08:02:24 <yasufum> #startmeeting tacker 08:02:24 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue May 24 08:02:24 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:02:24 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:02:24 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:02:34 <h_asahina> hi 08:03:22 <hirofumi-noguchi> hi 08:03:49 <yasufum> hi 08:03:50 <takahashi-tsc> hi 08:04:21 <yasufum> just one topic for today on the etherpad. 08:04:24 <yasufum> #link 08:04:27 <yasufum> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting 08:04:30 <yasufum> of mine 08:04:45 <yasufum> #topic project update 08:05:28 <yasufum> As you may know, CFP for project virtual update was posted on the ML. 08:06:23 <yasufum> So, I'd like to provide a video talking some overview of Tacker's release highlights and Zed dev plans. 08:07:34 <yasufum> It's just an announcement, but do you have any comment? 08:08:40 <yasufum> good 08:09:08 <yasufum> I've found another topic added on the etherpad. 08:09:13 <yasufum> from h-asahina 08:09:43 <yasufum> so, move on to the topic. 08:09:51 <ma-ooyama> Sorry, I wrote some comments about it. 08:10:28 <yasufum> ma-ooyama: Is it your item? 08:10:34 <ma-ooyama> Yes. 08:11:11 <yasufum> :) 08:11:28 <ma-ooyama> So I'll share my comments. 08:11:38 <yasufum> OK, could you tell us your point? 08:11:58 <ma-ooyama> Sure. At this point I'm hoping to release the DB migration tool in the Z version. 08:12:13 <ma-ooyama> Firstly, we will investigate the differences in DB structure between v1 and v2, then post a Spec. 08:12:28 <ma-ooyama> Is it OK that discussing implementation and other details again based on the Spec? 08:13:58 <yasufum> I'd appreciate if you go forward the discussion. 08:14:41 <h-asahina> so do I. it's ok. 08:15:05 <yasufum> I think no one opposite to the proposal. 08:15:32 <ma-ooyama> Thanks. So we'll create the Spec first. 08:16:21 <yasufum> Thanks. 08:17:47 <yasufum> It seems all topics done for today. 08:18:17 <yasufum> Can we close this meeting? 08:19:04 <yasufum> OK 08:19:20 <yasufum> Thanks for joining. 08:19:23 <yasufum> Bye! 08:19:24 <manpreetk> bye 08:19:27 <h-asahina> bye 08:19:28 <ueha> thanks, bye. 08:19:29 <masaki-ueno> bye 08:19:29 <Ramona-ho-xu> bye 08:19:30 <ma-ooyama> bye 08:19:35 <yuta-kazato> bye 08:19:36 <takahashi-tsc> bye 08:19:45 <yasufum> #endmeeting