08:02:49 <yasufum0> #startmeeting tacker 08:02:49 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Jan 17 08:02:49 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum0. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:02:49 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:02:49 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:04:08 <yasufum0> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting 08:05:18 <yasufum0> Three topics on the etherpad, but the last one might be just a notice. 08:05:42 <yasufum0> The first one is a new proposal from yota-kazato. 08:05:50 <yasufum0> #topic Proposal to change `token_endpoint` for OAuth2.0 Token 08:05:59 <yuta-kazato> OK. 08:07:06 <yuta-kazato> My proposed topic is regarding `token_endpoint` for OAuth2.0 Token in Tacker. 08:07:49 <yuta-kazato> `token_endpoint` used to get the oauth2 token. 08:08:05 <yuta-kazato> #link https://docs.openstack.org/tacker/latest/configuration/config.html 08:08:28 <yuta-kazato> Current Tacker includes a hard-coding to add `/token` to `token_endpoint`. 08:08:36 <yuta-kazato> #link https://github.com/openstack/tacker/blob/stable/zed/tacker/sol_refactored/common/http_client.py#L204 08:09:09 <yuta-kazato> url = self.token_endpoint + '/token' 08:10:58 <yuta-kazato> `url` means the endpoint of oauth2 token that Tacker requests. 08:11:51 <yuta-kazato> However, this process is redundant or confused for users because the `token_endpoint` of standard auth services includes `/token` in the URIs. 08:13:59 <yuta-kazato> For example, OpenID connect (related to OAuth2) shows that "token_endpoint":"https://server.example.com/connect/token". 08:14:27 <yuta-kazato> #link https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html#ProviderMetadata 08:15:04 <yuta-kazato> Therefore, I will propose to change `token_endpoint` without the hard-coding " + '/token' ". 08:16:10 <yuta-kazato> My plan is to fix tacker codes (e.g., http_client.py) and documents in Antelope Cycle. 08:16:45 <yuta-kazato> That's all from my sides. Do you have any comments or feedbacks? 08:18:40 <yasufum0> I'm still not sure how the current code should be changed. 08:19:01 <yasufum0> Need to wait your patch? 08:20:09 <yuta-kazato> To add to the proposed plan, 'url' and 'token_endpoint' will be the same value (not add `/token`.) 08:21:56 <yuta-kazato> > yasufum0 Thanks, your comments. I proposed this topic on IRC meeting because of the impact on existing users/developers. 08:24:07 <yasufum0> OK, I understand it's just a tiny change. 08:24:11 <yuta-kazato> If there is no problem from Tacker teams, I would like to discuss how the current code should be changed on the modified patch:) 08:24:46 <yuta-kazato> >it's just a tiny change. Yes 08:25:42 <yasufum0> '/token' is included in the variable token_endpoint if it's required 08:25:51 <yasufum0> without adding the string value. 08:26:32 <yasufum0> I think it's OK to accept the proposal. 08:26:42 <yasufum0> Thanks. 08:27:10 <yuta-kazato> Thanks for the summary and agreement. 08:27:34 <yasufum0> Any other question, or agree guys? 08:27:42 <ueha> +1, and will you post blueprint (or bug report?) to LaunchPad? 08:28:47 <yasufum0> IMO, registring blueprint should be required, 08:29:14 <yuta-kazato> Thanks, ueha-san. I think it's not a bag, so I will post blueprint. 08:29:20 <yasufum0> but not for a bug report or wishlist. 08:29:47 <ueha> Thanks, I agree. 08:30:15 <yasufum0> Thanks all. 08:30:28 <yuta-kazato> Thanks. 08:30:56 <yasufum0> So, let's move on to the next topic. 08:31:09 <yasufum0> #topic Fix tox4 error 08:32:03 <yasufum0> I'd like to share the current status of the fix among team. 08:32:16 <yasufum0> Although it's not a patch of mine. 08:32:21 <yasufum0> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/868851 08:33:51 <yasufum0> As you may know, we have had several failures in FTs for the critical update. 08:35:34 <yasufum0> Many of them might be coinsidental ones as we've already met, and can avoid while several retries. 08:36:27 <yasufum0> But one of failure of fenix might not be coincidental possibly. 08:37:49 <yasufum0> ueha has tried to find the cause and proposed a possible fix. 08:38:31 <ueha> Yes, I suspect a bug in the upgraded oslo.db. 08:38:36 <ueha> as for now. 08:39:20 <yasufum0> Do you think the failure will be fixed if oslo.db is modified? 08:39:27 <ueha> So, just before this meeting, I commented on the survey to Mike who was added to the reviewer. 08:39:48 <ueha> Yes, I think so 08:40:03 <manpreetk> ueha: Thanks for investigating, could you please upload the patch in oslo.db branch, IMO we can get a quick review. 08:40:13 <ueha> In my environment, I changed oslo.db's code and works fine it. 08:41:07 <ueha> manpreetk: okay, I will post the patch to oslo.db. 08:41:36 <manpreetk> Thanks 08:42:05 <ueha> After posting the patch, I think you can check with "depends-on" to see if Tacker works. 08:42:18 <manpreetk> yes will do 08:42:39 <yasufum0> I'm still not sure why the behavior of wsrep_sync_wait has impact on the result because of my lack of understanding, but would like to wait your update. 08:43:59 <ueha> ok, please wait the patch. :) 08:46:33 <yasufum0> I think it might be enough for the topic. 08:48:06 <yasufum0> For the last topic, is there any comment for that? 08:48:18 <yasufum0> Although I'm not sure who is the owner of the item. 08:49:49 <yuta-kazato> FYI? I added last week. 08:50:22 <yasufum0> yes 08:51:08 <yasufum0> Is there any reason to remain as today's item? 08:51:56 <yuta-kazato> OIS2023 Tacker proposals are the list I mentioned in the previous IRC meetings. If anyone has the new items, please add titles. 08:52:08 <yasufum0> I see. 08:52:16 <yuta-kazato> if nothing, I will close the topic. 08:53:13 <yasufum0> might be nothing :) 08:53:30 <yasufum0> Anyway, thanks for your notice. 08:54:44 <yuta-kazato> OK, I will close. 08:54:46 <yuta-kazato> And PTG2023 schedule is opened. This is just FYI. 08:55:05 <yuta-kazato> #link https://openinfra.dev/ptg/ 08:55:24 <yasufum0> Sure, hope to see you on the event. 08:55:40 <yuta-kazato> Good! 08:56:06 <yasufum0> OK, let's close this meeting. 08:56:14 <yasufum0> Thanks for joining, bye! 08:56:19 <takahashi-tsc> thanks 08:56:26 <yuta-kazato> Thanks, bye. 08:56:27 <manpreetk> Ty..Bye. 08:56:41 <ueha> thanks bye 08:56:43 <yasufum0> #endmeeting