08:05:36 #startmeeting tacker 08:05:36 Meeting started Tue Jan 14 08:05:36 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:05:36 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:05:36 The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:06:05 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting 08:07:14 we have nothing new item for today. 08:07:54 But we need to update the plan for spec freeze. 08:08:41 Although we've set the target date as 31th Dec last year, it's not been merged yet. 08:10:09 I've already upload a proposal, and other two proposals are expected to be uploaded from kddi. 08:11:04 For my spec, there are tiny comments still remained. 08:11:29 it's just a tiny confirmations and going go be fixed soon. 08:11:54 On the other hand, I don't know the current status of KDDI's specs. 08:12:09 takahashi-tsc: Do you know anything about? 08:12:32 No... Did KDDI contact you? I heard that they are not convenient with this meeting time. 08:14:02 I have nothing from them actually. 08:15:51 Hmm... we need to confirm with them about the spec freeze date. 08:16:46 I've just updated the date to 28 Jan, but want to fix in this meeting. 08:17:32 In my opinion, it's OK. 08:17:53 thanks. 08:17:57 I don't want to make it any later than end of Jan. 08:18:05 agree. 08:18:50 By the way, do you have any idea to hear the current status from KDDI? 08:19:39 I think we can setup a follow up meeting if it's necessary. 08:20:36 agree, meeting, or just small talk using #tacker IRC. 08:20:50 Both is OK for me. 08:22:59 Anyway, I'll ask koba-san by e-mail once. 08:23:08 Thanks. 08:23:37 thanks. 08:23:45 Any other topic, or close this meeting? 08:23:57 Nothing from my side. 08:24:01 OK 08:24:13 Thanks for joining, bye! 08:24:27 bye 08:24:38 #endmeeting