08:03:06 <yasufum> #startmeeting tacker 08:03:07 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Mar 11 08:03:06 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:03:07 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:03:07 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' 08:03:38 <yasufum> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting 08:04:05 <yasufum> So, let's start the meeting. 08:05:49 <yasufum> Thanks all for the comments on the etherpad last week. I've read all comments and added mine. 08:06:19 <yasufum> I'd like to discuss about it later, but start from the first item. 08:07:17 <yasufum> The first item is about the rest of patches for the topic. 08:08:31 <yasufum> There are two topics waiting for review and one from shivam needs some more discussion. 08:09:25 <yasufum> However, another one is ready to be merged after fixing some tiny comments. 08:09:33 <yasufum> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/939386 08:11:26 <yasufum> I guess there is no comment for the patch any more here. 08:11:34 <yasufum> So, move on to the next item. 08:12:29 <yasufum> The second item is also about a proposed patch. 08:13:10 <yasufum> I've already add tiny comments, but it's OK to be merged after fixing them. 08:13:31 <yasufum> Please you guys also join reviewing. Thanks. 08:14:45 <yasufum> Let's move on to the third topic. 08:16:43 <yasufum> I've roughly understood the first discussion point was the period of periodic jobs and nothing decided yet. 08:16:48 <yasufum> Is that correct? 08:17:22 <shivam> yes 08:17:38 <yasufum> thx 08:19:58 <yasufum> I agree running as daily job is too noisy, but have no idea which of weekly or monthly is better actually. 08:20:40 <takahashi-tsc> I personally agree that to move some tests to weekly. monthly seems to be too long... 08:20:47 <yasufum> Do you guys think monthly is enough for checking as hi-koba suggested? 08:21:01 <yasufum> takahashi-tsc: sure 08:21:50 <yasufum> I changed the jobs to weekly quickly for the reason. 08:23:45 <takahashi-tsc> Current your patch (https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/942762) looks good to me, I think we can discuss this direction in the gerrit patch comments. 08:24:12 <yasufum> yeah 08:25:29 <yasufum> However, here is a compromise, we can run less prioritized ones as monthly. 08:26:20 <takahashi-tsc> Yes, I also think it is "first step", and need to discuss more improvement. 08:27:14 <yasufum> OK 08:28:31 <yasufum> We should this patch ASAP since there are several patch updates expected, 08:28:39 <yasufum> because it's RC1 week. 08:29:04 <yasufum> So, it's OK to merge at once and continue to the discussion? 08:29:47 <takahashi-tsc> Ah... w-juso and shivam, is it OK to merge it? 08:30:07 <w-juso> yes 08:30:14 <shivam> yes 08:30:19 <yasufum> thanks 08:31:29 <yasufum> One more thing. Is it also OK to change v1 tests to monthly jobs? 08:32:23 <takahashi-tsc> which tests? tacker-ft-v1-userdata-vnflcm ? 08:33:03 <yasufum> I mean the four v1 tests listed on my commit message. 08:33:36 <yasufum> - tacker-ft-v1-userdata-multi-tenant 08:33:38 <yasufum> - tacker-ft-v1-userdata-separated-nfvo 08:33:40 <yasufum> - tacker-ft-v1-k8s-multi-tenant 08:33:42 <yasufum> - tacker-ft-v1-tosca-vnflcm 08:33:51 <takahashi-tsc> Ah OK, hmm... personally I think OK. 08:35:34 <takahashi-tsc> Should we also decide it today? 08:36:01 <takahashi-tsc> At least, they are moved to weekly. 08:37:56 <yasufum> Any other comment? 08:39:32 <yasufum> OK 08:39:56 <w-juso> I would like to confirm if there is a possibility that the multi tenant test will not be able to confirm Keystone early. 08:41:28 <yasufum> sorry, what do you mean? 08:43:31 <takahashi-tsc> I guess, he think "xxx-multi-tenant-xxx" have a different testing point of view, such as keystone integration, so need to check affects. 08:44:39 <takahashi-tsc> Some v2 testing might include this points, so I think we should also investigate if v2 are enough from keystone integration point of view. 08:45:26 <yasufum> hmm 08:48:00 <yasufum> Good point. I think it might be enough only run v2, but not sure. 08:50:20 <takahashi-tsc> so... Should we also decide it today? We can once merge current your patch now. We can discuss it later and if required, will submit patch to change them to monthly. 08:51:05 <yasufum> No need to do today, but sooner is better. 08:52:25 <yasufum> But we don't have so many time left today, so I'd agree. 08:55:07 <takahashi-tsc> Thanks, then, is my understanding correct? 1. merge yasufumi-san's patch soon (weekly periodic) 2. merge current other patches 3. (RC1 fix) 4. discuss if making some monthly and if required 08:55:18 <yasufum> yes 08:55:46 <takahashi-tsc> 4. discuss if making some monthly and if required submit patch for maonthly 08:55:51 <takahashi-tsc> OK, thanks 08:56:42 <yasufum> Can I confirm the second point in last week next, a concern from shivam? 08:58:22 <yasufum> says "if we divide testcases (vnflcm_userdata and compliance) it will increase number of testcases in check queue which will increase node consumption again" 08:59:56 <yasufum> and there is no good way to ease the bad situaion. 09:00:04 <yasufum> Is it correct? 09:01:11 <shivam> yes, because that way we will again come to the problem of high resource consumption 09:03:24 <yasufum> If so, I think we should consider to drop some of tests from zuul after all. 09:04:16 <yasufum> Although I appreciate if there are some more good strategies... 09:06:14 <yasufum> My comment added to the last of your thread, drop five v1 tests, is just an idea. 09:06:44 <yasufum> In the case we drop some tests. 09:07:40 <shivam> ok 09:07:58 <yasufum> Anyway, let's continue to discuss about the issue. 09:08:41 <yasufum> It's over the end of this meeting. 09:09:03 <yasufum> So, let's close the meeting if no more comments. 09:10:01 <yasufum> good 09:10:12 <yasufum> Thank you for joining, bye! 09:10:21 <takahashi-tsc> bye 09:10:26 <w-juso> thanks, bye! 09:10:34 <yasufum> #endmeeting