08:01:34 #startmeeting tacker 08:01:34 Meeting started Tue Feb 18 08:01:34 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:01:34 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:01:34 The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:02:01 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting 08:02:39 Let's start from the first item. 08:03:05 The first topic is about the next vPTG. 08:03:38 It's already announced that it will be held from 7th to 11th April. 08:04:43 And we've asked to reply on the team survey site. 08:04:59 #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/message/GPE672CBWJXGVDTJM2YY4GIKOZRRV7RD/ 08:05:56 Although I'm not sure if we have any topic should be discussed on the vPTG, 08:06:11 especially for a new development item, 08:07:12 I'm going to proposed to have our team session 08:07:52 because we might need to discuss about some topics for code maintenance at least 08:08:00 In my opinion, at least we need to discuss test improvement, and KDDI members might have development item. So I suggest to have a vPTG slot. 08:08:01 suchas improving FTs 08:08:14 yeah, sure. 08:08:17 Sorry, you are saying same thing as mine. 08:08:32 thx for your comment :) 08:09:09 So, I'm going to fill the survey soon. 08:09:58 Let's go to the next item. 08:11:05 There are two patches proposed for FT improvement and it's under reviewing. 08:12:13 I'm doing review for the patches. 08:12:27 Please you also join. 08:13:01 And the third item is about another spec proposal. 08:13:08 from KDDI. 08:14:08 The update itself is not uploaded on zuul yet. We'll wait for a while. 08:14:46 Yes. For the Ansible Driver enhancement, I will upload the code to Gerrit today or tomorrow. 08:14:56 good 08:15:26 Thanks for your comment. 08:15:59 Sorry for not being IRC for a while. 08:16:36 it's ok 08:16:53 Anyway, the code and docs are WIP, so I will upload them soon. 08:17:11 understand 08:18:10 Then, the forth and the final item is for discussing about compliance test 08:18:15 from Shivam. 08:18:36 shivam: could you share your topic shortly? 08:18:41 yes 08:19:11 This topic is continuation of earlier discussed topic "Refactoring High Time-Consuming V1 Functional Test Cases". 08:20:02 Currently, the compliance test cases are in a non-voting state, and several test cases are failing during the Zuul build. 08:20:53 On the Gerrit patch, some fixes have already been applied to address issues from the Tacker side. However, there are still some issues that need to be addressed from the TST side. 08:21:59 Considering the timeline, our approach is to focus on reducing the execution time for the compliance tests in this cycle first. 08:22:25 Fixing the failing tests due to TST issue will be handled later on. 08:23:15 I would like to know community members opinion that Is it ok to keep non-voting and failed tests in their current state for now, as we prioritize reducing the execution time? 08:23:35 Thanks 08:23:57 thanks 08:24:20 I've roughly understand about the current status of the tests. 08:25:48 I think it might be OK to the compliance tests are remained as non-voting 08:26:49 because we'll have not so much patches at the end of this cycle 08:27:29 and it's not so critical for us. 08:29:06 For the fix proposal, 08:29:14 I don't have any comment for now. 08:29:38 okay 08:29:58 Is there any comment? 08:30:24 good 08:31:34 shivam: By the way, I've just started to review your patch for reducing the time of v1 tests. Sorry for waiting for a long time. 08:31:58 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/939386 08:31:59 it's ok 08:32:20 OK 08:32:31 So, let's close this meeting. 08:32:40 Thank you for joining, bye! 08:32:44 bye 08:33:00 #endmeeting