08:03:49 <yasufum> #startmeeting tacker 08:03:50 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Oct 6 08:03:49 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:03:51 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:03:53 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:04:57 <yasufum> I have one thing as a topic today, about victoria release. 08:05:27 <yasufum> #topic victoria-release 08:06:20 <hyunsikyang__> Hi 08:06:25 <yasufum> hi 08:07:31 <takahashi-tsc> Is there any detailed agenda about victoria release? Can I explain NEC patch's status and our request? 08:08:19 <yasufum> yes, but I should explain about the current status before. 08:08:27 <hyunsikyang__> yes. 08:08:39 <yasufum> As I shared in tacker channel previously, I decided to release RC2 because I’ve found some patches are not included in RC1. 08:09:53 <yasufum> It was because of my mistake actually. 08:10:00 <yasufum> So, I asked TC how to recover the situation and proposed to make RC2. 08:10:32 <yasufum> Now, we have included all patches plained to bre released as RC1. 08:11:20 <yasufum> However, there are some patches still remained from NEC, as takahashi-tsc just takiing. 08:13:39 <takahashi-tsc> Yes, so can I explain the status? 08:13:43 <yasufum> One of reason of the delay is they have tried to fix the recent critical issues on zuul priorier that proposing their patches. 08:14:04 <yasufum> So, I would like to offer making RC3 for their patches. 08:14:10 <yasufum> OK, takahashi-tsc 08:14:18 <yasufum> please go ahead 08:16:02 <takahashi-tsc> Thanks, first, sorry for delay. we prioritized zuul recover... Now we can fix almost trouble except barbican. I'll proceed with it. 08:18:11 <takahashi-tsc> Now we are posting patches, and we can finish by end of today, or at lease by early tomorrow. If there are some trouble, we will solve them by Thursday. 08:19:44 <takahashi-tsc> Our high priority task is complete bp/support-etsi-nfv-specs and bp/support-vnfm-operations. So first please review these patches. 08:21:53 <takahashi-tsc> And our request is... can we add these bp patches to RC3 cycle? Some of these are already in victoria and we want to complete them. 08:23:08 <takahashi-tsc> I'll cherry-pick them to stable/victoria in parallel. I think the work are also finished by Thursday. 08:25:29 <yoshito-ito> +1 08:26:31 <masazumi-ota> +1 08:26:41 <yoshito-ito> Now it seems only some patches are merged and very unstable not to complete them. 08:27:27 <yoshito-ito> It's better to make stable/victoria "stable". 08:31:04 <yasufum> If no one opposite to, I would like to include the patches in victoria release. 08:31:33 <takahashi-tsc> Thanks 08:33:28 <yasufum> That is all from me. 08:37:01 <hyunsikyang__> I have no issue at this time. BTW, thanks for your effort of tacker fenix patch review. Last time I suggest threethings for this release but, I only did one thing. So I will do it continueosly at the next cycle. 08:38:03 <hyunsikyang__> yasfum, where can i get the information of vPTG for next cycle? :) 08:40:28 <yasufum> Yes. We have already opened etherpad https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/Tacker-PTG-Wallaby 08:41:12 <hyunsikyang__> thanks yasufum! 08:43:42 <yasufum> you are welcome 08:44:36 <yasufum> It seems no more topics today. Can I wrap up this meeting? 08:44:50 <takahashi-tsc> ok 08:45:31 <yasufum> OK, thanks 08:45:34 <yasufum> bye 08:45:56 <takahashi-tsc> thanks 08:46:01 <yasufum> #endmeeting