08:01:38 <yasufum> #startmeeting tacker 08:01:38 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Jun 6 08:01:38 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:01:38 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:01:38 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:02:43 <yasufum> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting 08:03:38 <yasufum> There are two topics, but I'm not sure who is the owner of the first item. 08:04:44 <yuta-kazato> Sorry maybe mine.. I added my name. 08:04:52 <yasufum> OK. 08:05:09 <yasufum> Let's start it. 08:06:13 <yuta-kazato> OK. 08:06:30 <yasufum> #topic Tacker Vancouver June2023 PTG 08:08:14 <yuta-kazato> In last week's IRC, we announced the June 2023 PTG Etherpad, timetable proposals, and participants confirmation. 08:08:49 <yuta-kazato> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/vancouver-june2023-tacker 08:10:03 <yuta-kazato> I update the timetable plans from feedback comments. 08:10:17 <yuta-kazato> 1: 14 Jun. 15:00-16:20 PDT (22:00-23:20 UTC, 7:00-8:20 JST/KST) 08:10:35 <yuta-kazato> 2: 15 Jun. 15:00-17:00 PDT (22:00-0:00 UTC, 7:00-9:00 JST/KST) 08:11:59 <yuta-kazato> PTL also reserved the private room on Day2, thanks. 08:12:57 <yuta-kazato> Reminder: Please your PTG plan (remote or F2F) if you'll join the event before 6th June on "Attendees" (Today!) 08:13:41 <yuta-kazato> We also welcome to add the topics in the next PTG. 08:14:09 <yuta-kazato> That's all from my side. 08:14:12 <yasufum> thanks 08:14:32 <yuta-kazato> Please provide any additional information from PTL and Cores. 08:15:44 <yasufum> Considering the num of topics, it seems we don't need to have two days, but one is enough actually. 08:16:22 <yasufum> Is there any other topic are you guys preparing for? 08:18:21 <yuta-kazato> I added my own 2 topics and the general topic regarding Forum session feedbacks. 08:18:46 <yasufum> hmm 08:19:30 <yasufum> I have one or two candidates, so it might be up to five or six for now. 08:21:30 <yuta-kazato> It seems enough to hold the PTG for one day only.. 08:21:37 <yasufum> What do you think we are going to have our session only Thursday? 08:23:34 <yasufum> Although I'll keep the slot on Wednesday is a spare time. 08:23:59 <yuta-kazato> +1 08:26:05 <yuta-kazato> Is it possible to join PTG by remote at 7:00-9:00 JST/KST for remote members? 08:28:49 <yasufum> I hope it's appropriate for all guys join from remote. 08:28:54 <takahashi-tsc> Maybe, yes... 08:29:45 <yasufum> Anyway, we don't have any other better option actually. 08:30:47 <yasufum> Thanks for your patience. 08:31:10 <ueha> It's early in the morning, but I think I may be able to join.. (we have no critical topic or item for PTG. 08:32:05 <yasufum> thanks 08:32:46 <yasufum> yuta-kazato: Thank you for your contribution for setting up the session. 08:32:58 <yasufum> So, can we go to the next topic? 08:33:04 <yuta-kazato> Thanks too. 08:33:54 <yuta-kazato> The next topic is also from me. 08:34:30 <yasufum> #topic Tacker Spec update plans in Bobcat cycle 08:35:24 <yuta-kazato> Ok, I will share about the Spec update plans from our team. 08:35:42 <yuta-kazato> Our team will schedule for updating the following SPEC enhancements in Bobcat Cycle. 08:36:08 <yuta-kazato> 1) Enhance Placement Process 08:36:16 <yuta-kazato> #link https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/tacker-specs/specs/2023.1/enhance_placement_process.html 08:36:30 <yuta-kazato> 2) Enhancement of Tacker API Resource Access Control 08:36:44 <yuta-kazato> #link https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/tacker-specs/specs/2023.1/enhance-tacker-policy.html 08:37:34 <yuta-kazato> I will summarize the update points. 08:38:58 <yuta-kazato> Regarding 1) Enhance Placement Process, current spec does not support to obtain affinity/anti-affinity rules in the VNFD specified in ETSI NFV-SOL003 v3.3.1. 08:39:06 <yuta-kazato> #link https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/NFV-SOL/001_099/003/03.03.01_60/gs_nfv-sol003v030301p.pdf 08:39:08 <yasufum> Sorry, I'll drop shortly. 08:39:15 <yasufum> come back soon. 08:39:52 <yuta-kazato> Ok 08:42:05 <yasufum> resumed 08:43:34 <yuta-kazato> We propose that it supports to obtain anti-affinity rules in the VNFD and to enhance availability zone reselection to select zones based on the anti-affinity rules. 08:44:33 <yuta-kazato> Next, regarding 2)Enhancement of Tacker API Resource Access Control, current spec is to use an attribute `namespace` for CNF only, not implemented in VNF. 08:46:12 <yuta-kazato> We propose that we use an attribute `tenant` instead of `namespace` (fixed in Antelope's patch review) and implement tenant control for VNF (e.g., project_id). 08:47:04 <yuta-kazato> We welcome your Feedback and agreement! 08:48:28 <yuta-kazato> If there are no problems I will post fix patches for updating these specs. 08:48:42 <yuta-kazato> That's all from my side. 08:48:46 <yasufum> Thanks for your update. 08:51:14 <yasufum> I think it's good proposals for the changes itself, seems nothing negative. 08:53:10 <yasufum> yuta-kazato: Are all the changes tiny updates, so no need to propose other specs, right? 08:55:49 <yuta-kazato> Thanks, these updates refer to ETSI NFV standards, and no other changes will be required. 08:57:15 <yuta-kazato> In other words, there are only enhancements to the each function (spec). 08:57:33 <yasufum> Ok, thanks. 08:59:33 <yasufum> It seems no objections for your item. 09:01:07 <yuta-kazato> Thanks, my next action will post patches to update the Specs and wait for your review. 09:01:53 <yasufum> sure 09:02:33 <yasufum> Thanks 09:03:17 <yasufum> All done, and it's the end of the time for today. 09:03:37 <yasufum> So, I'd close this meeting if no more topics. 09:04:37 <yasufum> good 09:04:46 <yasufum> Thank you for joinig. 09:04:47 <ueha> sorry, will next week's IRC meeting be canceled? 09:04:54 <yasufum> Yes. 09:05:02 <ueha> Okay, thank you. 09:05:28 <ueha> thanks, bye 09:05:34 <takahashi-tsc> bye 09:05:36 <yasufum> See you the next PTG, bye 09:05:37 <yuta-kazato> bye 09:05:46 <yasufum> #endmeeting