08:02:31 #startmeeting tacker 08:02:31 Meeting started Tue Jul 9 08:02:31 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:02:31 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:02:31 The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:03:02 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting 08:03:36 It seems nothing update on the etherpad 08:04:26 I'll share the current status of my items. 08:05:13 For SQLAlchemy2.0, I've almost fixed, but still issues are remained. 08:06:25 I'm not sure when it can be done actually, 08:06:54 but we have not so much time remained for this release. 08:08:34 If it cannot be fixed until next week, I'm going to skip the remained tests 08:09:15 as a workaround 08:09:34 Thanks... Hmm, it seems to be difficult issues... Yes, I agree that we will skip tests for development progress. 08:09:36 to avoid the worst case. 08:10:52 Yeah, It's might be a problem other than tacker possibly from our analysis. 08:11:47 Anyway, we'll make the decision next week, thanks. 08:11:55 Thanks 08:12:32 For the second item on the etherpad, I'll upload my spec until the end of this week. 08:12:43 So sorry to be late. 08:13:25 And the third topic from Tatsuji, I've reviewed it and LGTM. 08:13:26 OK, I will review the spec soon when tou upload it. 08:13:34 thanks. 08:14:34 The last item about dropping kuryr-kubernetes, 08:17:25 I've started to make it clear how we replace networking depending management of kuryr-kubernetes 08:18:22 and how we setup octavia which is done by kuryr. 08:19:11 It's because we still need to manage k8s's network and have load-balancer without kuryr. 08:19:34 That's all 08:20:06 Is there any comment? 08:20:12 Or close this meeting? 08:20:32 Thanks, and I can see your email to TC in order to ask them to wait to remove repo. 08:20:41 Is it related to your work, right? 08:20:50 yes 08:21:09 OK, thank you for your great work. 08:21:13 No other comments. 08:21:18 thanks. 08:21:42 OK 08:22:01 Let's wrap up this meeting. 08:22:11 Thank you for joining, bye! 08:22:15 bye! 08:22:22 #endmeeting