08:01:21 <yasufum> #startmeeting tacker 08:01:21 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Dec 20 08:01:21 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:01:22 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:01:22 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:01:35 <yasufum> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting 08:01:58 <yasufum> hi 08:02:01 <takahashi-tsc> hi 08:02:14 <hiromu> hi 08:03:17 <yasufum> There are five items on the etherpad, but might be two topic required to be discussed. 08:04:20 <yasufum> The first topic is mine, a request for support for a legacy feature. 08:05:04 <yasufum> on ML. 08:07:10 <yasufum> I don't have any idea for fixing the issue actually. 08:07:47 <yasufum> Because I have not used NSD by myself... 08:08:04 <yasufum> takahashi-tsc: Do you have any suggestion for the issue? 08:09:32 <takahashi-tsc> Recently, I also do not use NSD and have no idea... 08:10:03 <yasufum> hmm... 08:11:12 <yasufum> We've started to drop legacy features as our maintenance policy decision. 08:11:32 <yasufum> So, 08:12:39 <yasufum> I think it's better to ask him to give up to use the feature. 08:13:00 <yasufum> and consider to use the lecent. 08:14:20 <takahashi-tsc> I agree with you (We can do only that...) 08:14:27 <ueha> +1 08:14:57 <yasufum> thx 08:15:24 <takahashi-tsc> BTW, can users see the deprecation of legacy features? Is it already published from our Tacker team? 08:15:30 <takahashi-tsc> Sorry, just I forget it... 08:17:06 <yasufum> What do you mean by "see"? 08:20:14 <ueha> I have already sent announcement about Legacy API deprecation to "discuss ML". and I will post the patch to update document and to emit warning message in A cycle. 08:20:15 <takahashi-tsc> How do I say... in other words, "know”. Why i ask it is, it would be better to let users know before users send questions of legacy to us as well. 08:21:10 <takahashi-tsc> Thanks ueha-san, Seems OK. 08:21:41 <yasufum> Thanks. 08:22:10 <ueha> I am concerned that the person who sent the email is using victria release.. 08:23:38 <yasufum> Sure, but no one in the current tacker team doesn't well about the feature and not so active to support the feature... 08:24:35 <yasufum> s/doesn't well/doesn't know well/g 08:25:42 <ueha> I see. Anyway, first of all, let's suggestion the yasufum-san's proposal. 08:26:33 <yasufum> thx. any other comment, or go to the next topic? 08:27:13 <yasufum> good 08:27:42 <yasufum> Second item is just an announcement. 08:28:28 <yasufum> Any comment? 08:29:03 <yasufum> Or agree to skip the next two meetings? 08:29:22 <ueha> nothing, thanks for your announcement. 08:29:32 <yasufum> OK, thanks. 08:29:42 <takahashi-tsc> Not from my side, thanks 08:29:49 <yuta-kazato> +1 08:29:55 <yasufum> So, let's move on to the next item. 08:30:18 <yasufum> #topic Proposal for new development plans and Spec for ETSI SOL-based PM Threshold 08:30:30 <yasufum> from yuta-kazato 08:30:55 <yasufum> yuta-kazato: can you share the topic briefly? 08:31:17 <yuta-kazato> OK, third topic is mine. 08:32:18 <yuta-kazato> I would like to share the new specification plan that has not been published in the previous Antelope PTG. 08:33:04 <yuta-kazato> We would like to propse new specification that provides implementations of "Thresholds resource" for supporting Performance Management interface with external monitoring tools (e.g., Prometheus) for Antelope Cycle. 08:33:34 <yuta-kazato> "Thresholds resource" is defined in ETSI SOL same as PM job resource for VNF Performance Management interface. 08:33:47 <yuta-kazato> #link https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/NFV-SOL/001_099/003/03.03.01_60/gs_nfv-sol003v030301p.pdf 08:34:40 <yuta-kazato> details in 6 VNF Performance Management interface. 08:35:42 <yuta-kazato> Tacker Zed release has supported ETSI NFV-SOL based Performance Management interfaces, however, "Threshold resource" is not implemented. 08:36:16 <yuta-kazato> Threfore, we propose the implementation of threshold operations (Create/Query/Delete) and notify a threshold event to the Client (e.g, NFVO and EM). 08:36:44 <yuta-kazato> In addition, we also implement Plometheus Plugin for communications between Tacker and External Monitoring Tool same as Zed Relese. 08:37:54 <yasufum> sounds good 08:37:54 <yuta-kazato> I think that it is better for Tacker team to support Threshold resource for advancing ETSI NFV standard compliance and functionality. 08:38:16 <yuta-kazato> thanks 08:39:06 <yuta-kazato> However, I will submit the Spec tomorrow,, so I will guide you via ML and IRC #tacker as soon as possible. 08:39:59 <yuta-kazato> I would like you to agree with our development plans and support futher spec reviews. 08:40:09 <yasufum> thanks 08:40:13 <yuta-kazato> That's all from my side. Do you have any question or comments? 08:43:20 <yasufum> I understand it's an additional feature for the current implementation and believe no one opposite to the proposal. 08:43:59 <takahashi-tsc> Thanks, no objection, and I'll review the spec ASAP... 08:44:48 <yasufum> Any other concerns without deadline :) 08:45:28 <yuta-kazato> Thank you for comments. Tacker will cover all features of ETSI NFV-SOL based PM IF by this implementaion. 08:46:10 <yasufum> thanks 08:46:24 <yuta-kazato> And sorry for my delay.. I will submit the spec ASAP. Thanks. 08:47:15 <yasufum> thx 08:47:48 <yasufum> The next item is asking review from manpreetk 08:48:12 <yasufum> I'd like to review them soon 08:48:26 <yasufum> manpreetk: Thanks for the notice. 08:48:48 <manpreetk> Thanks!! 08:49:00 <yasufum> you're welcome 08:49:04 <yasufum> Is there any other request for review? 08:49:51 <ueha> manpreetk: I commented just before this meeting to your patch, please kindy confirm it! 08:50:20 <manpreetk> Thanks Ueha san for review, I m working on the same. 08:50:36 <ueha> thank you. 08:51:02 <yasufum> thanks 08:51:30 <yasufum> seems nothing for other request. 08:52:29 <yasufum> The last item is a reminder for spec, so we can skip for now. 08:54:12 <yasufum> Please help for reviewing for antelope specs to fix all before the deadline. 08:54:14 <yasufum> Thanks. 08:55:12 <yuta-kazato> OK, I will support. 08:55:26 <yasufum> It's almost the end of the meeting today. 08:55:37 <yasufum> So, let's close. 08:55:46 <yasufum> Thanks for joining, bye! 08:55:51 <takahashi-tsc> thanks 08:55:52 <manpreetk> Thanks, bye. 08:55:54 <ueha> Thanks, bye. 08:55:57 <yuta-kazato> Thanks, bye. 08:56:07 <yasufum> #endmeeting