08:03:20 <yasufum> #startmeeting tacker 08:03:20 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Aug 3 08:03:20 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:03:20 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:03:20 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:03:54 <masazumi_ota> hi 08:04:10 <h_asahina> hi 08:04:53 <yasufum> hi 08:05:04 <yasufum> let’s start today’s meeting. 08:05:35 <yasufum> We have two topics on etherpad. 08:05:38 <yasufum> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting 08:06:26 <yasufum> Can we start from w-juso? 08:06:36 <w-juso> ok 08:06:55 <yasufum> #topic About FT for multi-tenant support 08:07:24 <w-juso> I updated FT of notification, at etherpad L21-27 08:07:35 <w-juso> Please check its. 08:09:18 <w-juso> I consider how to test of FT with we discuss previous meeting. 08:11:13 <w-juso> There is no judgment function to send, therefore I think of making a decision on the receiving of notification. 08:11:50 <w-juso> then, I have one concern. 08:13:14 <w-juso> how to decide that it hasn't received any notification. 08:15:39 <w-juso> one way, there is a method of set timestamp 08:16:15 <w-juso> but, depending on the performance, misjudgment may occur. 08:17:12 <w-juso> I would like your comments on these methods, thank you. 08:18:08 <yasufum> thanks 08:18:12 <yasufum> any comment? 08:22:04 <yasufum> I’d confirm the meaning of ‘timestamp’ and ‘misjudgement’. 08:24:36 <w-juso> This method, the test succeeds if no Notifications are received. 08:25:36 <w-juso> therefore, I think that there is a possibility of success even when the test code is not working. 08:30:14 <yasufum> Are you talking about misjudgement? 08:30:27 <w-juso> sorry, yes 08:30:41 <w-juso> about timestamp 08:32:40 <w-juso> I understand that reciver server check its own log to confirm that it has received the notification. 08:34:42 <w-juso> notificaiton server will check its own log after a certain time, then haven't received any notifications. 08:35:41 <w-juso> In this method, this certain time is timestamp. 08:35:56 <w-juso> Currently, this decision is not implemented. 08:42:15 <yasufum> I might be feasible, but not sure actually. 08:43:43 <yasufum> I’m not clear your whole test senario, so I don’t understand it’s best way. 08:45:25 <yasufum> I appreciate if anyone have a suggestion for w-juso. 08:51:48 <yasufum> w-juso: Why don’t you add about your test implementation on your spec to get opinion from team? 08:52:52 <yasufum> It might be something difficult to give advice only understanding from current spec and notes on etherpad. 08:52:58 <yasufum> What do you think? 08:54:30 <w-juso> thanks for your suggestion. ok, I'll update the spec and add the information detail. 08:55:11 <yasufum> It’s OK to continue this discussion on tacker’s IRC channel or openstack discussion ML or so. 08:55:56 <yasufum> I’ll respond to you. 08:56:23 <w-juso> thanks your support. 08:57:00 <yasufum> If no more comment, go to the next topic. 08:57:24 <yasufum> ueha: Can you share your topic? 08:57:52 <yasufum> just asking to review? 09:01:23 <yasufum> Umm… he is not here, and an excuse for his absence is noted on etherpad :) 09:02:02 <yasufum> Please help reviewing for his patch 09:02:05 <yasufum> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/800588 09:03:40 <yasufum> Is there any asking for review? 09:04:36 <yasufum> or topic or suggestion? 09:05:55 <hirofumi-noguchi> Can I share just information related to my match? 09:06:09 <yasufum> sure 09:06:31 <hirofumi-noguchi> Today, we uploaded a patch for v2 LCM API to gerrit as WIP. 09:06:39 <hirofumi-noguchi> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/803295 09:07:03 <hirofumi-noguchi> Though the main code has already been developed, details are being created. 09:07:19 <hirofumi-noguchi> We will split the patch into small pieces and updating them as soon as possible. 09:07:33 <hirofumi-noguchi> Please wait for reviewing it. 09:07:43 <hirofumi-noguchi> Thank you for your patience. 09:08:12 <hirofumi-noguchi> that's all from my side. 09:08:30 <yasufum> I’ll wait for your update. Thanks. 09:09:49 <yasufum> It seems done all for today. 09:10:37 <yasufum> Thank you for joining. Bye. 09:11:11 <yasufum> #endmeeting