08:01:29 <yasufum> #startmeeting tacker 08:01:29 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Mar 14 08:01:29 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:01:29 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:01:29 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:01:50 <yasufum> hi 08:02:07 <yasufum> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting 08:03:34 <yasufum> We have five topics, so lets start from the first one. 08:03:51 <yasufum> #topic Discussion for Tacker Antelope RC2 08:04:19 <yasufum> yuta-kazato: is it your update? 08:05:00 <yuta-kazato> yes. I will explain and propose them. 08:05:29 <yasufum> go ahead please 08:05:43 <yuta-kazato> Thanks 08:06:03 <yuta-kazato> Last week in IRC, RC2 was agreed to. 08:06:44 <yuta-kazato> Then, I updated the status and ethepad for release team. 08:06:56 <yuta-kazato> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-antelope-fixes-rc 08:07:12 <yuta-kazato> As you know, 4 patches have been merged and 1 patch (Extend FT tests for Individual Vnfc Mgmt) has move the target to Bobcat. 08:07:32 <yuta-kazato> Thank you for all your contributions. 08:08:30 <yuta-kazato> However, the last one patch "Enhancement of Tacker API resource access control" have been reviewed.. 08:08:46 <yuta-kazato> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/871224 08:09:19 <yuta-kazato> Summary is given below. 08:09:50 <yuta-kazato> Status: Final reviewing (reviewed by core/PTL and fixed them.) 08:10:02 <yuta-kazato> Reviews: 17 unresolved and 246 resoloved comments. 08:10:12 <yuta-kazato> Updated PS: Patchset 33, PS32 passed Zuul tests. 08:10:35 <yuta-kazato> In fact, 6 reviewers have completed the review of main codes and only document fixes remain. 08:10:41 <yuta-kazato> (unresolved comments by hamano-san.) 08:12:37 <yuta-kazato> Here's a suggestion, I think there has been enough reviews done. 08:13:09 <yuta-kazato> And this patch should be backported to "improve the security features" of Tacker Antelope. 08:13:43 <yuta-kazato> Therefore, we would like to final review and backport in RC2 after the document fix (proposed extend-deadline: 3/15) 08:13:50 <yuta-kazato> Would you understand and agree with this proposal? 08:14:22 <yuta-kazato> That's all updates and proposal from my side, thanks. 08:15:47 <yasufum> thanks 08:17:09 <yasufum> any comment? 08:18:24 <yasufum> You've just suggested to give up one of them. So I don't opposite to the suggestion. 08:19:31 <yasufum> It seems no other comments. 08:19:44 <yasufum> So, move on to the next topic. 08:19:47 <yuta-kazato> Thanks for all your undestading. 08:19:52 <yuta-kazato> As an update, documentation corrections have also been completed at PS35. (waiting for Zuul) 08:19:59 <yuta-kazato> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/871224/34..35 08:20:20 <yasufum> OK, thanks. 08:21:08 <yasufum> Next two items are from ma-ooyama, but it was already merged. 08:21:09 <ueha> I see the CI status of PS35, this patch's UT is failure as for now.. 08:21:25 <yasufum> Sorry, not for the second one. 08:21:50 <yasufum> ma-ooyama: anyway, is there any update for your topics? 08:22:23 <yasufum> Oops, ma-ooyama is not here today. 08:22:44 <yasufum> We can skip them. 08:24:16 <yasufum> Next one is 08:24:21 <yasufum> #topic About how to abandon the past spec which is not valid 08:24:40 <yasufum> edagawa_kc: can you share your topic? 08:25:05 <edagawa_kc> Sure. 08:26:17 <edagawa_kc> I would like to discuss how to abandon the spec which already merged officially. 08:26:42 <edagawa_kc> In Yoga cycle, I have posted the spec and then it has been merged officially. 08:27:07 <edagawa_kc> After that, Asahina-san took over its implementation, and then a change has been posted in this cycle. 08:28:08 <edagawa_kc> The change solves the original problem described in the spec with the different way, so actually the spec is not valid any more. 08:28:59 <edagawa_kc> Therefore, I would like to ask you how I should abandon this spec, although which has been already merged officially. 08:29:11 <edagawa_kc> that's all from my side. 08:31:35 <yasufum> I think we don't need to do anything actually, but any comment? 08:33:34 <takahashi-tsc> I also guess so, but just in case. is it OK to remain the spec which is not implemented? 08:35:29 <yasufum> I think it's the same as some old specs left as unimplemented. 08:36:21 <takahashi-tsc> OK, BTW, blueprint of this spec may be created. Status of the blueprint should be changed? 08:36:47 <yasufum> Ah 08:37:25 <yasufum> Sure, it might be useful. 08:38:03 <takahashi-tsc> OK, thanks. edagawa_kc: please change the status! 08:38:46 <yasufum> Thanks for the suggestion. 08:38:49 <edagawa_kc> I see. I will change the status of the blueprint. Thank you. 08:40:33 <yasufum> OK, let's move on to the final topic of mine. 08:40:49 <yasufum> #topic Schedule of the next vPTG 08:41:30 <yasufum> I just want to fix our planning of the next vPTG. 08:41:56 <yasufum> As described on the etherpad, it's enough three days for our sessions. 08:42:19 <yasufum> The event will be held from 27 to 31 March. 08:42:53 <yasufum> So, I'd suggest that March 28-30 and time slot is the same as previous vPTGs, 05-07 UTC or 15-17 JST. 08:43:21 <yasufum> Agree? 08:43:35 <manpreetk_> Umm in previous PTGs time slot used to be 06-08 UTC, is there any reason for 05-07 UTC?? 08:43:50 <yasufum> Sorry, it's my mistake. You're right. 08:44:19 <manpreetk_> ok no worries. 08:45:43 <yasufum> thanks 08:46:08 <ueha> I agree (March 28-30, *06-08* UTC or 15-17 JST) 08:46:20 <yuta-kazato> +1 08:46:21 <manpreetk_> +1 08:46:28 <takahashi-tsc> +1 08:46:42 <yasufum> thanks all 08:48:25 <yasufum> I'll announce our planning on the ML. 08:49:20 <yasufum> For a cross-project session suggested from hiromu, we also have to schedule it later. 08:49:53 <yasufum> Anyway, it's enough for today. 08:49:55 <yasufum> Thanks. 08:50:15 <yasufum> So, I'd like to close this meeting if no other comment. 08:51:08 <yasufum> Good 08:51:14 <yasufum> Thanks for joining, bye! 08:51:19 <takahashi-tsc> thanks 08:51:22 <manpreetk_> Thanks and Bye. 08:51:23 <edagawa_kc> Bye. 08:51:25 <hiromu> bye 08:51:33 <ueha> thanks, bye 08:51:47 <yasufum> #endmeeting