08:02:47 <yasufum> #startmeeting tacker 08:02:47 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Aug 9 08:02:47 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:02:47 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:02:47 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:04:14 <yasufum> We have two topics on the etherpad today. 08:04:20 <yasufum> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting 08:05:11 <yasufum> ueha: Can you share your topic shortly? 08:05:17 <ueha> sure 08:05:28 <ueha> I will share update information about Zuul error I shared last week. 08:06:14 <ueha> UT and FT passed successfully after the patch was merged today. 08:06:17 <ueha> Fix IPv4 check failure in UT: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/851478 08:06:36 <ueha> So, please rebase any patches that have already been posted and zuul errors. 08:07:02 <ueha> And FYI, A patch has been posted on gnocchi for this ceilometer error. https://github.com/gnocchixyz/gnocchi/pull/1268 08:07:21 <ueha> Once the ceilometer initializing is fixed, we will revert .zuul.yaml. 08:07:31 <ueha> That's all from my side 08:07:38 <yasufum> thanks 08:09:30 <ueha> any question or comment? If not, let's move on to the next topic. thanks 08:09:39 <yasufum> Do you mean it's just a quick fix by skipping tests of ceilometer, and it will be tested again after the fix in gnocchi? 08:11:18 <ueha> Yes, Once gnocchi has been modified and the ceilometer initializing has passed successfully, we will test again using ceilometer. 08:12:17 <yasufum> got it 08:13:04 <ueha> any other comment? 08:13:43 <yasufum> I think it might be the time to consider to drop ceilometer support again. 08:14:12 <yasufum> I remember we discussed this topic in a previous PTG. 08:16:33 <ueha> Is this topic? https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/Tacker-PTG-Wallaby#L306 08:16:50 <yasufum> thx 08:17:25 <yasufum> Anyway, let's wait for the fix in gnocchi for now. 08:17:59 <yasufum> If no more comment, go to the next topic. 08:19:27 <yasufum> The second topic of mine is about the next PTG. 08:20:44 <yasufum> It was announced that the PTG will be held as virtual event. 08:20:57 <yasufum> As noticed here, 08:21:01 <yasufum> #link https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2022-August/029879.html 08:22:07 <yasufum> you can register for the event from eventbrite. 08:22:57 <yasufum> that's all 08:24:12 <yasufum> and done all for today. 08:24:28 <yasufum> Is there any comment, or close this meeting? 08:24:56 <ueha> Sorry, I think most of the Japanese members will be on Obon holiday next week. Will the IRC meeting next week be skipped? 08:25:23 <yasufum> Oops, I've forgotten it. 08:26:02 <yasufum> Yes, and I'll send an email on ML for that. 08:26:19 <ueha> Thank you :) 08:27:59 <yasufum> OK 08:28:12 <yasufum> wrap up this meeting. 08:28:23 <takahashi-tsc> I think it is better to write such plan at the top of etherpad. Tacker members will confirm etherpad to check the meeting topics. 08:28:43 <takahashi-tsc> I wrote it 08:28:57 <yasufum> thx 08:29:56 <yasufum> So, thanks for joining. 08:30:07 <yasufum> Have a nice vacation, bye! 08:30:11 <manpreetk> Bye. 08:30:14 <takahashi-tsc> thanks, bye 08:30:17 <ueha> thanks, bye 08:30:19 <masaki-ueno> bye 08:30:20 <yuta-kazato> bye 08:30:22 <hirofumi-noguchi> bye 08:30:22 <ma-ooyama> bye 08:30:28 <w-juso> thanks, bye 08:30:38 <yasufum> #endmeeting