08:02:56 <yasufum> #startmeeting tacker 08:02:56 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Jul 20 08:02:56 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:02:56 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:02:56 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:04:09 <yasufum> We have two topics on etherpad. 08:04:11 <yasufum> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting 08:05:06 <yasufum> But first one was already discussed in previous meeting. 08:05:16 <yasufum> So, can we start from second one? 08:06:52 <yasufum> w-juso: are you joining? 08:07:37 <w-juso> yes, I have one topic. 08:07:45 <yasufum> #topic About FT for multi-tenant support 08:08:01 <w-juso> Please check line 46 of Etherpad. 08:09:36 <w-juso> I'm implementing the multi-tenant support( https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker-specs/+/787135 ) 08:13:34 <yasufum> done? 08:13:41 <w-juso> For this implementation, I'm not sure how to create FT. 08:15:11 <w-juso> I have two issues. 08:15:41 <w-juso> FT has not test code for multi-tenant. 08:18:00 <w-juso> It is difficult to check which notificaiton is not sent. 08:19:27 <w-juso> Because of the above, I want to create the FT code in a separate patch. 08:19:55 <w-juso> What do you think? 08:24:21 <yasufum> Could I confirm the two issues? 08:28:07 <yasufum> The point is to separate patches of adding multi-tenant support and its FT codes? 08:30:02 <w-juso> yes 08:30:47 <w-juso> There are a lot of changes to be done in this FT. 08:33:48 <yasufum> I think we should not merge any update without test basically. 08:35:09 <yasufum> And I don’t understand why the reason for your patch. 08:36:24 <yasufum> The reason is just huge amount of lines expected? 08:36:38 <yasufum> Or any difficulties other than that? 08:38:53 <w-juso> ok, I want to check not sent notifications, but implementation is difficult. 08:39:48 <yasufum> I roughly understand what you want to change, and I wonder what we should test is, for example, reject a request of different tenant_id or so. 08:41:22 <yasufum> Anyway, could you share your test code as WIP first if possible? 08:41:58 <yasufum> It’s no need to be completed. 08:43:33 <yasufum> Is there any comment, everyone? 08:43:44 <takahashi-tsc> In my understanding, his concern is about notification testing. His change is *not* to send some notification, and it is difficult to implement checking some notificatin is not sent. 08:44:50 <takahashi-tsc> At least, current FT does not include such testing. It needs some new framework. Probably need to update fake_xxx 08:45:11 <takahashi-tsc> I'm not sure how to implement now... 08:47:41 <w-juso> yes, takashi-san understanding is correct. 08:47:55 <ueha> I don't know much about subscription, is it possible to register multiple subscriptions with different tenant_id, and check if that only one subscription is received in FT? 08:48:29 <yasufum> Do we need to make a decision for sepaarting it or not today? 08:48:48 <yasufum> w-juso: What do you think? 08:49:20 <w-juso> no need to descision. 08:50:12 <yasufum> Any plan for schedule? 08:51:36 <w-juso> We can discuss in next meeting in ditail. 08:52:28 <yasufum> I think we decide it is just a bit early because your spec is not merged, and your update is still WIP. 08:53:05 <yasufum> Thanks. It’s welcome to share the details. 08:53:14 <yasufum> for us. 08:53:32 <w-juso> ok, thanks. 08:56:16 <yasufum> Any other comment? 08:56:17 <w-juso> That's all from my side. 08:56:46 <yasufum> got it, thanks. 08:58:01 <yasufum> Is there any topics, or asking reviewing? 09:02:09 <yasufum> takahashi-tsc: there are several patches waiting for another +2 remained :) 09:02:30 <yasufum> Thanks for your help. 09:03:06 <takahashi-tsc> Yes... Ill hurry to review them. 09:03:18 <yasufum> Before closing this meeting, I would like share about the next vPTG. 09:03:43 <yasufum> I have updated etherpad for Yoga 09:03:54 <yasufum> #link: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-yoga-ptg 09:04:42 <yasufum> I think three days is enough considering previous our vPTGs, but we can have extra slot if it’s not enough. 09:05:12 <yasufum> Please let me know if you need to have an extra slot. 09:07:18 <yasufum> As announced on ML, you need to register from here to join. 09:07:23 <yasufum> #link https://openinfra-ptg.eventbrite.com/ 09:07:40 <yasufum> Thanks 09:08:48 <yasufum> Seems done all for today. 09:08:59 <yasufum> Thank you for joining. 09:09:08 <takahashi-tsc> Thanks! 09:09:09 <yasufum> bye 09:09:18 <ueha> thanks, bye 09:09:22 <w-juso> thahks, bye 09:09:27 <hirofumi-noguchi> thanks, bye 09:09:31 <yasufum> #endmeeting