08:04:45 <yasufum> #startmeeting tacker 08:04:45 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Jul 27 08:04:45 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:04:45 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:04:45 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:06:52 <yasufum> Can we start the topic from w-juso, didn’t complete discussion last week. 08:07:09 <yasufum> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting 08:07:33 <w-juso> sorry, I have no update. I will update next meeting. 08:07:41 <yasufum> oops 08:07:53 <yasufum> no problem 08:09:03 <yasufum> So, go to the next one. 08:09:19 <yasufum> it’s mine 08:09:48 <yasufum> #topic Migrate cirros to 0.5.2 08:10:39 <yasufum> we have been using a bit old version of cirros. 08:12:16 <yasufum> Also we have not had a problem until now, it isn’t good to continue to use such a old image for long time in general. 08:14:10 <yasufum> In addition, cirros has been updated for several fixes from 0.4.0. Some projects, such as neutron did catch up for the fix as listed on etherpad. 08:15:32 <yasufum> I think we don’t need to catch up every updates of cirros actually, but it is a good time to update it before busy time, I mean the end of xena release. 08:16:42 <yasufum> I already uploaded a change, so please review and give +1 or +2 if you agree. 08:16:45 <yasufum> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/798781 08:16:58 <yasufum> thanks 08:17:15 <yasufum> Any comment or feedback here? 08:17:57 <masaki-ueno> I'd like to confirm changelog of cirros image, 08:18:38 <masaki-ueno> Where can I find changelog of cirros 0.5.2? I could only find changelog of 0.4.0.... 08:19:24 <yasufum> Do you mean this one? 08:19:26 <yasufum> #link https://github.com/cirros-dev/cirros/blob/master/ChangeLog 08:19:41 <masaki-ueno> yes 08:20:33 <yasufum> It looks not maintained well. 08:21:47 <masaki-ueno> Ah, I found release note of cirros 0.5.0, and I think 0.5.2 makes minor changes from that version. 08:21:54 <masaki-ueno> #link https://github.com/cirros-dev/cirros/releases 08:22:14 <yasufum> Yes, and I think you can find release notes in commit messages. 08:22:43 <masaki-ueno> Thanks. I'll chack it later. 08:23:09 <takahashi-tsc> Anyway, I think the latest 0.5.2 is good. Current devstack's default image also seems cirros-0.5.2. 08:23:25 <yasufum> sure 08:24:45 <yasufum> I have one more thing to be shared about cirros. 08:25:34 <yasufum> In my environment, I fail to instantiate via horizon using cirros 0.4.0. 08:26:01 <yasufum> Although it’s succeeded with 0.5.2. 08:26:28 <yasufum> For 0.4.0, booting the image is terminated because I don’t know why. 08:26:40 <yasufum> Do you have anyone the same situation? 08:28:16 <ueha> I haven't used horizon recently, so it hasn't happened.. Is there no problem from the CLI? 08:28:47 <yasufum> Yes. I’ve confirmed it can be done via CLI. 08:29:04 <yasufum> only happened via horizon. 08:32:24 <yasufum> Anyway, we don’t need to care if 0.4.0 is dropped. 08:33:40 <yasufum> OK. It seems enough comments for the topic. 08:34:30 <yasufum> Done all topic on etherpad. 08:35:25 <yasufum> Is there any other topic? 08:35:30 <ueha> About your patch about cirros image migration, thanks for your rework to my comment. 08:35:44 <ueha> There seems to be a part that is not fixed and there are additional comments, so I will comment later. thanks. 08:36:35 <yasufum> OK, thanks 08:38:28 <yasufum> Ah… asking survey from h_asahina have few answers. Please check it and vote. 08:39:00 <yasufum> a_asahina: I’d ask you to share the result and your decision. 08:39:04 <yasufum> later 08:40:25 <h_asahina> Thank you for the reminder. 08:41:12 <yasufum> you’re welcome 08:42:08 <yasufum> manpreet: Thanks for your recent update for adding tests to tacker-horizen. 08:42:23 <yasufum> #link: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker-horizon/+/790958 08:42:41 <yasufum> as you suggested in the previous vPTG. 08:43:31 <manpreetk> yasufum: Welcome, would try to push tacker-horizon integration framework in Xena cycle. 08:44:33 <yasufum> It depends on the other patch as you pointed out for zuul gate. 08:44:41 <yasufum> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/794014 08:44:56 <manpreetk> yes basically ovn changes are breaking gate jobs. 08:45:01 <yasufum> So, please everyone for reviewing and move to be merged! 08:47:16 <manpreetk> yasufum: thanks for addressing :) 08:47:29 <yasufum> If you have any other comment, or asking to review, I would like to close this meeting. 08:48:02 <manpreetk> Nothing from my side. Thanks 08:48:36 <ueha> Just status report. 08:48:46 <ueha> I have posted a test patch to use the master branch of kuryr-Kubernetes in zuul, but it doesn't work well. 08:48:58 <ueha> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/800588 08:49:19 <ueha> I will do my best to fix it during the Xena cycle. I will report if there is any progress. 08:49:44 <ueha> That's all from my side, thanks. 08:51:29 <yasufum> Thank you for sharing. 08:53:59 <yasufum> OK, it seems enough for today. Wrap up the meeting. 08:54:13 <yasufum> Thanks, bye. 08:54:22 <manpreetk> thanks, bye 08:54:25 <takahashi-tsc> thanks 08:54:43 <yasufum> #endmeeting