08:01:31 <yasufum> #startmeeting tacker 08:01:32 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Jun 20 08:01:31 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:01:32 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:01:32 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:01:44 <yasufum> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting 08:02:42 <yasufum> Two items from yuta-kazato today. 08:03:08 <yasufum> #topic Tacker Vancouver June2023 PTG 08:03:20 <yasufum> yuta-kazato: can you start from the first item? 08:03:29 <yuta-kazato> ok! 08:04:47 <yuta-kazato> Tacker PTG@June 2023 successfully completed its meeting last week. 08:06:07 <yuta-kaz_> sorry connection error occured.. 08:06:59 <yuta-kaz_> [Again] Tacker PTG@June 2023 successfully completed its meeting last week. 08:07:10 <yuta-kaz_> Etherpad is here. 08:07:18 <yuta-kaz_> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/vancouver-june2023-tacker 08:08:00 <yuta-kaz_> We discussed three topics and wrote discussion reports. 08:08:26 <yuta-kaz_> on the Etherpad. Plz kindly check them. 08:08:36 <yuta-kaz_> Thank you for attending! 08:08:47 <yuta-kaz_> That's all from my sides. 08:09:06 <yuta-kaz_> Regarding the firtst item. 08:09:36 <yasufum> thanks 08:10:10 <yasufum> Any comment? 08:10:30 <yasufum> good 08:10:52 <yasufum> So, let's move on to the next one. 08:11:04 <yasufum> #topic Discuss vnfdId format for VNF package API 08:12:23 <yasufum> yuta-kazato: ready? 08:12:36 <yuta-kazato> ok, this item was actually the third topic of the June2023 PTG. 08:13:14 <yuta-kazato> Due to running out of time in PTG, I will discuss details on IRC meeting. 08:13:49 <yuta-kazato> This issue is related to the following bug report. 08:14:05 <yuta-kazato> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/tacker/+bug/2015820 08:15:05 <yuta-kazato> In the summary, ETSI NFV-SOL 003 does not specify the format of vnfdId, but the current v1 ``VNF Package AP`` can only handle vnfdId in UUID v4 format. 08:16:19 <yuta-kazato> Our team investigated ETSI NFV-SOL specification and feedbacks. 08:16:39 <yuta-kazato> NFV-SOL 001: descriptor_id (VNFD ID) string shall comply with an UUID format as specified in IETF RFC 4122. 08:16:59 <yuta-kazato> NFV-SOL 003: Identifier (An identifier with the intention of being globally unique. Representation: string of variable length. in SOL 013) 08:17:08 <yuta-kazato> NFV-SOL 006: No difinition 08:18:42 <yuta-kazato> SOL member also feedbacks us that Package API and LCM APIs should follow SOL003 and the format of the descriptor_id (VNFD ID) is not specified in SOL006, so the restrict of UUID is not neccesary. 08:19:51 <yuta-kazato> Therefore, we proposed the fix plan to remove the UUID constraint and modify it to string of variable length (255) in v1 VNF Package API. 08:21:09 <yuta-kazato> We also analyzed the impacts for existing v1 user that ``No impact due to backward compatibility (string(255) includes UUID v4 string.)`` 08:22:44 <yuta-kazato> We also submit WIP patch for a specific fix. 08:22:56 <yuta-kazato> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/881411 08:23:25 <yuta-kazato> There are two discussion points related this issue. 08:23:34 <yuta-kazato> 1. Gather opinions from existing users using v1 API through PTG and IRC. 08:23:43 <yuta-kazato> 2. Can we add new FT case for $B!H(Bvnfdid$B!I(B string other than UUID v4 format? 08:24:37 <yuta-kazato> That's all from my sides. Sorry for little typos.. 08:25:26 <yasufum> Thanks 08:26:39 <yasufum> The conclusion was agreed among guys from both sides of dev and spec. 08:27:07 <yasufum> So, it might no need to be discussed anymore. 08:27:38 <takahashi-tsc> Yes, I have no objection. 08:29:00 <yuta-kazato> Thank you core and PTL, we would like to continue our review and discussion on the following patch. 08:29:07 <yasufum> yuta-kazato: thx for both items from the previous PTG. 08:29:11 <yuta-kazato> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/881411 08:29:23 <yuta-kazato> Thanks too. 08:30:17 <yasufum> All done for today. 08:30:56 <yasufum> Is there any topic other than on the etherpad? 08:31:14 <yasufum> without notifying our spec freeze is soon. 08:32:49 <yasufum> good 08:34:16 <yasufum> Wrap up the meeting. 08:34:21 <yasufum> Thanks for joining, bye! 08:34:29 <takahashi-tsc> bye 08:34:33 <yu-kinjou> bye 08:34:37 <yuta-kazato> bye 08:34:50 <yasufum> #endmeeting