08:01:53 <joxyuki> #startmeeting tacker 08:01:54 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Feb 4 08:01:53 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is joxyuki. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:01:55 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:01:58 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:02:05 <joxyuki> #topic Roll Call 08:02:08 <keiko-k> hello 08:02:14 <takahashi-tsc> Hello 08:02:55 <joxyuki> hi keiko-k, takahashi-tsc 08:06:43 <joxyuki> ok, let's start 08:07:27 <joxyuki> #topic BP 08:08:11 <joxyuki> keiko-k, nitinuikey do you have anything to talk related to https://review.opendev.org/#/c/591866/10 08:09:18 <keiko-k> Nothing. 08:10:20 <joxyuki> ok, 08:11:18 <joxyuki> takahashi-tsc, do you? https://review.opendev.org/#/c/700167/ 08:12:53 <takahashi-tsc> I will update it later, probably by today or tomorrow. We discuss your comment and decide how to fix. 08:13:19 <nitinuikey> Jo san, Regarding https://review.opendev.org/#/c/591866/10 we are busy doing implementation. I will check it this week. 08:13:52 <takahashi-tsc> I will accept almost all your proposal. 08:14:44 <joxyuki> takahashi-tsc, good. 08:15:16 <joxyuki> nitinuikey, what do you mean "check it"? What are you going to check? 08:19:57 <joxyuki> ok next, https://review.opendev.org/#/c/685867/ 08:20:38 <joxyuki> yunyoung is a new comer to Tacker and requested us to review his spec. 08:21:32 <joxyuki> please review it when you have a time. 08:21:53 <nitinuikey> Jo san, We need to update the spec for database changes 08:22:31 <joxyuki> in the VNF LCM spec? 08:22:40 <nitinuikey> yes 08:23:04 <joxyuki> is it https://review.opendev.org/#/c/704959/ ? 08:26:31 <dkushwaha> o/ 08:26:38 <keiko-k> o, 08:26:38 <joxyuki> hi, dkushwaha 08:26:42 <keiko-k> hello 08:26:43 <dkushwaha> sorry for late joining 08:27:58 <takahashi-tsc> hi 08:28:23 <dkushwaha> hello all 08:28:41 <dkushwaha> please continue, i will be getting in sync 08:29:00 <nitinuikey> jo san, is it https://review.opendev.org/#/c/704959/ ? yes this is related with vnf packages but LCM API have dependency on it. also we need to change the data model of https://review.opendev.org/#/c/591866/10/specs/ussuri/etsi-nfv-sol-rest-api-for-VNF-deployment.rst 08:30:10 <joxyuki> noted 08:33:15 <keiko-k> nitinuikey Are there other changes related to data model ? 08:35:50 <joxyuki> he has left... 08:36:20 <joxyuki> moving next. let's get back when he will join again. 08:37:22 <joxyuki> #topic python3-support 08:37:31 <joxyuki> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/692269/ was merged. 08:38:19 <joxyuki> We dropped python2 support and we all have to write python3 from now. 08:39:26 <dkushwaha> nice 08:39:47 <joxyuki> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/703579/ 08:41:13 <joxyuki> I wonder this patch is good or not. 08:42:06 <joxyuki> A work around for this bug is chaning his simlink /usr/bin/python to /usr/bin/python3 from /usr/bin/python2. 08:42:30 <joxyuki> dkushwaha, what do you think? 08:43:00 <dkushwaha> joxyuki, same here, not sure why to mention py3 explicitly, while we already moving for py3 default 08:44:17 <joxyuki> ok, I will post a comment to the patch. 08:45:21 <joxyuki> hi, nitinuikey, do you have plan to change DB model related to VNF LCM other than https://review.opendev.org/#/c/704959/ 08:47:29 <nitinuikey> Joxyuki, https://review.opendev.org/#/c/701941 08:48:30 <joxyuki> Isn't that patch consistent with your spec for now? 08:48:54 <nitinuikey> no 08:50:02 <joxyuki> Ok, please update the spec propery. 08:50:50 <nitinuikey> sure will do it by tomorrow. 08:51:00 <joxyuki> #topic open-discussion 08:51:40 <joxyuki> does anyone have a anything to talk? 08:52:34 <dkushwaha> As my new office location is in tokyo, so I just came to japan 2 days back. But my flight was via hong-kong so as a precaution from coronavirus, i have been asked to stay at home for 14days 08:53:37 <dkushwaha> i will use this time for reviewing Tacker patches 08:54:18 <keiko-k> welcome to Japan! 08:54:26 <joxyuki> good news 08:54:37 <takahashi-tsc> Sounds good! 08:55:07 <nitinuikey> welcome to Japan !!! 08:55:09 <dkushwaha> I hope it will be more compatible timezone for me now :) 08:55:22 <dkushwaha> Thanks all :) 08:56:13 <joxyuki> well, if no one have more topic, I will wrap up the meetinng. 08:56:30 <dkushwaha> none from my side 08:56:55 <joxyuki> ok, thanks team, bye. 08:57:02 <joxyuki> #endmeeting