08:01:17 <yasufum> #startmeeting tacker 08:01:17 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Oct 10 08:01:17 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:01:17 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:01:17 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:01:58 <yasufum> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting 08:02:56 <yasufum> There are three topic although the last one is just a reminder. 08:04:28 <yasufum> Sairam: Is there any update on your topic? 08:04:45 <yasufum> or not here? 08:04:52 <takahashi-tsc> I think Sairam is not here... 08:04:58 <yasufum> ok 08:05:00 <takahashi-tsc> I have not heard any progress from him. 08:05:28 <yasufum> I wonder it's not fixed yet other than tacker. 08:06:15 <yasufum> Anyway, I'd like continue on the next meeting. 08:06:25 <yasufum> The second topic is mine. 08:07:17 <yasufum> It's just a sharing caracal schedule. 08:07:50 <yasufum> It has been started and now is R-25, 08:08:08 <yasufum> and we'll have the next vPTG 23-27 Oct. 08:09:11 <yasufum> Proposals from team will be discussed on the event, and fixed feature freeze hopefully. 08:09:33 <yasufum> So, please prepare your proposals. 08:09:43 <yasufum> for the event. 08:10:06 <yasufum> Any comment? 08:11:16 <yasufum> good 08:12:24 <yasufum> For the next vPTG, I've booked our rooms and setup etherpad page for tacker. 08:12:46 <yasufum> #link https://ptg.opendev.org/ptg.html 08:12:56 <yasufum> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/oct2023-ptg-tacker 08:14:12 <yasufum> Please update the ehterpad if you are going to join the event. 08:14:16 <yasufum> Thanks. 08:15:23 <ueha> Thank you, I will update and share to my team. 08:15:31 <yasufum> thanks 08:16:09 <yasufum> Done all for today. 08:16:40 <yasufum> So, let's close this meeting if you have no more topic. 08:17:12 <yasufum> Thank you for joining, bye! 08:17:19 <ueha> Thanks, bye 08:17:36 <yasufum> #endmeeting