08:03:30 <yasufum> #startmeeting tacker 08:03:32 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Feb 16 08:03:30 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:03:33 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:03:35 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:03:40 <LiangLu> Hi 08:04:41 <yasufum> First, I do not update topics on etherpad. Sorry 08:04:48 <yasufum> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting 08:05:12 <yasufum> There are no topics for today on the etherpad 08:05:24 <yasufum> but, do you have any topic? 08:06:17 <LiangLu> I have one topic to discuss, should I go on? 08:06:27 <yasufum> yes, please 08:06:31 <LiangLu> https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting#14 08:06:38 <LiangLu> L14~ 08:07:14 <LiangLu> It is about a parameter changing in patch K8s-mgmtdriver 08:07:15 <yasufum> #topic Existing code parameters changing in sample patch K8s-mgmtdriver 08:07:23 <LiangLu> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/771434/5/tacker/vnflcm/vnflcm_driver.py#503 08:07:28 <LiangLu> here is the patch 08:08:18 <LiangLu> as :yoshito-ito mentioned in last meeting, this patch will published as a sample of tacker, due to cannot run FT on Zuul 08:09:48 <LiangLu> However, this patch is adding new parameters in vnflcm_driver, to make sure logic in vnflcm interfaces methods runs well 08:10:24 <LiangLu> like the code above, vim_connection_info is added in instantiate_end calling 08:11:02 <LiangLu> Firstly I would like to confirm is it good to add parameters for sample patch use.. 08:14:25 <yasufum> is that all? 08:14:48 <LiangLu> yes 08:15:56 <yasufum> I cannot get your point actually… 08:16:25 <yasufum> We cannot merge the patch from yoshito-ito because of failrue of FT 08:16:55 <yasufum> However, it will used as a sample instead. 08:17:27 <yasufum> So, your patch also should be merged for the samle, right? 08:18:35 <LiangLu> I'm sorry... actually I am talking about yoshito-ito's patch, same to last meeting 08:18:55 <LiangLu> thus, it will be used as a sample 08:20:31 <LiangLu> However, that patch is add new paramters from vnflcm_driver to be used in patch, thus, this sample patch is fixing existing code 08:21:23 <LiangLu> sorry for confusing... my point is should we avoid fixing existing code/parameters for sample patches? 08:25:25 <yasufum> Do you mean the sample cannot run without your fixes, right? 08:25:42 <LiangLu> yes, exactly 08:25:44 <yasufum> If so, it should be merged. 08:26:18 <LiangLu> Thanks for advise! 08:27:47 <LiangLu> So, I will upload patch for this vnflcm_driver parameter fix, separate from sample patch ,is that OK? 08:28:26 <yasufum> The reason of adopting sample code is we cannot deploy network configs on Zuul env, and it is not related to tacker’s changes. 08:28:54 <yasufum> So we do not need to consider a sample or not. 08:29:46 <yasufum> Including as a sample is a workaround currently, and it will be merged with FT hopefully. 08:30:05 <LiangLu> Got it, thanks for advise again 08:30:16 <yasufum> thanks! 08:32:42 <yasufum> We can go on to the next topic. 08:32:57 <yasufum> Is there any other topic? 08:33:24 <ueha> Continuing from last week, could you review the cnf scale patch. 08:33:32 <ueha> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/765786 08:34:02 <ueha> However, I am getting a RETRY_LIMIT error in FunctionalT after rebase... 08:34:28 <yasufum> OK, can you give us your topic shortly for setting “topic”? 08:35:07 <takahashi-tsc> Yes, if no more topics, I'd like to confirm current Zuul status... Almost patch are failed with RETRY_Limit.. 08:35:13 <ueha> Zuul FT RETRY_LIMIT erorr 08:35:24 <yasufum> #topic Zuul FT RETRY_LIMIT erorr 08:35:26 <yasufum> thanks 08:35:52 <ueha> It seems to be occurring in other patches as well, does anyone know any solution? 08:36:19 <ueha> When I built it in the local environment, there was no particular problem. 08:36:20 <ueha> . 08:37:17 <yasufum> I have noticed the problem, but cannot find the cause yet. 08:39:41 <yasufum> it looks something happens while db migration of nova on controller node 08:40:04 <ueha> yes. 08:40:59 <ueha> I suspect that the following commits from devstack, which was merged on 2/11, may have affected it. 08:41:02 <ueha> https://opendev.org/openstack/devstack/commit/556f84aea90c572873fc9834292635b41e590224 08:42:30 <ueha> But I also don't know the cause and solution now.. 08:43:07 <ueha> takahashi-tsc: do you have any information this RETRY_LIMIT error? 08:43:43 <takahashi-tsc> No... I cannot find solution yet. 08:44:52 <yasufum> This change looks hard to understand at a glance. I need some more time for ... 08:49:22 <yasufum> OK. Anyway, please continue to find out the cause of the issue. I would like also to do so. 08:49:24 <yasufum> Thanks 08:49:39 <takahashi-tsc> Yes, I'd like to continue to investigate. 08:50:27 <ueha> OK, I will also continue to search for a solution. thanks! 08:51:11 <yasufum> Is there any topic, or asking for review? 08:51:20 <ueha> I also posted a patch for cnf heal yesterday. https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/775656 08:51:32 <ueha> If the zuul error is resolved, could you review it. thanks 08:52:16 <yasufum> got it 08:54:06 <ueha> That's all from me. thanks 08:55:11 <yasufum> It is almost the end of the time today. 08:55:39 <yasufum> I would like to close this meeting if no more topics. 08:56:31 <yasufum> OK, thanks for joining. Bye! 08:56:41 <takahashi-tsc> Thanks 08:56:47 <yoshito-ito> thanks, bye! 08:57:00 <LiangLu> Bye! 08:57:01 <ueha> bye 08:57:03 <yasufum> #endmeeting