20:02:53 <ttx> #startmeeting tc 20:02:54 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Dec 18 20:02:53 2012 UTC. The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:02:55 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:02:57 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tc' 20:02:59 <ttx> Agenda for today is: 20:03:03 <ttx> #link http://wiki.openstack.org/Governance/TechnicalCommittee 20:03:12 <ttx> #topic Update on the "Future of Incubation / core" joint committee 20:03:17 <ttx> markmc: quick update ? 20:03:39 <markmc> sure 20:03:50 <markmc> had quite a productive meeting actually 20:03:58 <markmc> got more into the incubation process 20:04:07 <markmc> how projects are "trained" to follow our processes 20:04:25 <markmc> how CI starts taking more of an interest in helping incubating projects 20:04:39 <ttx> also raised an interesting question about trademark analysis 20:04:42 <markmc> how incubating projects being part of the devstack gate should become more of a hard requirement 20:04:53 <ttx> on project codenames 20:04:56 <markmc> indeed, trademark 20:05:12 <markmc> how the legal committee could provide kind of consultative help when choosing new project names 20:05:32 <markmc> how part of a project graduating is a qualitative analysis 20:05:44 <markmc> i.e. we should have some sort of quality level we require 20:05:51 <markmc> and how we go about making that call 20:06:09 <markmc> and then we started getting into the whole "what does core mean" 20:06:23 <markmc> jbryce had a nice summary of core vs "part of the release" 20:06:41 <markmc> that core is a label the board can attach to projects in the integrated release 20:06:53 <markmc> and then we were out of time 20:07:02 <ttx> we have one more this Thursday. 20:07:06 <markmc> we'll get more into the "what does core mean" on thursday 20:07:10 <markmc> </summary? 20:07:13 <markmc> </summary> 20:07:20 <ttx> Thanks! 20:07:26 <ttx> questions before we move on ? 20:07:43 <russellb> some of that seems a little tangential, but good discussion anyway, i guess 20:08:06 <russellb> thanks for the update 20:08:09 <annegentle_> markmc: were there notes? 20:08:19 <annegentle_> markmc: was there another invite sent out for this Thurs? 20:08:25 <markmc> annegentle_, yes to both 20:08:27 <markmc> one sec 20:08:31 <ttx> annegentle_: https://etherpad.openstack.org/IncUp 20:08:31 <markmc> actually, yes and no 20:08:49 <markmc> ttx, notes moved from etherpad to http://wiki.openstack.org/Governance/Foundation/IncubationUpdate2013 20:08:56 <ttx> oh, great 20:09:08 <ttx> #link http://wiki.openstack.org/Governance/Foundation/IncubationUpdate2013 20:09:14 <ttx> any other question ? 20:09:16 <markmc> no invite for this week yet 20:09:41 <AlanClark> I'll go check to see why the invite didn't go out 20:09:48 <ttx> #topic Discussion: Potential Grizzly schedule changes to match probable summit date 20:09:57 <ttx> The Foundation events staff is busy securing a location for the next summit... 20:10:05 <ttx> On the dates side, 40% chances it's Apr 15-18, 60% chances it's Apr 29 - May 2 20:10:13 <ttx> The issue for us is that it's a week before or later than the "ideal" week 20:10:29 <ttx> (ideal week being the one which leaves two full weeks between release week and summit week to prepare, like we did in Folsom) 20:10:39 <ttx> In the case it's one week before, no big deal, we'll just have less time to prepare for summit 20:10:49 <ttx> But if it's the week after, we have 3 full weeks between release week and summit week. 20:10:57 <ttx> I think that's too late in the cycle to have good design discussions at the summit. 20:11:07 <ttx> People would either get started way earlier in implementation, or lose too much time waiting for summit sessions to happen. 20:11:19 <ttx> ideally I would like to limit the amount of time between Grizzly feature freeze and H summit to 8-9 weeks max to avoid that 20:11:39 <ttx> If we don't change the release schedule (and the summit happens Apr 29-May 2, that will be 10 weeks for Grizzly. 20:11:46 <ttx> (in comparison, we had 7 weeks in Essex and 9 weeks in Folsom) 20:12:04 <ttx> So I would like us to look into potential adaptations, so that if we need any, we can push them during the holiday period rather than wait for next year's meetings 20:12:17 <jgriffith> +1 for adjusting to fit the summit 20:12:26 <ttx> Those options are mostly around pushing back final Grizzly release date, in the case Apr29-May 2 ends up being chosen 20:12:43 <ttx> Note that it's probably a one-off thing, next times we should know the date well before the release schedule is set up 20:12:49 <russellb> sounds good to me ... and push the freeze out a week too? 20:12:50 <ttx> I have a PDF showing various options for this scenario: 20:12:54 <ttx> #link http://ubuntuone.com/25a7M1o3jyNAjBUTOfZkHx 20:12:58 <markmc> I don't love that are schedule is driven by event planning considerations, in general 20:13:07 <markmc> but no real issue with pushing it out a week or two 20:13:12 <markmc> if planned well in advance 20:13:20 <ttx> Option A is the "no change" option, just accept having three full weeks between release week and summit week, and 10 weeks between feature freeze and summit 20:13:37 <ttx> Option B1 is pushing back G3 and release one week away. Main issue with this one is that I'm skiing that week. 20:13:49 <ttx> (so someone else would have to handle the final push toward feature freeze and publish that milestone) 20:13:58 <ttx> Option B2 is the same as B1, but taking the opportunity to push back G2 as well 20:14:09 <ttx> Option C is solving the skiing issue by pushing G3 *two* weeks off and have "only" 5 weeks of RC period between G3 and release (like we did for Essex) 20:14:21 <ttx> (means 8 weeks between feature freeze and summit and also pushing back G2 one week off) 20:14:29 <ttx> Finally, option D pushes back *both* G3 and release two weeks off. 20:14:30 <annegentle_> ttx: and others is it your instinct that people would appreciate a Jan 17th milestone based on how much they're trying to get into G2? 20:14:54 <ttx> annegentle_: that's one nice side-effect of B2, C and D 20:15:09 <ttx> (option D leaves only one full week between release week and summit week, and I know we all appreciated having two full weeks after Folsom release) 20:15:16 <ttx> Thoughts ? 20:15:22 <markmc> yeah, I'm sure there'd be general happiness with pushing g2 out a week :) 20:15:24 <ttx> My slight preference would be to go with option C with a pretty anal feature freeze 20:15:24 <annegentle_> B2 or C seem good to me 20:15:36 <bcwaldon> +1 to annegentle_ 20:15:46 <ttx> so the shortebed Rc period does not have adverse effects 20:15:52 <ttx> shortened* 20:16:14 <russellb> B2 or C seem fine ... but it's C of those 2 unless someone wants to drive the release of grizzly-3, right? 20:16:21 <markmc> did much happen in the last week of rc in folsom? 20:16:22 <bcwaldon> C it is! 20:16:22 <ttx> russellb: yes 20:16:34 <russellb> bcwaldon: +1 :) 20:16:37 <ttx> markmc: not so much 20:17:06 <ttx> markmc: I think if we are more careful with the feature freeze and landing all stuff by G3... we have less of an issue with 5 weeks of RC 20:17:32 <ttx> 6 weeks was kinda nice but we also had a lot of Feature Freeze abuse after Folsom-3 20:17:39 <markmc> yeah, C it is - don't imagine anyone too eager to be ttx for grizzly-3 :) 20:18:16 <ttx> OK, so we don't change anything if summit is the week of Apr 15 20:18:28 <ttx> And we use option C if the summit ends up on the week of Apr 29 20:18:38 <russellb> hm, really? what about shorten RC to 5 weeks if summit moves up? 20:18:42 <russellb> if we think 5 is enough? 20:18:47 <russellb> 2 weeks before summit is really nice ... 20:18:54 <ttx> Ah. 20:19:21 <ttx> That's one option yes. I'd like to only change the release date for a good reason though 20:19:33 <jgriffith> ttx: when would we *know* WRT the summit dates? 20:19:49 <ttx> so.. are we more attached to keeping release date or to two full weeks of summit prep ? 20:20:01 <ttx> jgriffith: they promised me in the next 72 hours 20:20:12 * jgriffith votes 2 weeks of summit prep 20:20:13 <ttx> jgriffith: but last week they promised the final decision for today 20:20:16 <russellb> 2 weeks of summit prep personally 20:20:19 <jgriffith> ttx: hehe 20:20:34 <ttx> russellb: that means releasing on March 28 20:20:54 <ttx> and rewriting all those slides that say "in April" 20:21:08 <russellb> who ever got in trouble for finishing a project early 20:21:14 <ttx> I'm fine with it, I like to confuse everyone 20:21:26 <ttx> vishy: opinion ? 20:21:35 <markmc> how about we aim for a very quite last week of rc 20:21:47 <markmc> quiet, dammit 20:21:49 <ttx> danwent: same -- you're the most RC-busy projects 20:22:03 <vishy> I don't like shortening the schedule for sure 20:22:19 <ttx> markmc: +1 20:22:35 <ttx> Let's aim for a quiet release week if summit is on Apr 15 20:22:39 <vishy> extending g2 1 week and g3 1 week seems fine 20:22:50 <vishy> which option was that? 20:23:07 <ttx> vishy: oh, we are exploring the case if the sumit is on Apr 15 now 20:23:13 <mordred> o/ 20:23:27 <ttx> We settled for option C in the case the summit is on Apr 29 20:23:37 <vishy> Apr 15 i say no change 20:23:37 <heckj> vishy: +1 20:24:01 <vishy> sorry i was behind :) 20:24:08 <ttx> vishy: OK -- and we'll try to make a calm release week to have a bit more time to prepare summit 20:24:27 * annegentle_ lights calm candles 20:24:41 <ttx> #info If summit is on Apr 15 -- no change in schedule 20:25:24 <russellb> any info you can leak on location? :) 20:25:38 <ttx> #info If summit is on Apr 29 -- push back G2 one week, G3 two weeks, release one week. 20:26:00 <ttx> russellb: not yet :) 20:26:12 <markmc> I heard it's in europe 20:26:19 <ttx> it's in the US for sure 20:26:24 <ttx> (the April one) 20:26:24 <markmc> heh :) 20:26:25 <mordred> ttx: also, they're working on getting the I summit scheduled/booked so that we know where it is by the H summit, right? 20:26:37 * markmc tries to get vicious rumours started :) 20:26:40 <ttx> mordred: yes. It should be international 20:26:51 <ttx> and location secured before the H summit 20:26:56 <mordred> GREAT 20:26:59 <ttx> #topic Ongoing discussion: Distro & Python 2.6/3.x support policy 20:27:00 <mordred> that will be quite lovely 20:27:03 * vishy looks around. 20:27:06 <ttx> mtaylor: You said you would push a clear motion to the ML to reboot the discussion 20:27:12 <vishy> someone is starting my rumors! 20:27:15 <ttx> mtaylor: looks like it will be for next year meeting now :) 20:27:19 <mordred> ttx: I did say that didn't I? 20:27:25 * mordred accepts chastisement 20:27:52 <ttx> Do you have a teaser version of it we could talk about today ? 20:28:04 <markmc> vishy, from here on in, I'm gonna think of you as Sid Vishy 20:28:06 <mordred> it was basically the summary from the last thread 20:28:17 <vishy> lol 20:28:52 <mordred> ttx: "we should continue dev focus for the latest ubuntu, but ensure that we don't do anything that fundamentally breaks the latest rhel" 20:28:54 <lifeless> Python 4 three-eva ? 20:29:11 <markmc> dev focus on latest ubuntu and fedora :) 20:29:31 <markmc> also, continue to support 2.6.x until it's blocking someone with patches getting 3.x support done 20:29:35 <markmc> ? 20:29:35 <mordred> markmc: for all intents and purposes for dev, that's probably the same 20:29:47 <mordred> markmc: I don't think we need to be that explicit 20:29:57 <mordred> markmc: I don't think we can drop 2.6 until there is a rhel that has 2.7 20:30:07 <mordred> markmc: based on the prior statement 20:30:32 <mordred> and once there is, we'll have an ubuntu lts and a rhel with 2.7 - so there wouldnt' be a compelling reason to keep 2.6 around 20:30:50 <markmc> heh 20:30:57 * markmc avoids repeating the whole thread again 20:30:59 <mordred> and we know for a fact that once we start trying to get 3.x patches done, we will immediately run in to 2.6 issues 20:31:21 <mordred> but, for now at least, I think my statement above doesn't really change anything for anybody, right? 20:31:42 <mordred> (it's clarification on the current policy, which is "we target latest ubuntu") 20:32:00 <markmc> not until there's a rhel with 2.7 or someone sooner than that with 3.x patches 20:32:09 <markmc> and then the whole discussion would start again :) 20:32:15 <mordred> markmc: I'm open to that 20:32:21 <ttx> mordred: ok, you can turn that into a proper motion to be discussed on the ML..; and we can decide on it at the next meeting 20:32:23 <markmc> "we target latest ubuntu/fedora" 20:32:35 <mordred> markmc: ok. btw ... 20:32:53 <mordred> markmc: since we're expressing the current justification for supporting 2.6 in terms of liking RHEL... 20:33:12 <mordred> markmc: you think there's any chance someone at redhat might be interested in helping port our jenkins_slave puppet template to be able to run on a rhel host? 20:33:29 <mordred> because that's our current blocker in running our 2.6 tests on rhel instead of ubuntu oneiric 20:33:34 <markmc> mordred, yes, definitely 20:33:37 <mordred> markmc: great! 20:33:48 <mordred> check it out - people helping each other :) 20:33:51 <ttx> mordred: anything more on the subject ? 20:33:57 <mordred> ttx: nope 20:34:12 <mordred> ttx: when markmc and I agree on things, I consider the subject closed 20:34:13 <ttx> questions ? mordred WILL push a thread on the ML for further discussion anyway 20:34:21 <ttx> right ? 20:34:28 * mordred whistles 20:34:32 <ttx> #topic Skipping next weeks meetings 20:34:40 <ttx> So... next Tuesdays happen to be Christmas and New Year's day. 20:34:49 <ttx> My suggestion would be to hold our next TC meeting on January 8. 20:35:05 <heckj> ttx: +1 - that's the next keystone meeting as well 20:35:05 <ttx> Sounds good ? 20:35:09 <mordred> ++ 20:35:14 <markmc> school's out! 20:35:21 * jgriffith realizes he needs to go shopping 20:35:25 <ttx> we'll probably do the same fate to the release status meeting in half an hour 20:35:36 <ttx> #topic Open discussion 20:35:42 <ttx> Anything else anyone ? 20:37:03 <ttx> Alrighty then. 23 minutes recess 20:37:08 <ttx> #endmeeting