08:01:22 <yasufum0> #startmeeting tacker 08:01:22 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Feb 7 08:01:22 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum0. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:01:22 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:01:22 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:01:40 <yasufum0> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting 08:02:04 <yasufum0> Today, we have five items. 08:02:46 <yasufum0> The first item is just a sharing of previous topic. 08:03:32 <yasufum0> We NTT had an internal discussion for puppet-tacker 08:04:26 <yasufum0> because some our potential user might be going to require the feature. 08:05:54 <yasufum0> As the result, we don't drop this feature for now, so I would like to update this unmaintained project later. 08:06:07 <yasufum0> that all 08:06:22 <yasufum0> If no comment for the topic, go to the next one. 08:07:09 <yasufum0> good 08:07:19 <yasufum0> Next item is also mine. 08:07:32 <yasufum0> #topic Forum session 08:09:33 <yasufum0> As a request from some operator users proposed tacker, I would like to have a forum session as described in the etherpad. 08:10:00 <yasufum0> at the next OIS. 08:11:08 <yasufum0> I've not registered the proposal yet and it's just a draft ver actually, 08:11:33 <yasufum0> I'd appreciate if you join the session if it's accepted. 08:12:24 <yasufum0> And more, it's great if you'd add your topic on the etherpad :) 08:12:42 <yasufum0> Do you have any comment for the topic? 08:13:55 <yuta-kazato> When is the deadline for adding Topic? Before register the proposal? or before OIS Forum? 08:14:22 <yasufum0> Before the starting of the session. 08:14:54 <yasufum0> but former is better. 08:15:24 <yuta-kazato> Ok, thanks. 08:15:31 <yasufum0> you're welcome 08:15:53 <yasufum0> Any other comment, or can we go to the next item? 08:17:12 <yasufum0> good 08:17:27 <yasufum0> move on the next topic 08:17:33 <yasufum0> #topic Confirm Tacker Antelope support version for K8s/Helm/Prometheus 08:17:39 <yasufum0> from yuta-kazato 08:18:11 <yasufum0> Can you share the topic shortly? 08:18:23 <yuta-kazato> OK, this topic is sharing and confirming updates of the last PTG item "Discuss Tacker support versions and updates for K8s/Helm/Prometheus" 08:18:45 <yuta-kazato> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-antelope-ptg 08:20:29 <yuta-kazato> hamano-san proposed the Tacker support versions and we agreed that Tacker Antelope supports. 08:20:49 <yuta-kazato> Considering the support period and development risk, it seems good to decide on the following. 08:21:08 <yuta-kazato> k8s : 1.25 (current latest version), helm : 3.10 (current latest version), prometheus : 2.42 (next LTS version) 08:23:10 <yuta-kazato> From update information, prometheus community announced that Prometheus 2.42 is not LTS version, but 2.37 extends LTS period. (2023-7-31) 08:23:37 <yuta-kazato> #link https://prometheus.io/docs/introduction/release-cycle/ 08:24:05 <yuta-kazato> Therefore, the current latest versions are as follows. 08:24:13 <yuta-kazato> k8s : 1.25.6 (current latest version) 08:24:19 <yuta-kazato> helm : 3.10.3 (current latest version) 08:24:40 <yuta-kazato> prometheus : 2.37 (current latest LTS version) *Update* 08:25:00 <yuta-kazato> alertmanager: 0.25 (current latest version, *related to prometheus) 08:26:03 <yuta-kazato> Do you agree with these versions for Tacker Antelope? 08:26:44 <yuta-kazato> Related patch is also here. Thank you for contributions! 08:26:45 <yuta-kazato> # 08:26:58 <yuta-kazato> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/867082 08:27:37 <yuta-kazato> that's all from my side regarding this topic. 08:28:05 <yasufum0> I think it's OK if it doesn't disturb our development. 08:28:21 <yasufum0> In other words, stability of CI/CD. 08:29:10 <yasufum0> IMO, updating step by step is a good habit for continuous development :) 08:30:08 <yuta-kazato> Yes, we need continuous updates for the future cycle:) 08:31:35 <ueha> I agree with your proposal. My colleague will check with new version of its. thank you! 08:32:03 <yuta-kazato> Thanks a lot! 08:33:31 <yasufum0> commented enough? 08:33:46 <yasufum0> If no one has any other comment, move on to the next topic. 08:33:56 <yasufum0> #topic Tacker Feedback to ETSI NFV#40 summary report and Proposal for the prototype patch 08:34:26 <yuta-kazato> Thank you for discussion. Next item is also mine. 08:35:36 <yuta-kazato> This topic is also related to "3. Feedback to ETSI NFV" in Tacker meeting etherpad. 08:37:01 <yuta-kazato> We NTT members in Tacker team joind ETSI NFV#40 and proposed Tacker feedbacks last December. 08:38:08 <yuta-kazato> I made the summary report on the etherpad. 08:38:14 <yuta-kazato> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-etsinfv40 08:39:03 <yuta-kazato> We proposed three feedbacks. 08:39:14 <yuta-kazato> No.1: [IFA051] Introduce Generic VNFM Tacker and Container Implement Features 08:39:25 <yuta-kazato> No.2: [SOL016] Identification of VNFC in NFV-MANO 08:39:40 <yuta-kazato> No.3: [ENH01] Integrated flow of Cert management and mTLS OAuth2.0 08:41:15 <yuta-kazato> You can download the presentation file of Tacker Feedbacks and check discussion points in the summary report. Please check it :) 08:42:18 <yuta-kazato> There are Other Tacker topics such as the liaison worked to share Tacker Zed Release and features in the plenary session. 08:42:41 <yuta-kazato> thanks to takahashi-tsc as liason :) 08:44:44 <yuta-kazato> And I will propose the prototype implement from Tacker Feedback to ETSO NFV#40. 08:44:59 <yuta-kazato> typo: ETSO->ETSI 08:46:25 <yuta-kazato> In [SOL016] Identification of VNFC in NFV-MANO, we proposed the prototype implement to solve the ETSI-NFV common issue. 08:48:01 <yuta-kazato> This is (maybe) a new approach regarding ETSI Feedbacks to implement prototype functions in Tacker and pre-agree with ETSI-NFV SOL members. 08:48:35 <yuta-kazato> Our team has submitted prototype implementations on "Identification of VNFC in NFV-MANO" to Gerrit. 08:48:45 <yuta-kazato> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/872362 08:51:27 <yuta-kazato> This patch will also improve the functionality of "individual-vnfc-management." registerd Tacker Blueprints. 08:51:32 <yuta-kazato> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/tacker/+spec/individual-vnfc-management 08:51:49 <yuta-kazato> Could you agree to review and merge from Tacker team? If agree, we will give feedback to ETSI members regarding prototype results too. 08:52:02 <yuta-kazato> That's all from my side. 08:52:28 <yuta-kazato> Any comments? 08:54:25 <yasufum0> seems nothing 08:54:54 <yuta-kazato> If there are no comments, I would like to continue the discussion in this patch. Thanks. 08:55:25 <yasufum0> thx 08:57:45 <yasufum0> Please go on to the final topic. 08:58:37 <yuta-kazato> OK, the last item is from hiromu and me, but hiromu is absent today, so I will explain too. 08:59:20 <yuta-kazato> #topic Proposal for PTG Disussion "External Authentication Server OAuth2.0 Grant Support" with other OpenStack projects 08:59:45 <yuta-kazato> As you know, "External Authentication Server" patches has been developed in cooperation with Keystone. 08:59:53 <yuta-kazato> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/871201 09:00:48 <yuta-kazato> Recently, Keystone community proposed that these patches should be usable by other OpenStack project for its merge. 09:01:31 <yuta-kazato> Therefore, Tacker and Keystone will plan to discuss in next PTG with Barbican and Ironic who may similar needs. 09:02:01 <yuta-kazato> Keystone will be hosting the discussion in the next PTG. 09:04:04 <yuta-kazato> We would like to send the annoucement in ML with joint names of "Tacker and Keystone." Is Tacker team ok to use the project name nad send the announcement. 09:04:16 <yuta-kazato> ? 09:04:34 <yasufum0> Thanks 09:05:44 <yuta-kazato> Fix: Is Tacker team ok to use the project name and send the announcement? 09:05:47 <yasufum0> I've already understood the background and agree to have a cross-project session for the topic. 09:06:13 <yasufum0> So, I have no comment for now. 09:07:33 <yuta-kazato> Thanks, this cross-project session is useful for us and other projects too. 09:09:15 <takahashi-tsc> +1 09:09:48 <yuta-kazato> Thanks. If there are no problems, we will work with Keystone to send the announcement to ML. 09:10:38 <yasufum0> I really hope the feature will accepted in keystone. 09:10:55 <yuta-kazato> :) 09:10:55 <yasufum0> s/will accepted/will be accepted/ 09:12:11 <yasufum0> Thanks yuta-kazato for the discussion. 09:12:28 <yuta-kazato> Thanks too. 09:12:42 <yasufum0> It's over the end of time today, 09:13:00 <yasufum0> so let's close this meeting if no other topic. 09:14:29 <yasufum0> Before closing, I'd share again the schedule of this release as a reminder. 09:14:32 <yasufum0> #link https://releases.openstack.org/antelope/schedule.html 09:15:31 <yasufum0> Please keep in mind that next week is R-5, final-release for client libs. 09:16:05 <yasufum0> Thanks for joining. 09:16:09 <yasufum0> Bye! 09:16:13 <takahashi-tsc> bye 09:16:15 <ueha> thaks, bye 09:16:17 <yuta-kazato> bye 09:16:27 <yasufum0> #endmeeting