08:03:52 <yasufum> #startmeeting tacker 08:03:53 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Mar 16 08:03:52 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:03:54 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:03:57 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:05:10 <yasufum> Do you have any topic today? Nothing on etherpad. 08:07:05 <LiangLu> If no topics, could I call review for patches? 08:07:23 <yasufum> sure 08:07:27 <LiangLu> Thanks! 08:07:33 <LiangLu> The first one is https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/779444 08:07:58 <LiangLu> This patch is fixing typo error in setup.cfg and missing configure in etc/config-generator.conf 08:08:44 <takahashi-tsc> Sorry for late, I'll check it soon. 08:09:03 <LiangLu> Thanks! takahashi-san! 08:09:45 <LiangLu> Ogawa-san has already gave a +2, I just want to call your review :) 08:09:57 <LiangLu> Another one is https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/776586 08:10:38 <LiangLu> As we discussed in previous meeting, this patch is uniting parameters for vnflcm-SOL-interfaces 08:12:19 <LiangLu> Thanks for Ogawa-san's comment, I've updated commit message regarding guidelines, could you please kindly check it again? 08:14:36 <yasufum> It’s enqueued to my TODOs:) 08:14:43 <LiangLu> Also, Takahashi-san, I would like to call your review! 08:14:46 <LiangLu> Thanks! 08:14:52 <takahashi-tsc> Sure 08:15:01 <LiangLu> That's all for my topic! 08:16:20 <yasufum> thanks 08:17:37 <yasufum> Any other topic? 08:18:50 <yasufum> good 08:19:48 <yasufum> we have many patches remained to be reviewed for wallaby’s goal. 08:20:47 <yasufum> Please continue to help for reviewing. Thanks. 08:21:18 <yasufum> I would like to close this meeting. Bye! 08:22:05 <yasufum> #endmeeting