08:01:49 #startmeeting tacker 08:01:49 Meeting started Tue May 14 08:01:49 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:01:49 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:01:49 The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:02:16 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting 08:03:06 Let's start to check the current status of the first item. 08:04:26 AT-KyawMyoThant: Is there any update on that? 08:04:35 or takahashi-tsc? 08:04:47 There is no update from our side. 08:06:08 OKO 08:06:13 OK 08:09:27 I think it might be OK to fix it to Rocky. 08:10:21 If everyone here agree to the proposal. 08:10:36 What do you think guys? 08:11:33 no objection from myside. 08:11:40 We will remove the Centos content from the installation documentation. 08:11:48 I think it is good in the situation of OpenStack and our side. 08:11:49 In the future, it would be a good idea to add Rocky Linux content to the installation documentation after someone tests it on Rocky Linux. 08:12:17 Thanks 08:13:03 The next item is for spec in this cycle. 08:14:50 As I mentioned at the previous vPTG, I'm going to propose a spec for performance improvement of some APIs. 08:15:34 It might be at the end of this month or next. 08:16:11 And I have one more possible proposal next. 08:16:29 I'd like to share about my specs in the next meeting. 08:16:39 So, it's just an announcement for now. 08:16:42 Thanks. 08:16:48 Is there any comment? 08:17:56 We haven't set a target for spec freeze yet, but is it around the end of next month? 08:18:43 I guess so. 08:19:26 because it might be just one or two proposals in this cycle. 08:19:51 Thanks, I got it. 08:19:55 So, it's might be enough for review for a month. 08:20:07 yeah, thanks. 08:21:54 I've noted the spec freeze on the etherpad as a reminder. 08:22:42 Any other comment, or close this meeting? 08:23:46 good 08:24:13 Let's close this meeting. 08:24:27 Thank you for joining, bye! 08:24:31 thanks, bye 08:24:34 bye 08:24:34 thanks, bye 08:24:37 Thanks, bye 08:24:40 thanks, bye 08:24:42 #endmeeting