwaha> joxyuki, Aah, I missed timing of your session. But anyway, ok we will start PTG after your session(after13:00) 08:16:07 <joxyuki> ok, got it 08:16:10 <dkushwaha> I will also notify the timing on ML 08:17:02 <takahashi-tsc> It's good for me too. (after 13:00) 08:17:41 <dkushwaha> takahashi-tsc, nice, I hope no other timing conflict there. 08:19:10 <dkushwaha> i have no update from my side 08:19:37 <joxyuki> no more from me 08:19:44 <tpatil> dkushwaha: Hi 08:19:52 <dkushwaha> hello tpatil 08:19:53 <tpatil> I want to discuss about one patch 08:20:01 <dkushwaha> sure 08:20:02 <tpatil> #link : https://review.opendev.org/#/c/618086 08:20:45 <tpatil> since now we have force_delete option available with admin user, is it possible to disallow delete vnf if it's in PENDING_CREATE state? 08:22:59 <dkushwaha> tpatil, force_delete will admin privilege. So VNF in such abnormal state can be deleted with admin only(with force_delete), and not allowed to normal users 08:24:56 <dkushwaha> tpatil, returning 409 is expected behavior as in https://review.opendev.org/#/c/618086 08:25:26 <dkushwaha> untill we not use force_delete with admin user 08:25:27 <tpatil> ok 08:26:19 <dkushwaha> i will put my comment on patch too 08:26:42 <tpatil> ok thank you 08:28:53 <dkushwaha> Do we have anything else? otherwise we can close this meeting 08:30:10 <dkushwaha> tpatil, JFYI: etherpad link for PTG: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Tacker-PTG-Ussuri 08:31:01 <tpatil> dkushwaha: Ok, I will check, thanks 08:33:36 <dkushwaha> Thanks Folks. Lets close this meeting 08:33:46 <dkushwaha> excited to meet you all in PTG 08:34:01 <dkushwaha> #endmeeting