08:04:18 <yasufum> #startmeeting tacker 08:04:18 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Jun 29 08:04:18 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:04:18 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:04:18 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:05:45 <yasufum> We have two topics today from h_asahina and masaki-ueno. 08:05:52 <yasufum> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting 08:06:23 <yasufum> h_asahina: Can you start from your topic? 08:06:47 <h_asahina> Sure 08:07:08 <h_asahina> I pushed a patch today. https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/798409 08:07:55 <h_asahina> This patch will reorganize the User Guide in the official document according to the revise document plan proposed previsouly. 08:08:24 <h_asahina> Since it makes a big change, I'd like to share you all in advance. 08:08:33 <h_asahina> That's all from my side. 08:10:50 <yasufum> thanks, I agree with your update. 08:11:14 <h_asahina> thank you 08:12:26 <yasufum> Go to the next topic if no more comments. 08:13:17 <yasufum> masaki-ueno: please share your topic. 08:13:21 <masaki-ueno> Sure. 08:14:08 <masaki-ueno> We've uploaded and discussed on two specs in the previous vPTG, 08:14:34 <masaki-ueno> one is " Alert server for Prometheus with K8s cluster VNF" https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker-specs/+/786573 08:14:57 <masaki-ueno> and another is Support Multi-tenant for Kubernetes VIM https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker-specs/+/786580 08:16:46 <masaki-ueno> In those specs, there are some remaining `TBD` part, as Manpreet-san pointed out on Gerrit comments. 08:18:14 <masaki-ueno> Through our discussion after the previous vPTG, we found that we need more precise consideration to determine API and Data model in Tacker implementation to fill in those `TBD` parts.. 08:18:54 <masaki-ueno> So we'd like to postpone merging those two specs, and we'd like to re-discuss in Tacker Y vPTG. 08:19:41 <masaki-ueno> That's all from my side, thank you. 08:22:18 <yasufum> I’ve understand current discussion on these topics. 08:25:06 <ueha> Should it change to "abandoned" once? or should it change to WIP and move it when the Y release folder is created? 08:26:05 <yasufum> No need to do so, but it’s helpful for reviewers to add a comment for describing current your decision. 08:27:14 <masaki-ueno> Sure, I'll post the discussion above and decision on Gerrit comment later. 08:27:30 <yasufum> It’s simply listed on the specs of next release. 08:27:35 <yasufum> thanks 08:28:18 <masaki-ueno> Thank you :) 08:31:18 <yasufum> Is there any comment? 08:32:19 <yasufum> seems nothing. 08:32:25 <takahashi-tsc> Not from my side, they seems not core features for k8s, so postpone is OK. 08:37:39 <yasufum> Do you have any other topic? 08:37:43 <manpreetk> hi 08:38:10 <manpreetk> sorry I added topic quiet late. Its regarding SQL migration 08:38:47 <manpreetk> L29 08:40:24 <manpreetk> One of the problem in that proposed patch is that it drops "sqlalchemy_filters" and adds new method which just apply filters. 08:40:24 <manpreetk> Following are few possibilities to look into this issue 08:40:24 <manpreetk> 1. Align our method with the method definition provided by "sqlalchemy_filters". I have less/no experience in SqlAlchemy, so probably this solution will take time. 08:40:24 <manpreetk> 2. Ask the SqlAlchemy community to fix the reported bug https://github.com/juliotrigo/sqlalchemy-filters/issues/61 08:40:25 <manpreetk> 3. Temporarily switch to the older version of SQLAlchemy for eg. 1.3.23, until the current release 1.4 issues are resolve. This might not be a good idea, and not sure whether it's doable. 08:40:45 <manpreetk> Thanks, thats all from my side. 08:42:38 <yasufum> Do you mean your current fix is not enough? 08:42:55 <yasufum> I mean about your comment on etherpad “various other tasks”. 08:44:25 <manpreetk> Yes, what I understood from method imported from sqlalchemy_filters definition does auto join query, then apply filters 08:49:11 <yasufum> Umm... 08:51:03 <yasufum> I prefer to replace sqlalchemy_filter with another code in tacker local repo working similar as you suggested. 08:51:53 <yasufum> I remember that some other projects using similar way, right? 08:52:32 <yasufum> Is it not helpful for us actually? 08:54:31 <yasufum> the project is aodh correctly. 08:55:05 <manpreetk> In aodh, customize method was just applying filter nothing more than that. But in tacker we are using ready-made function, and i would like to know why are we using it as I couldn't find any comment regarding the same. 08:57:23 <manpreetk> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/716249 this was review ID when this method was introduce. 09:01:30 <yasufum> I agree your option 3 is not good. 09:01:49 <manpreetk> yes that doesnt seem doable also 09:02:52 <yasufum> I think we had better to try to replace it while waiting for update of sqlalchemy_filters. 09:04:35 <manpreetk> ok 09:05:29 <yasufum> I also try to do that. 09:06:07 <manpreetk> Thanks 09:06:19 <ueha> I'm also trying in https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/797809 09:06:37 <yasufum> manpreet: By the way, I have make some changes for your patch, and uploaded on your PS wrongly. Please ignore if it does not work. 09:06:47 <manpreetk> Ok 09:07:05 <manpreetk> ueha: thanks for help 09:07:48 <ueha> I have removed one error, so I would like to give you feedback. https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/797809/1/tacker/objects/vnf_lcm_op_occs.py 09:09:04 <yasufum> thsx 09:09:06 <ueha> I will try modifying apply_filter too. thanks 09:10:17 <manpreetk> Thanks will update patch as per suggestion 09:11:05 <ueha> :) 09:12:12 <yasufum> OK 09:12:41 <yasufum> If no other comments or topics, lets close this meeting. 09:13:38 <ueha> Nothing from my side. 09:15:04 <yasufum> good 09:15:14 <yasufum> Thank you for joining. 09:15:15 <yasufum> Bye 09:15:22 <ueha> thanks, bye 09:15:24 <takahashi-tsc> thanks bye 09:15:27 <manpreetk> thanks, bye 09:15:34 <masaki-ueno> bye 09:15:41 <yasufum> #endmeeting